Chapter- 41

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Difficult time's going on guys. Please stay at your homes and stay safe!

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Swara's POV-

" Now the bride and groom will play the ring game.!" Preeti exclaimed. I will win!

Aditya and I were made to sit next to each other and Preeti dipped the ring in the milk which also had rose petals.

We were asked to search for the rings then. As I started, I felt that he had grabbed my hand. I gave him an irritated look and he was just smiling.

What he didn't realize was that I had long nails. Oh...poor him!

I pinched him and he released my hand in shock and I managed to find the ring for the first time.

" Yayyyy! My Shona won." Mom was cheering for me along with Preeti. Dad and Karan were on Aditya's team.

" Come on cannot loose!" Karan tried to motivate him.

In the second round, we did play fair and unfortunately, he got the ring. Ughh....okayy, whatever!

As the third round was on, I had almost got the ring when it was very sneakily taken away from me by Aditya and he won.

" You are a cheater." I whispered to him, pouting.

" No Mrs. Kapoor, I won fair and square." He replied, laughing.

Then it was the thread opening ceremony. I could use both my hands to untie the thread but he could only use one. At least somewhere I'll be first!

After all of this was done, it was 6 in the morning.

" Okay kids, you go and freshen up. Swara, beta you will have to make something sweet for breakfast today for the ritual." Mom instructed.

" Will do mom." I said and she gave me a smile. Then Aditya and I walked up to his room.

There, I saw my suitcase near the desk.

" Aditya, you freshen up and then I will." I said and he agreed, taking his clothes and went to the washroom.

I sat in front of the mirror and started getting off all the jewellery. Surprisingly, that was the easy part. When I started to undo my hair, then I realized that I must have had more than 200 pins, they just didn't finish.

I stopped for a moment, getting frustrated as I put the dupatta on the bed.

I hadn't noticed how long it had been and Aditya was out.

" You're still not done untangling yourself from all the mess?" He asked, pointing to my jewellery and hair pins as he looked amused.

" It takes a lot of time and effort. Not that you'll know of course. Tell me, how long did you take to get ready?" I asked, looking at him through the mirror.

" 20 minutes." He replied, as he walked near me and started to help me take the pins out from my hair.

" See, it took me 4 hours." I told him, sighing.

It took him another five minutes to get all the pins off.

" You know, if I go and sell these pins, I'll earn thousands." I joked, yawning and he chuckled.

" You go and freshen up. Once you're done with the rest of the rituals, you can sleep." He said and I nodded, taking my saree's blouse and underskirt and walked inside the washroom.

It took me around an hour's bath to finally get rid of tiredness. Wearing my blouse and underskirt, I peeked outside to check if Aditya was there in the room or not. Finding the coast clear, I walked out and looked at the saree I was supposed to wear.

There was just one tiny problem. I didn't know how to wear one.

I looked around the room to find my phone but as my eyes landed in the balcony, I saw Aditya standing there, thankfully, facing the other side but then he turned around and walked inside.

" Aditya, will you please go out of the room? I need to get dressed." I requested, covering myself with the saree as much as I could.

He just looked at me, smirked and sat down on the couch.

" I'd rather not." He announced, clearly enjoying my discomfort.

" But I need to wear this!" I exclaimed, getting really irritated.

First of all, even after staying up all night, he looked like someone who had just walked out of a fashion magazine and I on the other hand had huge bags under my eyes, looking like a zombie and now he wants to irritate me.

" When did I stop you?" He asked, raising a brow.

" Aditya, my patience is as it is running low right now because of lack of sleep and you want to annoy me further?" I asked, trying to intimidate him.

" Is that a threat of some sort Mrs. Kapoor?" He asked, standing up and took baby steps towards me.

I started to walk back till I found myself being pinned to the wall.

" Ad.....Adi.....Aditya, whaat ar....are you tryin...g to do?" I stammered as the saree in my hand slipped.

" Why are you stuttering Swara?" He asked, with an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face.

Instead of answering, I tried to duck him and get out of his clutch from the right side but he grabbed my wrist and pinned it to the wall.

" Aditya....I need to get ready." I forced every word out of my mouth just to appear confident when in reality, I was all week in my knees.

" For that, you should know how to wear a saree." He taunted, mocking me.

" Or I should know how to use youtube." I answered, looking at him in the eye.

Before he could say anything further, there was a knock at the door.

" Swara, are you ready? Mom is calling you downstairs." It was Preeti.

Aditya loosened his grip on me and opened the door.

" Preeti, just help her." He said as she walked inside and he walked out of the room. Thank god.

" don't know how to wear a saree?" She asked, chuckling and I nodded my head in a no as she chuckled.

" Don't worry, just stand still." She replied and quickly draped me in just five minutes.

" are a pro!" I was kinda amazed.

" Mom taught me, just like you, I didn't know how to wear it." She confessed and I nodded.

" I'll just put on the earrings and come down in two minutes." I said, she nodded and went out.

I put on the earrings, the mangalsutra and sindoor at my hair parting and went downstairs.

Swara's Look-

" You look beautiful beta." Mom said, as soon as I stepped in the kitchen.

" Thank you mom." I went to hug her.

" Shona, all the preparations are done. You just need to make the kheer." She told me. I was so thankful.

" Thank you mom." I said and started making the kheer as per her instructions.

" Now just let it be for five minutes. Then put it in the serving bowls and bring it out. Till then, I'll go and set the table." She said.

" Mom, wait. Now you go and sit along with the others. I'll do everything. You must be tired and let Preeti rest too. For god's sake, she just delivered the day before. She needs rest as much as little Ananya." I said. Mom looked a little hesitant but then she did listen to me.

I had set up the table in ten minutes and then walked to the lawn to call everyone. They were sitting out except for Preeti and Ananya.

" Guys, please come in for breakfast." I announced and everyone nodded and followed me in and I then went to call Preeti.

" Preeti." I called for her as I knocked the door. It was already open.

" Come in." She whispered.

Ananya was fast asleep.

" Just fed her and she fell asleep." She told me.

" Come for the breakfast. Let her sleep. You need to eat too." I whispered back and she nodded as we walked out.

Everyone started eating and I went in the kitchen to grab the kheer and then served everyone, a little nervous of course because it was the first time I had made it.

" It is very tasty Swara. Literally 110 marks out of 100." Karan was the first one to compliment me.

" Thank you!" I exclaimed and I sat down to eat too.

" Seriously beta, this is amazing, but I still love the chinese that you make." Dad said and I was amazed, he remembered.

" Okay dad....Chinese it is for dinner todayy." I replied, excited.

To be honest, his choice in cuisine and mine were very similar.

" And I'll help you today in making it." He offered which I gladly accepted.

" Where is Bubbles?" I asked, looking around.

" The little devil is here." Aditya muttered. Bubbles was sitting next to Aditya's leg and happily eating his rice and gravy.

I just frowned at the choice of his words which he seemed to notice but didn't correct himself because I have rarely ever heard him Call Bubbles by his name, it always has been little devil.

As all of us were done with breakfast, mom called me from the kitchen, I had gone in to keep the remaining food back.

" Beta, here is your shagun." She said as she handed me a gift box.

" Thank you mom!" I exclaimed and gave her the best smile that I could. I really was feeling damn tired.

" Go on, open it." Preeti encouraged and I nodded, taking the wrapper off.

" Oh My God, mom this is so beautiful!" I whispered. It was a diamond necklace with an emerald to which I couldn't take my eyes off.


" Preeti's choice." Mom told me and I hugged her and Preeti.

It was really very beautiful.

" Swara, go and rest for sometime now. You don't look very well." Dad addressed me.

" I am fine dad. Besides, there is so much work to be done." I said, picking the rest of the things on the dining table.

" Beta, we have help for this. They will do it all. Adi, take her to the room and both of you should rest for a while. In fact, all of us should." Dad ordered and everyone nodded.

As he and I went upstairs, followed by Bubbles, I sat on the bed and played with him for a while. I truly hadn't given him time at all.

" How's my baby doing?" I asked as I gave him belly rubs. He loved them as a baby and still does.

He barked once and I chuckled. Eventually, he got bored and went out of the room.

That is when I noticed Aditya who was looking at me. I cleared my throat to be a little less embarrassed but it had no affect him him, he was just looking. He was sitting on the other side of the bed, his hands behind his head as a support.

I tried to let my hair fall on my face as a shield but was interrupted.

" Don't do that." I heard his voice, which was very soft. I decided to play oblivious of course.

" Do what?" I questioned, without looking at him as I took the jewellery off except of the mangalsutra.

Without saying a word, he just grabbed me to him and I was half lying on his chest, as a shiver ran down my spine.

" Still the very affect I had on you Mrs. Kapoor, is it?" He asked, chuckling.

Thank god he couldn't see my face as I buried it deeper in his chest as he tucked the strands of hair lying on my face at the back of my ear.

" Now Aditya, I am really really tired so let me sleep." I said, sitting straight to adjust the pillows when my phone rang. It was Aryan. And now he gets time to call.

" Aryan." I said, picking up.

" I didn't interrupt anything....did I?" He asked, obviously teasing me.

" Shut up." I muttered, rolling my eyes.

" I'll take that as a no then. So what's up?" He asked.

" The ceiling and fan? Is your IQ so low that you had to call me to ask that?" I totally outwitted him and in the process, heard Aditya chuckle.

" S, that is so lame. Could you get any lamer?" He asked in the most irritating way possible.

" Aryan, you might really want to come to the point because I am damn sleepy." I told him honestly.

" Okay yeah, whatever. Just called to see if you were doing well and making sure that so far, the Kapoor manor is intact despite you cooking." There came another taunt but the intention behind the call was really clear and that's why I love him.

" could have just simply asked if I was doing fine instead of spinning this web now, couldn't you?" I asked him, chuckling.

" Yeah, yeah whatever. No bye. Spend sometime with your husband instead of chatting with me you stupid girl. Sort your priorities right." He schooled me and hung up.

" This one is one strange person." I muttered and kept my phone on the nightstand and relaxed myself.

" So Mrs. Kapoor, where would you like to go on honeymoon?" I heard Aditya ask me.

" France or maybe Norway." These were my last words before I lost myself to sleep.


" Swara.....Swara wake up." I heard someone who was shaking me too.

" Why?" I asked, surely sounding irritated.

" For lunch. Mom is calling us downstairs." The voice replied, yeah it was Aditya definitely.

" But I really am not hungry." I told him honestly.

" You know she won't let you go without eating. Come on, have lunch and then you can sleep again." He offered and then I opened my eyes.

" Fine, you go and I'll be down in five minutes." I told him.

" You'll just fall back to sleep then." He did not agree with me and I had to get up.

" I will not......I promise!" I exclaimed and I thought it had worked but he stepped towards me, picked me up and put me on my feet.

" This was completely unnecessary." I pouted, keeping my hands on my waist.

" Mrs. Kapoor, do you want me to kiss you right here?" I heard him say, but the question was, did he really say that.

" What!?" I asked, furiously blushing as I looked away.

" Then I suggest you stop pouting." He told me and I looked towards him.

" Umm......Aditya really don't waste my time. I'm so hungry." I changed the topic and started walking out of the room, he caught up with me.

" You're still blushing." His stupid voice rang in my ears.

" I was not and I am." I denied as we took the stairs.

" Go ahead and ask anyone....oh wait, don't because everyone is going to notice." He mocked me and I glared at him.

" What? I am only warning you as your husband." He replied, shrugging off his shoulders.

" You are annoying me right now." I said and went to the kitchen and gulped down a glass of water.

Lunch was a quiet affair because everyone was slightly in sleep.

" Swara, beta Rajesh and Vaidehi will be here in the evening to pick you up for the pagphera ritual. Aditya will pick you up the day after in the morning." Mom told me and I got excited!!

Two more days to live with mumma, papa and grandpa!

" Okay mom!" I replied, cheerfully and finished the rest of the food.

Later all of us sat in the hall and played with little Ananya while she was up.

I guess she loved Aditya's lap the most because besides Preeti, she would only be happy in his arms.

" I think babies really don't like me. See, she's crying so much in my arms!" I really got scared because she was crying so loudly.

" That is because you are holding her the wrong way." Aditya had to poke his nose.

" Really? And you know the right way?" I asked, sarcastically of course.

But instead of replying, he adjusted my lower hand properly near Ananya's neck and she did stop crying. Then he game me a told you so look.

" Wh....what? I knew how to hold babies, I had just forgotten." I said, with all confidence.

" Okay you two, we don't want to see any fights just today, technically it hasn't even been a full day since you remarried and I see full chances of you two fighting in the next fifteen minutes." Mom almost scolded us.

" Mom, I don't begin the fight, he does." I clarified myself.

" Please Swara, everyone here knows how much of a kid you are." Aditya pointed out.

" You Mr. do not call me a kid. I am not a child." I almost snapped but since I had Ananya in my arms, controlled.

" I'll be the bigger person here and put an end to this argument which is eventually going to turn into a fight now." He said so smugly.

" Yeah, we all know you are saying so because you have no further points to argue on." I announced, narrowing my eyes at him.

He didn't respond but I heard a couple of laughs.

" Yeah, Swara is now truly back." Karan said in between his laughs and I cooed to Ananya while royally ignoring Husband dearest. Anyways, he totally deserved that for calling me a kid!

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 160 comments are required on this one.

I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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