Chapter 9

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"Hey, I'm here," I suddenly heard and looked up.

"Hi, Jace," I replied with a smile. "You came here faster than I expected."

"I came here as fast as I could," he said. "I ran to my car as soon as you said yes. A quick search gave me the way here. Anyway, where are we going to go for lunch? Sorry, I didn't plan this. I planned for Times Square."

I chuckled, "It's fine. We can go to French Louie. I go there every time I come here to visit my mother. They serve good food. I'm not sure if it's open, though. It's like only nine now." I searched up the opening hours and sighed, "Well, it opens at ten."

I don't usually come and visit my mother this early so the restaurant is always open when I'm there. I don't know what came over me that made me decide to wake up this early to clean my house and visit her. If only I had woken up an hour later...

He nodded in acknowledgement. "Cool, let's go there. It's good to try new food. Anyway, we have one whole hour. We can visit our dead ancestors in the meantime."

"Are you serious?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No," he replied, grinning sheepishly. "Besides, I don't think a cemetery is a good place to hang out. Let's drive to somewhere near the restaurant and walk around. We can go to eat when the restaurant opens at ten. How does that sound?"

I nodded slowly. "It's not like we have any other choice anyway," I replied. "But I drove here so we both have to drive there. I would've taken the subway had I known you will be giving me a free ride home," I sighed.

He shrugged. "Let's drive there, then. Wait, which part of Brooklyn is that?"

"Uh, Boerum Hill," I replied.

The look on his face changed at that instant. "Ah, crap. Of all places, why does it have to be there? Is there any other place you dine at when you come and visit your mother? Cobble Hill? Downtown Brooklyn? Somewhere that isn't Boerum Hill?"

I shook my head and replied, "No. What's wrong?"

"Mark lives at Boerum Hill," he groaned. "Oh, the most arrogant person in the world has to live there of all places! That asshole. He thinks he's on top of the world. It's not like his family business is one of the top ten most whatever companies in the world!"

"Neither is yours," I pointed out.

"Do I look like I flaunt my riches?" he asked. "I don't. But he does! Oh, he flaunts his wealth so much that it's so sickening. He's always showing off his new watch or new shoes and he thinks I'm ashamed of my wealth because I don't do the same! So annoying!"

I rolled my eyes. "I know, Jace. You told me about him before. The exact same thing. Who knows? He might be a better person now. Aren't you a better person than you were before? Don't judge someone based on who he was before."

He nodded in agreement. "Okay but I still hope we won't bump into him. The last time we did that didn't go very well. You remember, right?"

"Yeah," I muttered. "Now that I think of it, I hope we don't bump into him either. Anyway, French Louie isn't an exquisite restaurant. What are the chances of us seeing him there? He's probably having brunch at some high-class café at the moment."

"You're right. What are the chances?" he muttered.

With that, we made our way up to Boerum Hill. We parked along the streets near the restaurant and walked along the pavement. We've never been here together before. We met Mark in Manhattan once and that was it for us. We never wanted to bump into him again.

He's the worst. Of course, he may be better now but I wouldn't count on it. After all, I believe that a leopard never changes its spots. Jace is... an exception. I still don't fully trust that he has changed but I can see that he is better now.

When I told Jace he was a better person, it was more of telling myself that he had truly changed, that he had grown into the man he is today and not still the immature and cowardly teenager he was five years ago when he broke up with me.

Before this, I didn't know where Mark stayed. To think I dine in his neighbourhood every few months! I could've walked past him on one of those days and never realised.

We explored Boerum Hill like a pair of tourists even though Brooklyn doesn't have many tourist attractions. Most of them are in Manhattan anyway. I was more like a tour guide, though, since I've been here before.

One hour passed by in a breeze and, soon, the restaurant was open. "Finally," I muttered. "I was getting a little hungry."

"Same, to be honest," Jace chuckled. "I left home with an empty stomach."

We got ourselves a table for two and ordered ourselves some food. This is by far the most pleasant date Jace and I had since we got matched. I'm not counting the one where we kissed because that was utterly embarrassing and we shall never speak of that again.

"So far so good. No sign of Mark," he said with a grin. "This day turned out better than I thought."

Speak of the devil.

"Hey, look who it is? Jace Leighton! My best bud in middle school. How's life?" that ever so annoying voice rang. I didn't even want to look up. I knew who it was and I didn't want to see his face. Mark freaking Wilson.

Jace looked absolutely pissed. I could imagine what he's thinking right now. Just my luck. He was gritting his teeth but he forced a smile and replied, "Hi, long time no see! It's been six years since we last met, huh? Mark Wilson, right?"

"Yeah, totes!" Mark replied. "Hey, this chick is still your girlfriend? Damn, you guys are going strong. I thought you guys wouldn't last." That was so true. Now, wait for it. "Why do you have to be so dedicated? Girls are just girls. You have all the time you need to pick one."

"I don't change girlfriends every week like you do, Mark," Jace replied with a smirk, gesturing at the girl standing beside Mark.

He frowned upon hearing that. "I'm hurt, Jace. how could you say that? This wonderful lady here. She's my fiancée. Isn't she beautiful?"

My eyes widened in shock and they darted towards Jace in question. I looked at the girl who isn't paying attention to the conversation. Has Mark Wilson truly changed for the better? But didn't he just say Jace had plenty of time to pick a girl?

On the other hand, Jace didn't look shocked. He scoffed, "Oh, please, do you think I believe that? She'll be gone by the end of the month. She's no fiancée of yours. There's no ring. Plus, your words are contradicting."

"Ah, observant as always, my friend. You know me too well," he replied with a smirk. "I picked this girl up from the bar last night. She was amazing."

I winced in disgust. We all know damn well what he meant by that. I can't believe a person like him exists. At least Jace is nothing like him. For that, I'm relieved.

Jace looked pissed. I can tell why he calls this man his mortal enemy. They were polar opposites! "I don't have to know that. I don't give a damn about your sex life. Keep that to yourself. Tell it to anyone you want but not me. I'd appreciate that."

"Oh, but you surely want to know whether that girlfriend of yours is amazing as well!" he replied. I rolled my eyes. "I wonder. Is she actually still your girlfriend? Why would you take her to such an... ordinary place like this?"

"I respect my girl's decision. She wants to eat here then so be it. I'm not like you who insists on getting what you want like a baby," Jace spat. "I won't force her to do things she doesn't want to do. If she wants to eat at French Louie, we eat at French Louie."

I smiled. He's still so thoughtful. And did he just call me his girl? "Yeah, Mark. What about you? What are you doing here? Isn't this place a little too ordinary for you? Shouldn't you go somewhere more exquisite like La Vara?"

Mark replied, "You see, Miss— Sorry, I forgot your name—" Good, keep it that way. "I happened to walk past this restaurant and saw you two inside. I thought I should at the very least say hi. I haven't seen my dearest friend Jace for six years after all. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, right," Jace muttered.

I rolled my eyes. "Now, if you two aren't going to dine here, please leave. I'd like to spend some time with my dearest boyfriend without company." I reached out and caressed the back of Jace's hand with my fingers. "Please," I said.

Mark's face changed immediately. He looked disgusted by the mild flirting I was displaying. "Okay, bye, I shall leave you lovebirds alone," he replied with a forced smile and left.

I let go of the breath I didn't know I had been holding.

Finally, it's just the two of us.



What do you think of Mark? He's still the same old spoilt kid who's full of himself, don't you think so? *inserts laughing emoji*

Wherever, whenever, Mark Wilson never fails to get on Jace Leighton's nerves. Five years makes no difference. I'd say this is the epitome of friendship! *cough* frenemies *cough*

And ooh touching hands ;) Stay tuned for more!

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