Getting Better

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(I twas reading some old comments on tis 'ere story and it's prequel and I 'ave come ta 2 conclusions. Ye all insane and I be too.
Now tis chapter gunna revolve around yer favorite little grape and a character ye might have forgoten already. Shame on ye!)

Vincent's POV
The hospital has gotten a lot better sence Rays was arrested. The staff were kinder, I was no longer threatened with needles, and I even got to have group discussions with the other inmates.
The only thing I don't understand was
Where was nurse Raft?
She couldn't have left could she? No she loved this job.
Did I scare her when she heard of my breakout?
Did she leave town?
None of the other nurses seem to know. All the staff know is that Dr. Rays had said she was leaving state to live with some relatives and had resigned.

Nurse Raft didn't have any relatives out of state.

We used to talk for hours before she'd give me my medication. She wanted to get to know me.

She was the kindest person I had ever met. She was almost mother like to her patients and was considered an angel among darkness and yet why would she up and leave us without saying a word. If she couldn't tell us, why not the other nurses? How strange-


I was cut short of my thoughts.

"You got a visitor, I'm going to need you to slide this on bud." I turned around starring at one of the costodens, Robert he was holding a straight Jacket out for me.


I walked over and slipping it on while he did up the straps.
That was one of the great improvements sence Rays left. Instead of wearing our straight jackets all the time, we only had to wear them if we were being moved or being disruptive.

Robert and I walked through the hallways till we got to the vistor room. I smiled when I saw the face of my beloved. Robert unstraps the straight jacket straps.

Scott smiled warmly back.
I sat in the chair across from him. A pane of glass and a table between us. We both picked up the telephones on our respective sides.

"Hey there Vinny."

"Hi Scott!"

"How've you been love?"

"Great! You won't believe how much better things have gotten."

He smiled softly.

"That's good."

"What about your side? How's Jeremy been?"

I knew he had to still have to be furious with me maybe worse. I know I would be too. But I want to be better I actually want whatever madness I have in me to go away. I want to live a life outside of this. But inorder to do this there are certain respects I mist pay.
Jeremy being one of them.

"Still grieving. He gets pretty angry when ever I leave to see you."

I look down and nodded.

"I understand. What I did to them was terrible. What I did to Mike."

I could feel the tears start to whell in my eyes.

"I thought they were going to take you away. You were the only bit of kindness I have in this world. I..." I started to sob looking down I couldn't bare to look at him.

"Hey hey, it's alright. You understand what you did wrong. That's one step closer to bringing you back to sanity."

I wipe my tears away and smiles.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

He puts his hand on the glass and I do the same.

"We'll get you out of here I promise. You just stay good ok?"

I nod.

"I love you Vinny."

"I love you too Scotty."

We shared a moment of silence before Scott's phone rung.

He looked down and sighed.

"It's Jeremy."

"Go take it."

"You sure?"

"Yeah you can come visit me later."

I smile calmly.

"Ok. See you later Vinny. Love you."

"Love you too, so much."

He blew a kiss at me before leaving the room.

Robert came back and strapped me up to take me back to the main social room.

Scott's POV
I sighed once I was out of the room and answered my phone.

"Oh thank god! I thought he got you!"

"What? Who's got me?"

"That purple monster!"

"Vincent isn't a monster Jere he's just sick."


"He's trying to get better Jere."

"Does it matter! Have you forgotten what he's done?!"

"No I haven't." I sighed again. I didn't want to have this conversation over the phone.

"Look Jere. I know how much Mike ment to you. He was my best friend since high school. But Vincent is really trying to get better he want to be free."

"Why?! So he can wander the streets and murder someone else?!"

"Jeremy stop it!" I yelled.

There was silence.

"Look I'm sorry Jere. I'll talk to you later ok?"


He hung up.

I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall.

Vincent's getting better. He's going to contiue getting better I know it. Jere will see it and will understand.


Vincent's POV
I sat with my friends. Jess dignosed with schizophrenia and Oscar/Harvey spilt personality. Jess smiles at me brightly.

"Who wanted ta see ya Vin-Vin?"

Jess was a bleach blond, (litteraly) tied in a ponytail. Blue eyes and the thinnest frame I've ever seen on a healthy person. Always bubbly and smiling. Her hallucinations were pretty tame to the point where they barely bothered her. Who knows she might actually get out of this place one day.

Oscar chuckled.

"Who do you think? It's that boy friend of his." He teased.

Oscar was bald but had a perfect goatee mustache coming in. He was diffently older then us, though he never told us his age. He looked like an old man. Grey eyes and a prettty small body. He was usually calm and collected.

Harvey however was just the opposite. He was a child, always screaming and laughing. He never hurt anybody but he could get pretty werid. But aside all that Harvy was an alright kid. He was always helping the nurses and trying to be friends with everyone.

"I know tat! I just wanted ta hear Vin-Vin say it!" Jess hissed at Oscar.

I laughed.

"Yeah it was Scott."

She giggled.

"Ya two ae so cuttie togethar!"

"How do you know you've never seen 'im?" Oscar asked.

Jess growled.

"They sound cutie ok?!"

Oscar chuckled.

Jess crossed her arms and huffed.

"Don't know why you're laughing. I'm not the one with a spider on my head."

Oscar gave her a look.

"I'm not falling for that again."

"Oh yeah look!"

I looked at Oscar and laughed. She wasn't hallucinating this time.

Oscar screamed and freaked out.

Jess and I fell over laughing.

Today was good but I still can't help but wonder.

What happened to Nurse Raft?

Fun Fact: when I was makin ta chapter where Mike dies I flipped a coin to determine who I twas gunna kill off. Mike twas heads, Jeremy twas tails, and Vincent twas side. Landed on heads.

Also if ye didn' cry durin tat vid yer a heartless monster.)

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