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Swara's POV-

" time offer. Take it or leave it." I said as he walked towards the couch to sleep.

" What?" He asked, confused.

" Take the bed and I'll take the couch. You will be uncomfortable on it because you are so tall. I, on the other hand can sleep there comfortably." I said.

" No Swara...I'll be okay on the couch. You take the bed. Goodnight." He did not listen to me.

" Listen...think about it logically. You will end up spraining your neck or shoulder." I tried knocking some sense into him.

" Swara...I will be fine. You don't have to worry about me." He said.

" Who said that I'm worried out you? I just don't want you to get hurt. You know, humanity?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

" Sure." He said chuckling but nonetheless slept on the couch.

I just rolled my eyes and let sleep engulf me.


The next day, I was very nervous as it was my first day to college. In this nervousness, I woke up at six in the morning and was pacing in the hall here and there till mom walked out of the room.

" Beta, you up so early in the morning? Are you feeling well?" She asked.

" Yes mom...of course. Just couldn't sleep more." I replied.

" Nervous for college?" She asked.

I nodded, sheepishly.

" Don't worry beta. It will all be good. Moreover, your friends are also in the same college right?" She asked.

" Yes mom. Luckily the three of us have the same course subjects." I said, really thankful to my stars for sending Aryan and Tanya in my life.

" That's really good then. I know you will have a great day. Relax and go to bed for some more time. I'll ask Aditya to wake you up when it's time." She said.

" No mom...there is no way that I'll be able to sleep right now." I told her honestly.

" Fine then...come with me to the kitchen and I'll teach you how to make pancakes." She said.

This grabbed my interest!

" I love pancakes!" I exclaimed.

" Wonderful! So does Aditya. Now follow me and I'll teach you." She said.

I hugged her.

" Thank you so much mom!" I said, very happy.

" Your welcome beta." She said and we walked in the kitchen.

I realized over the course of time that making pancakes is an art not everyone could master but mom had!

" Good morning mom, Swara." I heard Aditya say who was all dressed up for work. Dad was already eating.

" Good morning beta." Mom replied.

" I smell pancakes." He said.

" And here they are....pancakes with maple syrup." She extended the plate to him and he took it.

" Now Swara....go and get ready and then come down for breakfast or you'll be late." mom said and I nodded, running upstairs.

" Careful." I heard dad address.

I took a quick bath and then wore my white tank top, pairing it with my favourite red jacket and ripped jeans. Applying a little gloss and kohl, I was good to go.

Swara's look-

Mom served me breakfast. Dad and Aditya were already done.

" All the best for your first day beta." Dad said.

" Thank you so much dad. You too have a good day." I thanked him.

He offered me a smile which I returned.

" All the best for today." I heard my husband say as I went inside the kitchen to keep the plate.

" Thank you." I said, looking at him.

" You have a boring day at office." I said and went out before he could say anything. It is so fun!

I said bye to everyone and mom made me have a spoon of curd and sugar also. Then driver kaka dropped me to college where Aryan and Tanya were already waiting for me at the gate.

" Finally you're here. Now let's go." Tanya said, dragging me inside by my arm.

" Where to?" I asked Aryan.

" Assembly hall." He replied and I nodded.

As we walked in the Assembly hall, it was all crowded with faces. Some exited, some nervous and some blank.

" This is our batch." Tanya announced.

" Let's see if there are hot guys around." She added excitedly.

" Yes yes!" I shrieked in excitement.

" Ladies S are married and Tanya, you have such a hot boyfriend." Aryan remarked.

" Who said that we could not check hot guys out if we are not single?" I asked him.

He just rolled his eyes and we took seats in the middle row.

The orientation started with the dean talking about the legacy of the college and how lucky we are to be in the prestigious institution. Blah blah blah!

" Oh god....these lectures are never ending! Earlier from the principal and now it's the dean." I exclaimed.

" I know right!" Tanya agreed with me.

" Girls...let's proceed for the induction." Aryan said and I nodded.

In the induction, each professor talked a little about the subjects and all and then came the seniors who were very cool! No ragging whatsoever.

Then we were left alone to mingle and talk to each other.

Out of the one hundred and twenty people, I only liked four apart from my people.

Two were girls and two were guys. Jasmine, Khadija, Aman and Nilay.

We interacted and exchanged our numbers. It marked the end of the day. Lectures were beginning from tomorrow and the college time was morning ten to five in the evening.

As I reached home, there was not a single soul present.

Dad and Aditya must be at work but where was mom. I called her.

" Hello beta, I am not home. Had to come at a friend's place. I'll be back in around two hours." She said.

" Enjoy mom." I replied and hung up.

Okay Swara, two hours home alone....Netflix and chill or Cooking with Swara?

At the end....I chose cooking with Swara because the housekeeper was on holiday and mom would be tired after coming back.

I decided to cook paneer chilli with fried rice and youtubed the recipe.

I got cottage cheese from the supermarket with some sauces and started with paneer chilli.

I managed to chop the onions, bell peppers and garlic without having a single cut on my fingers. Yay!

In about forty five minutes, it was done and tasted amazing! Swara, you can cook!! Now was the turn to cook fried rice.

I also managed to cook fried rice without burning the house. Wow girl...! You have been blessed by the almighty today. Great!

" Mom...whatever you're cooking is coming off amazing. Smells heaven." I heard Aditya say as he stepped in the hall from outside.

Blazer off, loosened tie and rolled sleeves till does he manage to look hot even this way!?


" It's me." I said, coming out of the trance.

" Ohh...I thought it was mom. By the was college?" He asked, getting in the kitchen and took water bottle out of the fridge.

" Not bad....Kinda like school only. Just principal's lecture replaced by dean's." I told him honestly.

He chuckled.

" What were you expecting? Karan Johar's portrayal of colleges in his movies?" He asked.

I nodded, sheepishly.

" No college is like that Swara. It's fantasy." He replied.

" I know that....but a girl can hope right?" I asked.

He chuckled.

" You cooked all of it?" He asked, looking at the food.

" Do you see anyone here except for me?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

" Who knows...maybe you ordered after creating a mess." He taunted.

" Tell me, if you are in a mood to fight, I'll come in that frame of mine also." I said, he was getting on my nerves.

" As much tempting as the offer sounds....I'll pass." He said and started walking out.

" Where is dad?" I asked.

" Catching up with a couple of his friends." He answered and walked upstairs to the room.

I winded the stuff in the kitchen and then went to the living room to watch TV.

While watching IND vs NZ, my phone rang. It was mumma.

" Hii mumma." I said, receiving the call.

" How are you Shona? How was your first day of college?" She asked.

" It was good mumma. Also, I am good. I made four friends today." I told her.

" Shona...don't trust anyone so soon. Take time and then call them friends. Not everyone is a friend in college." She schooled.

" I know mumma. Now leave all this, tell me how are you all?" I asked, changing the topic.

" Good. I have a surprise for you. Come home tomorrow." She told me.

" Surprise! What is it?" I asked, getting excited.

" It's surprise Shona....come and see for yourself tomorrow." She said.

This is not fair!!

" Fine." I said, having no option.

Then I told her how I cooked a full meal all by myself and she sounded proud.

We talked for a few more minutes and then she hung up because papa had come home.

I was so engrossed in the match that I did not notice Aditya who was sitting on the other couch.

Mom and dad were home by eight and then I served us food while the game was still on.

" Amazing Swara....I had no idea that you could cook so well beta." Dad said as I chocked on food.

" Are you okay?" Aditya asked as he offered me a glass of water while patting my back.

I nodded as I gulped water in one go.

" Thank you dad." I replied to him. They don't need to know how bad I usually am in kitchen.

After dinner, I climbed up to Aditya's room and went to freshen up. I just cannot sleep at night without taking bath.

My coconut and orchids body wash refreshes me and I absolutely love it's smell! Just divine!

I took a long half an hour bubble bath and then slipped into my night suit. So comfy!

As I got out of the washroom, Mr. Husband was working on his laptop.

Such a workaholic!

Let's play a prank on him. I'd be so fun.

I ran inside the closet and quickly made a thick fake glue spill mark on the mirror and dried in with my hair drier for sometime. Then as it completely dried, I took it off and hid before walking out.

Aditya's weird habit of going to his study to fetch some files late at night helped me a lot and as soon as he stepped out of the room, I took the fake spill and placed it on his apple macbook something something and took a novel and started reading it, pretending that I don't know anything! I switched my phone's video recorder on and hid it behind my book to capture his reaction.

As he walked back inside the room and looked at his laptop with his poker face on which changed to confused and then horrified, it was a treat to watch.

" What the hell!" He almost yelled, irritated.

" What happened? Why are you shouting in the middle of the night. Can't you tolerate peace?" I asked, faking innocence.

" What did you do to my laptop?" He asked, angry.

" What did I do?" I asked, faking hurt.

" What is this?" He asked, pointing towards my spill mark.

" How would I know?" I asked.

" Swara....there was no one in the room but you." He said, glaring at me.

" So what....that does not mean I did it. Why would I do that. You think so low of me?" I asked, pretending to cry.

" Shit." I heard him mutter.

" I am sorry Swara...please don't cry." He said, looking at me.

" This is not accused me of something that I did not do!" I fake cried. In reality, I just wanted to laugh.

" See Swara...please don't cry." He said, looking so disturbed that I could not stop my laugh this this and burst out.

" Yo....Y...YOUR Expressions..." I said, hysterically and he looked shocked.

" You did this....didn't you?" He asked, sighing.

I walked towards the laptop and picked the spill mark up.

" See...your love is okay. Nothing happened." I said, teasing him, still laughing like a madwoman.

" How did you even manage to get your hands on that thing?" He asked, giving a horrible look to the fake spill.

" I made it." I told him, controlling my laugh.

" Brilliant. Prankster as a wife." He muttered and started working on the laptop again.

I rolled my eyes.

" Come on....admit that this was funny." I said, poking him.

" Was not." He replied.

" Was." I said.

" Was not." He countered back.

" Was." I spoke up again.

" Was." He said.

" Was not." I replied and then realized.

" See." He said, smirking.

" Stop smirking...I'll show you your video and then you will laugh at yourself." I replied and gave my phone to him to show the video. He started watching it and then he suddenly deleted it.


" I hate you." I sulked.

" Enough of today's to bed now." He said, shutting his laptop down.

Before he could go to the couch, I immediately made a run for it and lied down. He was sleeping so uncomfortably on it yesterday!

" Swara....I'm in no mood to play games right now." He said, sighing.

" I am not playing any game. I like the couch so I'll sleep on it." I replied and shut my eyes.

" So you are sure that you won't go to bed?" He asked.

" Two hundred percent sure." I answered back.

" Okay then." He replied and in the next moment, I was in his arms. Due to the sudden action, I shrieked.

" Put me down!" I exclaimed. He had held me in bridal style and walked towards the bed. His arms on my waist were doing something in my spine....tingling!

He did put me down on bed and tucked me in.

" Good night Swara." He said and walked towards the couch.

" Why are you so stubborn?" I asked him.

" Says you." I remarked.

" Fine then...don't complain when your back starts hurting." I said.

" Sleep Swara...goodnight." He said.

" Fine...Bad night and bad dreams!" I replied and let sleep take over.

Fake laptop spill-

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 110 comments are required on this one.

I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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