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Swara's POV-

This week somehow passed with Aryan's constant support and me spending all the time in my room, Netflix n chilling.

It was Sunday and that nonsense was in the house so I decided to make myself as scarce as possible.

Also, in these days I had been ignoring all the calls of my family but today when mumma called, I didn't had the heart to ignore it so I picked up.

" Hello." I said.

" Shona, thank God baccha you picked the call. I'm really sorry my baby. Please come home. We are dying to meet you." She almost begged.

" I'll only come home if you listen to me." I placed my condition before her.

" Anything Shona." She desperately agreed.

" You'll let me stay there for as many days as I want." I said.

" Yes's your house and you can stay as long as you want. Just come home and talk." She said.

" Okay. I'll be there in an hour." I replied and hung up.

I did a happy dance and packed my essential stuff and then got ready. Everything else was at home only.

Swara's look-

As I was about to get out of the house, I heard his Highness address me.

" Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

" Nowhere that concerns you." I spat back.

" I see, still not learnt to talk properly with elders." He said, icily.

" Yeah...and I'm never going to learn UNCLE." I remarked and attempted to get out of the house but no....he just couldn't leave me alone and took hold of my hand.

" LEAVE MY HAND." I shouted.

" Now stop the fuck talking and listen me out. Whether you like it or not, you are my responsibility. You at all times you need to tell me where you're going out." He said, almost shouting.

" I'm not your responsibility and I'm also not a kid so stop treating me like one. I don't need your permission to go anywhere." I said, irritated and tried to wiggle my hand out of his hold.

" You see, this is the problem with kids of your age. You feel that you've got the adult title but fail to behave like one. I did not say anything about seeking permission, all I want is that you inform me if you are going somewhere." He said calmly.

Not wanting to argue anymore....

" I'm going to my home. Now let me go." I jerked his hand away from mine and started leaving.

" Swara wait. I will drop you." He said.

" No, thank you. I am perfectly capable of going alone. I don't need you to help me." I retorted and took a step ahead.

" let's make a few things clear Swara. Number one, you will listen to what I say in matters pertaining to your safety as long as we are living together. Second, at every point of time, you will hear to what I say patiently before reacting and the last being behaving yourself." He said, a little sternly.


Who does he think he is? My papa?

I rolled my eyes and decided that I am not going to give him the satisfaction of Swara listening to him.

" And what makes you think that I am going to listen to you?" I asked, faking a yawn.

He ran his hand through his hair in frustration and I smirked.

Ha! Take that asshole.

" Also, I need to make somethings clear for as long as we are living together. First, I am absolutely not listening to what you say in a thousand years. Second, I will do what I please and when I please to do and the third being that I WILL go to my house on my own. I don't need your favors." I screamed.

I know that I was being difficult but who will stop me?

I stormed out of the house, hailed a cab and within half an hour I was in my house.

" Mumma, please. Give me some space and time. I will forget everything eventually and accept all of this mess but right now, I am just not in that frame of mind that I can talk about all of this to anyone." I lied to her. Honestly, the only person I could talk about absolutely everything was Aryan.

" Shona...I know it's not easy baccha but please, give a chance to your husband." She said.

I cannot believe her. Right now also, she was talking about that asshole husband of mine and had no concern about me whatsoever.

" Mumma....are you listening to yourself? Right now also all you are concerned about how I am dealing with him and your daughter can go to hell for all you care!" I screamed, went to my room and slammed the door hard.

" Shona....I am sorry. Please open the door. I will not talk about Aditya anymore." She said but she had already ruined my mood.

I just ignored her and went to my bed for a quick nap.


" Shona....please open the door now beta." I heard a faint voice and opened my eyes. It was dinner time. Jesus Christ! This was the best sleep I have had in days!

I got down from the bed and opened the door.

" Did you sleep well?" She asked me.

I nodded and hugged her.

It's just that it's very difficult to stay mad at your loved ones!

" Let's go and have dinner. You papa is back and so is your grandpa." She said.

I nodded and we walked into the dining room.

" Shona, how are you?" Papa asked and I went to hug him.

I hugged grandpa too and now I just could not stop crying.

" Beta...please don't cry." Papa said, helpless.

" They don't treat me well and taunt me for all of what has happened." I sobbed and told them. I just couldn't hold back.

I was taught to always share my problems with my parents so I did!

" Shona....technically there is no one to blame but your sister who caused all this and we are never going to forgive her for what she has done but see beta, they need someone to take out their frustration on and their target is you now because you are her sister and now Aditya's wife. But honestly, tell me one thing. Has Aditya blamed this on you? All that has happened?" Papa questioned.

Thinking about it, no that asshole has never blamed things on me ever over this span of one week but that may be because I had always kept to myself in these days. But I also have to accept that there were a few low blows thrown by me at him earlier today but never once did he blame me or my family or even Kritika didi for what has happened.

Ughh! God! Why is this so confusing!?

" No, he did not blame anyone of us, even Kritika didi for what has happened." I confessed honestly to them.

" I know he is not a bad person and nor is his family. It's just the circumstances beta and I know that you will overcome them. Now let's leave all this and have dinner. I have made your favourite Shahi paneer and rasogulla." Mumma said.

Wow! Finally my fav after so long!!

We all had dinner and then we just sat in the living room for sometime.

" Did you try to contact Kritika didi?" I asked in generally.

" No and you don't try either. She does not even realize the gravity of what she has done!" Mumma shouted at me.

" Relax Vaidehi, why are you shouting on her?" Grandpa said.

I guess some things never change.

" I am so sorry Shona. I did not mean to shout on you. It's just that I am very angry with Kritika." She said and I nodded understanding.

I guess it has been equally difficult for them as it has been for me.

They have been betrayed by their own daughter!

" Let's go to bed." I said and everyone nodded.

I retired back to my room but sleep was far away from me because I had slept like a bear in the afternoon so I decided to call Aryan.

" Hi Aryan." I said as he recieved my call after the fourth ring.

" Hey S. What's up? Tomorrow the results will be published of the two entrances we gave!" He reminded me.

Shit! I had totally forgotten about that!

" Oh yes! I hope we get into the same college." I literally prayed.

" I am sure that we will. Relax. Now tell me wassupp?" He asked.

" Nothing. I am at my home right now." I told him.

" Brilliant. This way you will get some break from everything. Movie tomorrow?" He asked.

" Yes and bring Tanya along with you." I said. Tanya is his girlfriend.

They love each other deeply.

" Sure." He said.

" Listen na.....will you check my results for me tomorrow?" I asked him.

" Why? Nervous?" He questioned.

" Kinda." I replied sheepishly.

" Will do that. And relax S, you will pass in all the college's entrances." He said.

" You know, now coming to think about it, I should also have filled the forms of colleges outside Mumbai also, that way I would have been far from this idiotic situation." I said as realization drawn upon me.

" Bullshit. We'll make sure that we have a good time." He said and I nodded.

" S, I hope you know that I cannot see you nodding at me." He remarked, chuckling.

" But still you got me know what I was doing so seeing or not seeing does not make a difference. Now listen, I'll see you tomorrow with Tanya, right now I don't know who is calling me. Let me take this." I said, irritated with the constant buzzing.

" Fine. Goodnight and sleep well." He replied.

" Good night to you too. Bye." I said, hanging up.

My phone again began to viberate because it always stays on silent mode.

" Hello, who is this?" I asked, picking up.

" Aditya." Came the monosyllabic reply.

" What do you want?" I asked, frustrated.

Can't he leave me alone!?

" Mom and dad want us to come to go to their place for lunch. Some relatives are coming over who want to meed you. I'll send my driver to pick you up at 12." He said.

" Listen Mr. you cannot order me around like that. What if I say that I won't come?" I challenged him.

" Please Swara. Mom and dad are already very mad at your sister, you and your family for what has happened. Please do not test their patience right now." He said, sighing.

" What about you? Do you also feel that it's my family's fault that didi ran away?" I asked and then regretted asking it.

" I am sorry. You don't have to answer it. I'll be there." I said and was about to hang up.

" No." He spoke one word and the line was dead.

Fine! I'll have to give him to that. He has come two points down on the asshole scale level after saying that no.

But hey! That does not mean that he is not a jerk. That he is!

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 90 comments are required on this one.

I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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