Chapter- 27

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Difficult time's going on guys. Please stay at your homes and stay safe!

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Swara's POV-

Thank god a million times that Ro was not here when all of this happened or she would have started questioning me a lot.

I went to the kitchen to have water, dragged myself back to my room, changed and just cried myself to sleep.

The next day as I woke up, my eyes were red, puffy and swolen. My face looked like shit so I immediately went for a bath as I I woke up.

Getting ready, I walked outside.

" Good morning. " Ro chirped in a cheerful mood, I tried to revert it back by giving her a bright smile.

Swara's look-

We had coffee and cookies and were ready to leave for office.

The day was going by just the usual. Only my mind was not with me. Time and again, it was just thinking of Aditya.

Ughh! Why did he have to come here and screw over my mental peace!!

" Ms. Agnihotri, boss is asking you to mail her that research from yesterday." An office boy came and informed.

I immediately nodded and started compiling the presentations and word files to mail.

All of the work was done and then again, we were sitting for planning for the campaign. Various ideas were popping in my mind but I just couldn't utter one word all time.

" Heyy....what has happened to you? Are you fine?" Ava whispered to me. She was sitting just next to me.

" It's nothing. I'm just a little distracted for no reason." I whispered back.

" If you say so." She muttered and then went back to focusing on the brainstorming session.

I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to go home. I was done for the day.

" Excuse me Alice, but I don't feel very well today. May I please leave? I'll work overtime tomorrow." I asked for her permission.

" Ohh, sure Swara. And please take care of yourself." She said, concern laced in her voice.

" Thank you." I said, collected my belongings and started walking down to the bus stop.

As I checked my phone, I had three messages from Ro.

Her grandma had taken ill and she was going to Delhi for two weeks.

I called her and she told me that she had already left for the airport.

Sighing, I took the bus to the apartment and leaned my head on the window, looking the city pass by.

" Okay Aditya Kapoor, you NEED to get out of my head right now. Like right now. I am so done thinking about you. Why can't I get you out of my head!" I whisper yelled to myself as I was walking to my apartment from where the bus stop was.

" The only place I need to get out of is from your misunderstanding Swara. And yes, we are going to go to your place right now and talk like two civilized adults. Am I clear?" I again heard the voice I was trying so hard to get rid of. He somehow appeared just next to me, walking beside me.

" Why are you stalking me? Don't you know that it is criminally punishable?" I tried to threaten him.

" So go ahead and call the police but I am not going anywhere without talking to you." He said as he held my hand, and made me sit in the car which was parked right next to us.

The irony was, though, I hadn't even seen his face once, but now I had to.

" Aditya, how dare you!? You cannot do this. This is practically kidnapping!!" I screamed, clutching on to his coat.

" Mrs Kapoor, you didn't leave me with any other option than this. We need to talk." He said, calmly.

" Didn't I tell you yesterday not to call me that? I am not your wife. I signed the divorce papers before leaving, plus Kritika is your wife now so go and show this possessiveness to her, not me. I am nothing to you!" I shouted again.

" I am not going to sag anything before you calm the fuck down." He said, his voice raising.

" How can you even ask me to calm down? You have no right to tell me that. You made your choice that day when you kissed Kritika in your office. I want nothing to do with you. She is your wife and you should go to her rather than stalking and kidnapping me." I said, looking out of the window.

There was a very very uncomfortable silence for the rest of the ride.

" Sir, we are here." The driver addressed Aditya.

" Come on, get down Swara." He said.

" Nope. You will get down and then ask your driver to drop me back to my apartment." I replied to him, making my point.

" Swara, I need to you come with me right now." He made the same statement again, this time, his voice rising with each word.

" I will not be intimidated by you Mr. Kapoor. You don't get to control me. I am the master of my will. If I don't want to go with you, I will not." I announced.

He did not say anything then, just got down out of the car, walked to my door, opened it and threw me over his shoulder, picking me.

" PUT. ME. DOWN. RIGHT. NOW." I said each and every word clearly.

" Not happening. You will listen to me now. You have no choice." He said, a little too calmly for my liking.

" I will do no such thing. Put me down or I'll kick you." I threatened him.

He was not understanding at all. I didn't want to put myself in that misery all over again. Seeing him was already making me wish for things which were not possible. He just doesn't understand.

" Do whatever you want but I am going to tell you everything today. Enough of your childishness. You are not eighteen anymore." He yelled at me.

" Ohh....thank you for telling me that. I perfectly know how old I am." I started punching his back to get rid of him but he didn't budge.

As he stepped inside, I couldn't help but admire the house. He did come to London once or twice the time when we were married. Lucky idiot, he got to stay here!

As he put me down, he shut the gates to the entrance then.

" Wh...what do you think you're doing?" I asked, sluttering.

" Making sure that you don't try to run away.....again." He added the last part softly.

Why on earth is he hell bent on making me feel guilty? He is the one who cheated on me! He chose to kiss her and then here he is, trying to talk about something. What could he have to saying exactly?

" I really can't imagine what you want to say now and trust me, nothing that you say matters to me right now. Let me just go." I turned towards the door but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his chest.

" What on earth are you doing? Stay away!" I shouted, pushing him with all my might but he didn't move a bit.

" Swara, I am done with your dissent. Now you are going to shut up and listen without being so difficult or I have other ways to get you to listen to me." He said, bending towards me further as I bent back.

" Why do want to explain to me anything anyways? I thought that we are done." I remarked.

" You think a lot of things among which hardly one percent are true." He mocked.

He then left my wrist and made me sit.

" Fine. You have exactly one second to explain......and ohh! it's up." I said as I got up but he made me sit again and himself bent down, sitting on his knee, having one of my hand in his both.

" That night, whatever you saw was a huge misunderstanding. Kritika broke into the office and my PA called me to inform me about the break in and that's why I went there. She somehow had managed to escape the prison and ditch the cops and get there. When I reached there, I saw her lurking in my cabin and when I went near her, she came onto me. It was not the other way around and as soon as she did, I pushed her back but then she did it again when after I pushed her and handed her over to the mental asylum. I had nothing to do with her then and I most certainly have nothing to do with her now. It has always been you and it will always be you. But yes, I certainly am disappointed in you that you didn't even trust me enough to think that I'd always be and stay faithful to you." He dropped the bomb.

Numbness....that is what I felt once again, for the first time in these six years. He did not kiss her, he does not love her, it was all a misunderstanding on my part. I threw all of it away in my anger, haste and lack of decision making. He didn't get married to anyone in these six years. He waited for me? But why? A person like me does not deserve him. He can do so much better off without me. It was completely my fault and here he was, telling me the truth. He found me and all I did was blame him for my foolishness. I am the biggest idiot in this whole world.

" Swara? Say something." He shook me out of my trance.

No Swara, you need to push him away for his own sake. You don't deserve him. You are a fool. You had your chance with him but you burnt it with your own hands. Now you cannot get back to his life like nothing happened. You need to repent for what you did six years back and your punishment is to stay away from the man you love.

" I don't believe you." I said, taking my eyes off him and looking at my hand which were entangled with his. I tried to snatch my hand away from him but he just held onto it tighter.

" You don't believe me? Okay then say this while looking at me in the eye." He said, harshly.

Okay Swara, you can do this. You can twll him that so that he moves on with someone who is a much better person than you.

" I don't believe you." I repeated my sentence again, this time looking in his eyes.

He left my hand and stood up. I got up from the couch too.

" My driver will take you back." He said.

Something broke inside me. Something I didn't know existed.

I nodded and started walking away hastily.

" And Swara....." He called out for me.

" Yes?" I asked, turning back.

" You are still a terrible liar." He remarked, his hands in his pocket, tie loosened, sleeves rolled up with a slight smirk playing on his lips.

I gasped. It was the first time in six years that I was properly looking at him and he was just the same, maybe more devilishly handsome now.

No, no, no........leave Swara.

I immediately took my eyes off him, turned around and somehow managed to walk myself to the door with the week knees I got by merely looking at him.

I put my hand on the handle to open the door when his hand covered mine, leaving jitters everywhere.

Don't think about it......don't think about him was the mantra I kept chanting in my head.

" Tsk....tsk Mrs. Kapoor, how did you even think that I'll let you walk away after you just lied on my face? You have already sabotaged our marriage once, I am not going to let you do it again." He said turning me towards him and pinning me to the door.

Being this close to him was not something my mind and heart were prepared about and nor was my body. They all were defying me. I wanted to push him so bad but I could not.

" How many times do I have to tell you that I am not Mrs. Kapoor? I signed the divorce papers. I am not your wife anymore." I whispered.

" That is where you are wrong love, you did sign those papers but neither did I sign them nor submit them in the court. In fact, those papers met the fate they were supposed to meet right after you signed them." He replied, in my ears and brushed his lips on my cheek.

" Wha.....what do you even mean?" I asked, confused.

" We were never divorced Mrs. Kapoor. You are still my wife and I am your husband and I completely intend to keep it this way for as long as I am alive. Now you are coming back to Mumbai with me. You have a lot of apologizing to do to everyone there." He announced.

" I am not coming back." I told him clearly.

" I gave you the easy way Swara, you chose not to take it. You know the truth and you believe me despite all the denying. If you want things to happen the hard way, they will happen the hard way because this time, running away is not an option." His words, although being said as a threat made me crave for him, even more than I usually do.

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 160 comments are required on this one.

I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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