Chapter- 39

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Swara's POV-

After the function was up and I went back to my room, I had a stupid smile playing on my lips for some reason and I was constantly smiling for no reason at all. There was something about the evening I guess.

" S, you wanna go out for a while?" Aryan asked, entering my room.

" With this henna on?" I asked, showing him my hands.

" I am taking you out to roam around for a while, not for acrobatics that you'll end up spoiling it." He replied, nodding his head in a hopeless way.

I just rolled my eyes and nodded in a yes.

I somehow managed to change into comfortable shorts and a T-shirt and walked out in the hall where Aryan was waiting. Tanya was busy with mumma with something.

" Very good Aryan beta, we all are working here and both of you are going out. Good going." Grandpa attempted to mock us.

" Granpaa, I am only trying to reduce your tension by taking her out. If she will be here, she'll just be whining and irritating all those who are working." He said, laughing and made others laugh too.

" That I'd agree to." Papa said and I stomped my feet in a tantrum.

" Yeah, yeah. Go on and have fun at my expense. Who cares?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

" See, this was what I was talking about. Now S, let's go." Aryan said and started pushing me out if the house by my shoulder.

" I can walk on my own if you have not noticed." I remarked, sarcastically.

" Quit whining and let's go." I said as he opened the car door for me and I sat down as he started to drive.

" Where are we going?" I asked, looking at him.

" A date." He replied.

" Don't you think this is too late for that? I mean, you are already married and technically, I am too but getting married again tomorrow." I played along.

" Then let's call it a friend's date. What's say?" He asked, chuckling.

" Totally works for me. Also, I want a promise." I spoke up.

" What S? You know I will always say yes." He said, giving me a brief look.

" I want a promise that we will go on these friend's date at least twice a month." I looked at him.

" S, there will not be one week where we will not meet if both of us are in town. Anyways, I have joined Aditya's company on his insistence and we are going to work together." He replied, making me go in shock.

What did this man just say? He is joining my office and he is telling this to me now?

" I hate you Aryan! How could you not tell this to me sooner!?" I exclaimed, punching his shoulder.

" You were busy S and I totally get it." He replied.

" Listen you idiot, I am never busy for family and you are my family!" I said and he gave me a smile.

Reaching to a café, he ordered pasta and helped me to eat it before taking me home. It was an amazing outing which thankfully de stressed my mind.

Reaching back, people were still busy with work. I would have offered for help but I had my hands decked up with mehendi so I was directly sent to my room as Aryan got into working too. Sighing, I picked up my phone too see 3 missed calls. Two from Aditya and one from Karan.

I called Aditya back.

" Hello?" I asked, as the ring ended.

" Swara, Preeti has gone into an early labor. We all are at the hospital." He said.

" Oh my god! Is she alright!? The baby is going to be premature by a month! Any complications?" I asked, panicking.

" Relax love. There is nothing to be afraid about. The doctors says it's absolutely alright. Both Preeti and the baby will be fine." He replied, calmly.

" Why didn't you call on mumma or papa's cell?" I asked him.

" I did. All the numbers were unreachable. Signal issues maybe." He said and I nodded stupidly.

" Accha listen, I'll be right there." I told him.

" You don't have to come Swara, I can understand that there must be lot's of work at home." He replied.

" I will not miss this for the world Aditya. I'm coming. See you soon!" I said and hung up.

As I told everyone, they allowed me to go. Unfortunately, other's couldn't because of guests and pending preparations.

Driver kaka drove me to the hospital and the receptionist guided me to the maternity ward.

" Mom." I said as I saw everyone standing.

" Swara, beta it's a baby girl." Mom had tears of joy in her eyes are a smile on her lips.

I hugged her as much as I could without spoiling her clothes.

" Congratulations everyone!!" I exclaimed, getting over excited as the nurses gave me a deadly look, indicating to keep quiet.

" Where is the baby and how is Preeti?" I asked Karan.

" The nurse has taken her for some tests and Preeti is sleeping inside." He replied as I nodded.

" Mom, dad. You go home and take some rest, I will be here for some time." I said, turning to dad.

" You are the bride to be Shona, you need to take rest." Mom replied, chuckling.

" No mom, you guys have been doing all the work with mumma and papa. All I have done is just take rest. Please listen to me and go home and please don't work. Just relax." I said, holding her hands.

" How will you go?" Dad asked.

" Dad, I am here with driver kaka, he'll take me back. You don't worry." I said, smiling.

" Mom, I'll come with you. Need to get some stuff for Preeti for the night." Karan said and all of them left leaving Aditya and me.

" So Mrs. Kapoor, you have become a badi maa before being a mother. Congratulations." He said.

" Same to you Mr. Kapoor. Even you have become a bade papa before becoming a father!" I sang as I sat down on one of the benches.

" By the way, interesting choice of attire given that it is tomorrow that we are getting married, on a usual note, girls wear traditionals during this time." He said, chuckling as he occupied the next seat.

Swara's Look-

" Two things Mr. Kapoor, first is that I am not a usual girl and secondly, I had gone out with Aryan to a random café so I dressed up for that." I replied, looking at him.

" Ohh, that's why you didn't pick up my calls." He remarked. He knows that when Aryan and I are together, we just talk, talk and talk.

" No, no. I did not take my phone with me. It was in my room. I have this on my hands na." I remarked, showing him my hands as he nodded.

" I have a question." I said, turning to little to his side.

" What?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

" Usually when you see me with a man, you always have that jealous glint in your eyes but when I am with Aryan, you are all relaxed. Why?" I asked.

" Because Mrs. Kapoor, I know that what Aryan and you have is very special. You both are best friends and have a lot of respect for that friendship. I can trust you with him because I know that no matter what, he will be by your side, by our side. I trust that man with you and that is the highest level of trust I have placed in anyone." He replied, tucking a loose strand which had fallen on my face at the back of my ear.

" I love you." I said, giving him a small smile.

" So do I Swara, so do I." He said, kissing the side of my forehead.

We just sat like that for a while when a nurse came to us with a baby in her hands.

" Is that her?" I asked Aditya and he nodded.

" Oh my god.....she is so cute!" I cooed.

He took her in his hands and she was looking at him with her huge doe eyes. It was such a beautiful moment!

" Sir, all the tests have been done and everything is normal. You will be able to take the baby home tomorrow morning along with the mother." The nurse said as we walked inside Preeti's ward to meet her. The nurse had informed us that she has woken up.

" Preeti, heyy. Are you well?" I asked her.

" I am Swara." She said as Aditya gave the little princess to her.

" I am so happy for you. Congratulations!" I hugged her a little.

" Show me your mehendi." She whispered because the baby had fallen asleep. I extended my arms at her.

" Beautiful. Bhai, it will be a task to search of your name in here for you." She teased Aditya, making me flustered a little.

" Don't worry Preeti, I will find it." He muttered back, smiling.

I had to do something to change the topic and my brilliant brain worked with just the right question!

" Preeti, what are you planning to name her?" I asked, now looking at the baby.

" We haven't thought of any name yet but yes, we are taking suggestions so you suggest." She asked.

I kept on looking at her, the baby. So beautiful.

" She looks like an Ananya to me." I whispered.

I looked at Preeti who was looking at Aditya and Aditya was looking at me.

" Bhai said the same name when he took her in his arms!" Preeti exclaimed and I looked at Aditya who was smiling.

" So she does look like an Ananya." I said, clearing my throat to make the awkwardness less.

" This also means how connected both of you are." Preeti replied, smiling as I smiled with her avoiding Aditya's intense gaze.

My phone rang the very next moment. It was mumma.

" Heyy mumma." I said and then told her everything. She was very happy too.

" Beta, we have sent your driver to the airport to pick a few people up. When you want to come back, just call Aryan and he will come to pick you." She said.

" Okay mumma. I'll call you. You don't worry. Bye!" I replied, hanging up.

" Swara, you should go home too now. Tomorrow is going to be a long day for you and for this little Ananya." She cooed and then I realized what she had said.

" She is Ananya?" I asked, getting excited.

" Now if bade papa and badi maa think that she is an Ananya, who is anyone to object?" She asked, chuckling.

" I love you!" I hugged her again as she kept her hand on my cheek. I kissed Ananya's forehead and crashed on the couch. I was really tired for some reason.

The moment I sat, the door opened and in walked Karan.

" Karan, our baby is named." Preeti said and he looked confused. She told him everything.

" little Princess Ananya." He took her in his arms.

" Swara, you look pale." He then said, looking at me.

" Ohh it's nothing. Just a little tired. Now that you all both are here. I'll go home, just let me call Aryan." I said, taking my phone.

" Swara, bhai will drop you. It's a wedding house, he must busy with work." Preeti said.

" No Preeti, let him stay here. You both may need some help." I told her.

" Don't worry Swara. The nurses are here for that. Bhai, you drop her." Karan added.

" You sure you both will be fine?" Aditya questioned them and they replied a yes.

" Swara, let's go." He then looked at me.

" If you insist." I replied, getting up. I bid bye to them as we left.

In the parking, as I reached the door of the car and was about to open it, Aditya did it for me.

" Thank you." I said, looking at him.

" We don't want your hands spoilt now, do we?" He asked, sitting on the driving seat.

" It's all dried Aditya. Nothing will happen now." I corrected him.

He just nodded.

" What are you thinking about?" He asked. There was just a comfortable silence in the car halfway.

" Nothing, why do you think that I was thinking about something?" I asked him.

" Because Swara, you are never this quiet. Now tell me what is bothering you." He replied.

" I need to go and pack." I told him honestly, pouting.

" You haven't yet?" He asked again, a smirk playing on his lips.

" I was supposed to yesterday but I watched Dynasty till around 3 in the morning. I swear I am obsessed." I got excited.

" Swara, please, do not stay up till so late tonight. You will fall sick. It's a very long day tomorrow." He schooled me as I rolled my eyes.

" Yes boss." I replied, chuckling.

" I am not kidding Mrs. Kapoor." He really was serious.

" I am not joking too!" I lied, I was.

" Sure, I can clearly see that." I remarked sarcastically.

" Whatever." I muttered.

In about after next 10 minutes, we were home.

" Come in." I asked and magically, he agreed.

We walked inside and mumma spotted us.

" Beta Aditya, come in, come in." She said.

" I told you na Shona to call Aryan." She scolded me a little.

" Maa, it's okay. I insisted her to drop. Aryan must have been busy here." He took my side.

She congratulated him and them asked us to sit and went to get coffee and in the meanwhile, Tanya walked out.

" Swara, say bye to Aditya and go to your room. You are not allowed to meet him before the wedding now. Aunty's clear instructions." She bossed around and pushed me inside as I gave a last look at Aditya and saw him smiling, really and not just that stupid smirk of his.

Meet you tomorrow then, Mr. Husband!

It's going to be a long night for me and I need Tanya for packing so I called for her.

She did give me a dirty look but helped me nonetheless. That's what friends' are for after all! Soon done, mom helped me with dinner and I was made to sleep by 11.

Tomorrow is my second wedding to the same person, the only person I ever want as mine!

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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