my ocs . my ocs

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. CHARACTER TITLE the ideal student
. FULL NAME Marian Annabelle Dulch
Mary { her mother, it derives from her first name and she's been called this since she was born. }
Mari { her siblings, most of her younger siblings found it difficult to say her first names when they were babies }
Annie { everyone, she asks everyone to call her this as she dislikes her first name }
. AGE (15-17) 16
. SEXUALITY Pansexual
. GENDER + PRONOUNS Cisfemale + she/her
. FACECLAIM @/puffybunni
. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE 5'6. she has a little promise ring she got from her older brother, Donny, when they were younger, she always keeps it on. she has a very soft, feminine style with lots of whites and pinks.

. PERSONALITY Despite her sweet appearance, Annie can be seen as a snob, she constantly corrects people whether it's information, grammar, or even the pronunciation of words. She doesn't mean to, she just can't stand it when people say wrong things, it bothering her until she corrects the person. When in more casual settings, she is a very excitable person, getting excited over the smallest of rebellious things, being raised in a strict household where she was always under surveillance. She is funny in her own right, her odd understanding of things being humorous for other people.
. BACKSTORY Annie has been enrolled in private schools for as long as she remembers, so it wasn't much of a surprise when she received the letter, just assuming her parents were tired of her and wanted to send her abroad to a new school. As the middle child of her family, Annie feels as though she was forced into having to stand out to her parents, always fighting for their affection. She did everything she could as a child; learning violin, piano, the harp, taking college classes in middle school, excelling in ballet, winning every academic award she could get her hands on, but nothing seemed to work.
  - Maria Dulch | mother, lawyer, 47
[ she is very distant from her mother, constantly getting the cold shoulder and a quick "i'm busy" anytime she tries to talk to her. ]
  - Donald Dulch | father, CEO, 48
[ she is closer to her father, the one parent that occasionally showed up to her recitals, performances, and parent meetings. he still barely acknowledged her though, usually ignoring whenever she tries to talk to him then he leaves after giving her a kiss on the forehead. ]
  - Donald 'Donny' Dulch Jr. | brother, lawyer, 27
[ her favorite sibling and the one she's closest to. he was very protective of her growing up and always showed up to every single performance she had. he still tries to, but working for their mom can be very time consuming. they think to world of each other and often go out for meals together. ]
  - Kiera Dulch | sister, student (doctor), 23
[ she hates her older sister so much. kiera was always very pretentious and snobby, believing she is the most talented sibling as she is one of the only ones going into medicine, currently. they constantly bumped heads as kids and continue to now, annie being some of her biggest competition. ]
  - Frenchie Dulch | sister, student, 13
[ frenchie is extremely annoying, being her mother's favorite and constantly talking about it. frenchie isn't as musically inclined as annie is, but their mom doesn't care about that. they have some of the most tension in the family, both in the running to take over their mother's law firm (since donny's the heir for their father's company). ]
  - Lucky Dulch | brother, student, 9
[ lucky is a sweet kid. they have a good relationship, annie being his main family member to talk to. he is their father's pride and joy, often accompanying him to work on slow days. she likes lucky and is always there for him. ]

. HOBBIES + LIKES ballet, violin, harp, piano, waltzing, looking for a prince (or princess) charming, academic validation
. DISLIKES + FEARS getting muddy, neon colors, being scolded, not understanding something

. LOVE INTEREST? of course
. AESTHETIC pastels, pinks, whites, princess, light
. FAMILIAR PET a capybara
- I Have A Dream by ABBA
- Jolly Holiday from Mary Poppins
- Do-Re-Mi from Sound of Music
- "Either you need to open up a book, or just shut the fuck up."
- "Excuse me, how much did my parents pay for me to go here? Cause it was too much."
. EXTRA n/a

. CHARACTER TITLE the cursed one
. FULL NAME Edward James Anderson
  E.J. ( his brothers. his brothers came up with this nickname, trying to make calling for him as simple as possible. )
  Eddy ( his friends. he has no friends, except his sisters, and they are the ones who came up with the nickname and started to call him it. he really likes the nickname. )
  Ed ( his father. only his dad calls him ed, the nickname being serious and usually said in an assertive tone. )
. PREFERRED NAME Eddy (with peers), Edward (adults)
. AGE (15-17) 17
. SEXUALITY (Closeted) Bisexual
. GENDER + PRONOUNS Cismale + he/him
. FACECLAIM @/clorlk

. PERSONALITY Quiet, eerily quiet. He's almost always overwhelmed and unable to comprehend his surrounding, so he's in a constant state of panic. He has to compile his thoughts before he can speak at any time. He's always had a strange aura around him, misfortune following him around ever since he was a child. He can start to freak out easily, the main phrase that causes him to get angry is being called "demon child." When his father referred to him as that when he was eight years old, a vase flew across the room and smashed into the wall. When ticked off, he yells and gets very emotional, his eyes darkening and face turning red. He usually will take a moment to snap out of the anger and switch back into his recluse self.
. BACKSTORY Born into a large family, the 4th oldest sibling, Eddy was rather recluse as a child. He hid in his room, too weak to help out on the farm and shunned from assisting in the kitchen, he was a frail child. He got sick easily and always had to be warm or he would be unable to function, so most of his free time was spent watching his mother work on clothing, as she sewed up a hole in his father's pants or knitted him a new sweater for the frigid winters. He was homeschooled along with all his siblings, only knowing life on the drab farm. The only time he ever truly saw other people was when he had trips to the doctors, or had to accompany his mother to town for groceries and errands. His family was essentially amish, the only technology being his eldest siblings and parents' phones, his father's computer, and the family's old truck. He was confused when he got the letter, not understanding what was happening. The only people in his family who knew of the letter were his sisters, so he packed up his very limited belonging and left.
- Mary-Ann Anderson | mother, seamstress, 52
- Lineal Anderson | father, farmer, 55
- Luis Anderson | brother, 24
- Daniel Anderson | brother, 21
- Abel Anderson | brother, 18
- Joseph Anderson | brother, 15
- Abigail-Jane Anderson | sister, 13
- Noah Anderson | brother, 11
- Chrysanthemum Anderson | sister, 8
- Christopher Anderson | brother, 8

. HOBBIES + LIKES being alone, knitting, soup made by his mother, fiddling with things
. DISLIKES + FEARS being seen as weird, being called demon or evil, going to church, loud noises

. AESTHETIC gothic, black, haunted, churches
- "...I don't have a phone."

a/n everyone appreciate my manips pls

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