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Difficult time's going on guys. Please stay at your homes and stay safe!

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Swara's POV-

" Aditya, get  out! It's gross. I'll manage on my own." I said, irritated as I was done puking in the morning while he was holding my hair and his hand rested at my back.

" Swara, just take a deep breath." He said as he pushed my hair away from my face and I washed it. I was in my 2nd month of pregnancy and this morning sickness was a very regular occurrence. We consulted the doctor about it and she said that it is normal and there was nothing to worry about.

" Why don't you take off from work today?" Aditya suggested but what would I do at home all day? Karan and Preeti had gone to Delhi for a week with mom and dad. It was just Aditya, Bubbles and me. Today, even Bubbles was with daadu.

" No no. I am okay. I will come foe work." I said and just then, my phone went off. It was Aryan bur why was he calling? I was anyways about to see in in a while. Nonetheless, I picked up the call.

" What's up?" I asked.

" Tanya, she has gone into labor. We are going to the hospital. Tell Aditya that I won't make it to the office today." He said and I could hear his panic.

" Aryan, calm down okay? Everything will be alright. I will be at the hospital soon." I tried to help him but I knew him and that's how I know that he won't calm down this way. I hung up.

" Tanya....she is in labor. Will you drop me to the hospital?" I asked Aditya as he was looking at me, confused a little.

" Sure. Just get ready and we will go." He replied and I nodded, going for a bath. In ten minutes, I was ready and we went to the car.

" Love, there is the Raheja meeting. I will wrap it up soon and then come here, okay?" He asked, stopping the car at the hospital.

" Oh no. The meeting is today! Aditya, I should be there with you. I am sure Aryan will understand." I offered because, I was, after all the CMO.

" Don't worry about the meeting. Just go." He replied, nodding at me. I got down of the car, waved a bye to him as he drove off.

" Aunty....is everything alright?" I asked Aryan's mom as I saw her sitting outside the labor room.

" Swara, yes. Everything is well. Come and sit. Are you good?" She asked as we exchanged pleasantries. The doctor said that everything is normal.

Tanya's parents were also right next to us. We were waiting and it was 12 in the evening.

" Let me get tea for all of you." I said, getting up. 

" Thank you beta." Tanya's mom said. I smiled at her politely and walked to the filter, getting teas for everyone except for myself because I hated it and well, I wasn't allowed to have coffee during all my pregnancy.

We sat there for the next hour before Aryan walked out.

" it's a baby boy." I said, dreamily, that grin never leaving his face.

" When can we see him?" I asked, totally excited as I hugged him.

" The nurse is getting the baby here." He replied as he went on to hug aunty.

True to his word, the nurse walked to us with a beautiful baby boy in her arms and aunty took him.

" Aditya is here." I heard Aryan looking at a distance. I turned around and spotted him and waved at him to walk over to us.

" It's a boy." I hold him as he went to hug Aryan who then gave the little one in my arms. 

" He is so tiny. Awe....look at him." I cooed, kissing the his tiny forehead. The nurse later took the baby back inside to run some tests.

" Aditya, you should take her home now. She looks a little tired." Aryan said, looking at me and I rolled my eyes. I was no tired.

" I am not tired." I voiced my thoughts.

" Aryan is right Swara, you do look tired and you were not very well in the morning. You should take rest." Aditya replied, frowning a little.

After everyone decided that I was tired, I reluctantly had to go home with Aditya.

" Swara, go and freshen up while I set the lunch up." Aditya said as we walked in.

" I am not tired Aditya, you must be after the meeting. You relax and I'll get the lunch sorted." I said as I started for the kitchen but out of nowhere, I was lifted and I gasped.

" What are you doing?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

" You don't really leave me with any other option love." He replied as he started climbing up the stairs to our room. I sighed at his stubbornness.

Leaving me in the room, he went out. I freshened up and changed into something more comfortable and then went to the dining hall.

" Sit down." He ordered as he served us with lunch.

" Thank you." I muttered as he sat just next to me and we started to eat.


My first trimester was not really a cake walk with all the puking and morning sickness but we pulled through it. Aditya and my whole family right by my side. I was in my sixth month and I was starting to show. All my clothes had gone small and I was absolutely hating that.

" I have nothing to wear." I whined in my closet. Mumma had called everyone for lunch today.

Aditya walked and scrunched his eyebrows. 

" You have so many clothes love. Here, wear this one." He pulled out a black dress with a floral pattern with a leather jacket.

" How did I not see this?" I asked, taking it from him.

" You actually need to have eyes to see things." He taunted me and I rolled my eyes, hitting his shoulder slightly.

I then felt his arms circled around my waist and he started leaving kisses all over my neck and jaw. I moaned in pleasure.

Things were escalating pretty quickly and the next thing I knew, we were on the bed, making out as he tried to get rid of the night suit I had on.

" No, no, no. We cannot do this." I panicked and distanced myself away from him. In these recent months, I had really started getting very conscious of my body because I had gained weight.

" What happened? Is something wrong? Are you not feeling well? He asked, concern washed over his face.

" Don't worry. I am alright. ItsjustthatIdontthinkyouwouldwanttoseemelikethiswithsomuchweightIhaveputon." I mumbled in one go.

" What? I couldn't understand word after alright." He asked, raising an eyebrow.

" I said that I don't think that you would want to see me like this with so much weight I have put on." I replied, looking down as I played with my hands.

" What! Swara...." He tried to say something but no words came out of him and he looked very revolted.  My eyes welled up and I tried to furiously make the tears go away, sniffing a little.

" You have no idea what you're saying." I heard him as he made me look into his eyes as he pulled my face up, keeping his hands on both of my cheeks.

" Mrs. Swara Aditya Kapoor, I wish you could see yourself from my eyes. You are the most beautiful person, inside out. I will always want you, no matter what and of course you are bound to gain a few pounds because you have a life growing inside you. A life which you and I made and you are nurturing. I have told you a million times and I will tell you again, I love you. No terms and conditions applied. So if you're worried about what I think of you, know that for me, you are my life, my reason to wake up in the morning and my strength. You are an incredible, incredible woman, my woman. You are my love, my passion, my obsession, my smile and my everything. Never thing otherwise." His words hit right where he wanted them to and I couldn't stop myself from crying. Damn my hormones!

He then bent forward to peck my lips and my forehead as he wiped my tears away. I wrapped my arms around his torso and felt his chin at the top of my head.

We stayed like that till my sobs died.

" I love you too, a lot." I spoke up and felt him kiss my hair.

" Now get ready or else we'll be late." He said as I left him.

Nodding, I got ready and then we left for mumma's place.

Swara's Look-

Reaching home, I ran into papa's arms.

" How's my Shona doing?" He asked me.

" Very well!" I exclaimed.

" Beta, there is someone who wishes to apologize to Aditya and you." Mumma said as we walked into the living room.

I saw Kritika di standing next to her and it came as a total surprise and shock to me. I felt Aditya hold my hand protectively.

" What is she doing here?" He asked and I could feel anger rising within him. I kept my other hand on his chest, trying to calm him down slightly.

" She got released from the mental asylum the day before yesterday, now completely fine. She is our daughter and we want to give her a last chance to redeem herself." Papa said.

" But what she did to us....." Before Aditya could say any further, mom interrupted.

" Adi, beta what has happened is all in the past. Everyone deserves a second chance. If Vaidehi and Rajesh are willing to forgive her, we should too. No one should carry grudges against anyone." Mom said, walking to Aditya and kept a hand on his shoulder but he didn't say anything.

" I understand that he does not want to forgive me. I don't really deserve it after I did everything." I heard di's voice in seven years.

" I am ready to forgive you." I announced but looking at Aditya and I saw a flash of annoyance cross his eyes.

" Let's take the high road Aditya. We are about to begin a new chapter in our lives. Let's not do it with hatred for anyone." I addressed him, praying that he understands.

It took him a while but he nodded slightly and I gave him the best smile that I could and hugged him slightly before walking up to Di who had tears in her eyes.

" I am so sorry for everything I have done Shona. You have a huge heart to be able to forgive me." She whispered and I went on to hug her.

" It's okay Di. Whatever happened, whatever you did was destined to happen. Besides, had you not run away, I would never have married him. I can never hate you." I whispered back.

We stood there for a while before leaving each other. No one pushed Aditya to make small talks with her because let's not push it.

" We are here." Tanya announced with little Kritik in her arms as Aryan followed. They too were shocked to see Di but I filled them in. Then post a very delicious lunch, Aryan and I decided to go for a ride. Just the two of us.

" S, where do you want to go? The usual?" He asked and I nodded, grinning.

" Well then, Marine Drive it is." He announced as he drove off.

Sitting there, we talked about so many things. About Kritik, Tanya, Aditya and what not.

" This is such a beautiful journey, isn't it?" I asked, looking at him.

" With everyone around, most certainly. Couldn't have asked for anything more S." He replied as we gazed to the Arabian sea during sunset.

It will always be our spot.

" T20 world cup later this year. Want me to get the tickets for all the India's matches?" He asked, out of the blue.

" Of course Aryan, since when did you ask?" I replied, grinning again and he took out the tickets from the pocket.

" Just formality. Had you said no, I would have picked you up and forced you to come. Not that I would ever need it. We both love cricket." He said and I totally agreed.

We sat there for about an hour more before he dropped me off home.


" Aditya.....will you please get me chocolate ice-cream?" I shook him from sleep because I was craving some of it. I was in my 9th month and the due date was really near. In fact, next week.

" Swara....it's so late. No store would be open. Come to bed." He said, his voice all hoarse.

" Please Aditya....please?" I begged but it seemed like he had already fell back to sleep.

How dare he! His wife wants to have chocolate ice-cream and all he cares about is sleep. Not happening. 

I took the glass of water from the nightstand and poured it over him and he immediately stood up, in shock.

" Better." I said, smirking. He was still trying to make sense as of what had happened.

" Now go and get me ice-cream." I ordered him and he did walk out of the room after changing.

In about five minutes, he was back with a tub of ice cream. I was about to jump out of the bed but his voice stopped me.

" Don't Swara. I am getting it there." He ordered and I nodded like an obedient child.

I then tried to take the tub out of his hands but he kept on making it out of my reach, smirking.

" What are you doing!" I exclaimed, exasperated.

" Getting back at you for ruining my sleep." He replied, that annoying yet devilishly handsome smirk still on.

How does he manage to look like a Greek god at 12 AM while I look like an over-grown hippo?

" You think I look like a Greek god?" He asked, so smug, raising an eyebrow.

" Did I say that out loud?" I Thought to myself.

" Yes, you did." He replied, now laughing and I looked away, blushing.

He sat in front of me and gave me the tub and the spoon and I started hogging happily.

" You don't look like a hippo." He said out of nowhere.

I didn't say a word but just offered him a spoon of ice cream.

He didn't take it, but instead, started to lean closer to me and I went back till my head hit the pillow and he claimed my lips with his, biting them and dominated his tongue. The ice cream was all forgotten as I clutched onto his shoulders tightly, as we made out.

Getting out of breath, we stopped and then he kept the ice-cream tun away.

" Time for bed." He said and I nodded, getting up to wash my hands when I felt my water broke.

" Aditya." I said, unsure of what to tell him.

" Yes love, do you need help?" He asked as he got up.

" No....I think my water broke." I told him and then his eyes went from surprise to shock to now, full blown panic in a matter of seconds.

He immediately walked to me and made me sit.

" We have the hospital bag packed. All we need is to inform people." He spoke to himself, taking the bag out and then walked out of the room. In a matter of minutes, everyone in the house was in our room.

Aditya carried me to the car as Karan drove. Mom was sitting next to me and so was dad. Preeti had to stay back home with Ananya.

" I've informed Rajesh." Dad said as we reached the hospital.

I was taken to the labor room and Aditya was with me. The contractions had started getting very, very painful.

" You're almost dilated Swara. Time to push." My doctor said and I nodded, whimpering in pain.

" Yes Swara, a little more. Just there." I could hear Aditya as I had clutched his hand very tightly.

" Oh my god...I can't do this." I cried in pain as it was getting unbearable.

" You can love." I heard Aditya again and he stroked my sweaty forehead.

After one final push, I heard a cry. It was done. 

" Congratulations, it's a baby girl." The doctor said and I finally laid my head back, closing my eyes because of all the exhaustion.

" Here." I heard the doctor and opened my eyes. Here she was, my little princess, wrapped in a cloth as I took her in my arms.

" Hello baby. I am your mumma and he is your papa. Now, now....we don't know much about being parents, but I am sure you'll help us, won't you my little barbie doll?" I talked to her as if she understood everything and kissed her forehead.

She fit perfectly in my arms, so tiny and her little fingers grabbed my thumb lightly.

" This is the best feeling in the world." I whispered, looking at Aditya who kissed my forehead, then our little princess's.

" Here, take her." I said, giving her in Aditya's arms who very delicately, took her and cooed to her.

I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and kept slipping into darkness.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a different room, probably a ward. I looked around and saw no one and panicked.

" Where is she? Where...." Before I could say anything further, papa rushed to me.

" Don't worry Shona. The nurse, all her tests are done and she is completely healthy, with Aditya now right there." He pointed as Aditya entered the ward.

Papa then stroked my head gently as I smiled at him, closing my eyes. His presence always manages to calm me down.

I heard a DSLR shutter voice and saw Karan with a camera.

" You won't believe how beautiful this picture is." He said as he walked towards me and showed it.

One side, papa was stroking my hair and in the same frame, Aditya had our little princess in his arms, kissing her forehead.

" Wow." I managed to whisper. This was perfect.

Mumma, mom and dad then came and sat with me for a while and then I saw Aryan enter the room.

" Where were you idiot?" I asked, frowning.

" Right here." I said, walking towards me as I hugged him, sitting.

" She is beautiful." He said and I nodded, tearing up as everyone left us alone. We just sat there, making little conversations.

" Okay, let the mother rest." The doctor shooed Aryan out of the room and he had to go, grudgingly and I fell back to sleep.

I was discharged three days later and I had little Adira in my arms. We decided that name because it means powerful for she had the power to wrap Aditya around her little finger, what even I couldn't do. At least, that was my logic.

Entering home, it was a magical feeling. Mom asked us to take her upstairs to our room as her nursery was not ready yet.

" Welcome home Adhira. ( Pronounced -  A-DHEE-RA )" I whispered.

Aditya then wanted to take her in his arms and so I obliged.

Bubbles had followed us to the room.

I went on my knees to pat him and also introduced him to his little sister. He then went to sit right next to where Adira's crib was placed.

" My two girls and the little mutt." I heard Aditya and I smiled at him, as I rested my head on his shoulder and one of my arm on Adira's hand and the other one on Aditya's chest.

" I love you three. You all have my heart." I muttered, sighing.

Aditya placed her in her crib. She was sleeping peacefully and then grabbed me by my waist gently and I wrapped my arms around his torso, kissing his cheek and he then nuzzled his face in my neck, leaving butterflies in my stomach and shivers down my spine, as heat rushed down my cheeks.

" This is my favorite color and the reason is the affect I have on you love, it's magical." He said looking at me in the eyes and I hit is shoulder slightly as we laughed together and Bubbles gave a small bark.

Life was as good as it could get.



This marks the end of Aditya and Swara's story.

Thank you all so much for being a part of their journey and living it with me. Those who tolerated my irregular updates but yet, never stopped reading the book, let me tell you all that you mean a lot to me. You guys have my heart and I all really love you so much!

Thank you for loving Mismatched Love. As I type this, I lack clarity as my eyes have a layer of tears in them. Each and everyone character in the book is so close to me because I've lived them. I've lived them each and everytime I've written them and saying this goodbye is very difficult. On this note, I'd like take a moment as all the memories are flashing in front of my eyes.

I'll see you all soon. Until then, goodbye.❤❤

PS- You all have no compulsion to comment now since the book is over, but it would mean the world to me if you do. It will motivate me to come up with things you like.💕

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