[Low Carb Delish] Avocado Salad by Lynn

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I have been a bad, bad girl lately (forgive my sins of spring) So this is the deal. I've brought you something delicious, low carb friendly and if there's fat in here, I promise it's the good kind!

* 1 large avocado (or two and a half of those cute Hass avocados. They are smaller, but texture wise, are less watery and more yum!)
* 1 lbs asparagus
* olive oil to drizzle
* 4 eggs
* 1/2 cup chopped dill (I love dill... it's so feathery I could die)

* 1 lemon
* 2 Tbsp olive oil
* sea salt
* pepper

How do we do it?
1. Preheat oven to 400F. Think wonderful thoughts, but I'd rather recommend bringing water to boil in a pot while you are at it.

2. Trim the ends of the asparagus, put them on a baking sheet like good little soldiers and drizzle with a little bit of olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Roast those babies for 5-10 minutes depending on how crunchy you like them.

3. Remember that pot? That's where your eggs go. Boil them for 8 minutes.

4. In the meantime, half, pit, peel and cube avocado. Put it all in a nice bowl where it can play with all the ingredients later.

5. Add dill to avocado.

6. Cut up roasted asparagus into bite size pieces and add to other ingredients.

7. Peel and cut eggs into wedges and add to the bowl.

So many purrrty colors!

8. Now, the vinaigrette: In a small cup blend together juice of whole lemon, olive oil, sea salt and pepper, then drizzle over salad and mix it up!

9. Serve immediately, while there's a lot of beautiful green to feast your eyes and feed your tummy.

Here it is, with a bit of grilled shrimp!

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