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“(. . .) And after you have been bitterly scourged with remorse for your faults-, you will be fiercely overwhelmed in hell, the abode of death.

For according to the gospel you are the salt of the earth. But if you fall short in your duty, how, it may be asked, can it be salted? O how great the need of salting! It is indeed necessary for you to correct with the salt of wisdom this foolish people which is so devoted to the pleasures of this -world, lest the Lord, when He may wish to speak to them, find them putrefied by their sins unsalted and stinking.

For if He, shall find worms, that is, sins, In them, because you have been negligent in your duty, He will command them as worthless to be thrown into the abyss of unclean things. And because you cannot restore to Him His great loss, He will surely condemn you and drive you from His loving presence. But the man who applies this salt should be prudent, provident, modest, learned, peaceable, watchful, pious, just, equitable, and pure.

For how can the ignorant teach others? How can the licentious make others modest? And how can the impure make others pure? If anyone hates peace, how can he make others peaceable ? Or if anyone has soiled his hands with baseness, how can he cleanse the impurities of another?

We read also that if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the ditch. But first correct yourselves, in order that, free from blame, you may be able to correct those who are subject to you.

If you wish to be the friends of God, gladly do the things which you know will please Him. You must especially let all matters that pertain to the church be controlled by the law of the church. (. . .)”

- Pope Urban II, adapted by Fulcher of Chartres.


A few fun facts:

The title for this story ‘Misguided Wanderers’ is actually the english translation of the Jews term ‘to'im’  for the Crusaders (of course this is just something that I read on the internet, so I cannot promise any actual historical accuracy or even linguistic one; I do not speak Hebrew).

Steiningen actually is a place in the Rhineland (that really was a coincidence; I was shocked and amazed when I googled the name).

The amazingly talented Eileen aka @LoveIsPatient_ edited this story for us and made it definitely more bearable for you to read.

This story was originally written for a competition, where everyone dropped out until we were the only ones left (yeah, at least we win!).

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this little short escapade into the Crusades - maybe you learned something! And if not, then at least you got to enjoy (?) this story.

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