Chapter 12

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After I dropped Taehee at her home. I couldn't stop myself but be sad. I think I'm strongly attached to Taehee than I thought I was.

I couldn't even sleep. I played games all night trying to distract my mind but I ended up thinking about her. 

The evening came and I got to know her flight gonna be at five o'clock in the evening when Taehyung came to my house in the morning. He was surprised to see my sleepless figure.

The news of Taehee leaving is affecting me too much. "I don't know what to do. We're not even friends. But it freaking hurt so much. I'm going to miss her if I didn't get to see her now. I like her but does she like me?"

Part of me wants to stop her from leaving but I don't have a reason why I should do that. Even if I had a reason how can I stop her from seeing her dad? That'll be too cruel. I don't want to be like Dr. Hun. He saved his girl killing her father. That's something you can't forgive even he did that out of love. I remember Taehee saying that I'll never be like Park hun. And that's true. I will never be like him because I am me. I just want her to be happy. I groaned in frustration when I saw the clock, it's almost three in the evening. She must be left to the airport by now.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I look at the caller-id and my eyes got hardened. It is Hyung.


"Where are you?" He sounds angry. "I thought you guys were dating. If you really love her get your ass up here you dumbass." He almost yelled.

I rolled my eyes. He and his stupid conclusions. "We're not dating. Just hanging out. Stop overreacting." I said trying my best not to grit my teeth. Sure, he doesn't know about Taehee's feelings yet it still makes me angry. For the love of God, why does it have to be him?

"She's leaving in few minutes. You'll regret it if you don't see her off." He hung up before I reply. Did he just ignore my comment earlier? Does he think I freaking don't know that? I would have run to her if I knew how she feels about me. The fact she like someone else makes it worse. Knowing it's my brother is the biggest bomb.

"Aish! whatever. I'm not going. It's not like I'm going to miss her." I muttered under my breath.

"You sure? I thought you said that you'll be missing her if you don't get to see her just a few minutes ago." I jumped out of my bed hearing my mother's voice.

"Since when were you here?" She smiled.

"Since the time you said 'I don't know what to do now. We're not even friends. But it freaking hurt so much...' " I felt my cheek is heating, I try to avoid eye contact with her.

"You're blushing." She almost squeals. I shoved my face on my pillow. "Mom!!!!.." I whined.

She giggled like a teenager. "It's okay, son. You don't have to deny it. Was it Wonwoo who called you?" I nodded.

She forced me to look at her. "Honey, Love isn't something you can hide. If you really like her go and tell her. Stop denying it. You'll regret it if you don't go to see her. You should let her know how you feel. I can tell that you really like her. And don't let her go easily. Go and get your love." She patted my back gesturing me to go.

"But mom, she and I aren't even friends. I recently got to know she like someone else. What if she doesn't like me back?" It almost kills me to let out those words. Maybe this is a way of God punishing me for breaking all those girls' hearts.

"Oh, honey." She touches my cheek lovely looking at my tear-filled eyes lovingly. "I'm sure she has a spot for you in her heart. You have to give her a chance even though it's a risk, to see if it'll work. Do you know, your father also likes a playboy back then but look at us now. Life is full of risks. If you don't take risks, you'll never know what you will be missing."

I look at her. Not just her outer self but then the inner beauty of the woman who raised me. I know she and dad has a very long history. She often mentions that at times. This woman can clearly sense what's on my mind even without me telling her. I may not believe it if she isn't the one who's telling me these things. But I trust her instinct.

"You really think so? Do you really think I have a chance?" she nodded her head smiling at me warmly before giving me a hug.

"Now, what are you still doing here. Go go go." She tries to push me but I am too strong. I chuckle seeing her trying her best to push me off of the bed.

"Okay. okay. I'll go." I got up with a smile. I quickly took my leather jacket and wearing my shoes quickly.

"Bye, mom. And thank you." I kiss her cheek running downstairs.

Even though I wanted to confess I decide not to do it now. I'll just see her off. I'm still a bit scared of rejection. Also, She'll be back. If we're destined to be together we'll end up together. Besides I'm not sure if I'm really ready to start a relationship. All in my life I have played with girls' hearts but never actually dated anyone.

It is ten minutes before five o'clock when I entered the airport. I quickly jumped out of my car running inside calling Taehee hoping she didn't leave. The phone is out of reach.

"Damn it! Taehee, don't leave me yet." I mattered running faster.

That's when I saw her hugging Jimin for the last time. I am far away from her when she let go of him and turn to leave.

"Wait! Taehee....." I shout hoping she would hear me. But she didn't. It broke my heart.

"Taehee! !!!!" I shout again when I was near to others who are now looking at me. I stop myself for a bit to catch my breathing, finally, she turned around with wide eyes.

"Jungkook? What are-" before she continued I pulled her into a tight hug. My breathing is still unstable. I can't even manage to say any words.

"Where do you think you are going without telling me?" I said letting go of her. She looks beautiful as always. I can't help but fight myself to hold the tears. I touch her cheek. She is surprised by my sudden act. "Have a safe trip. I'm going to miss you, my little miss arrogant." She smiles hearing the nickname.

"Aish! You sure are a drama queen." She hit my arm making me pout and look at her. "Ouch! Stop hitting me. You should have at least call me to say goodbye. How unfair." I playfully glared at her.

She rolls her eyes. Just then they announced it is time for her flight. She waved everyone again and look at me. "Goodbye! I have to go now. I'll come back. Try not to forget me." She said playfully but it almost sounds like she's threatening me. I chuckle.

"Okay. Okay. I won't. Promise?" I offered her my little finger. She shakes her head in disbelief but wrapped her little finger with mine.

"Promise." She turned to leave but I didn't want to let go of her. She turns to me with a questioning look.

Fu*k that bullsh*t! I can't wait any longer. I pulled her towards me and press my lips on her. Her eyes widened in surprise. I actually thought she'll push me away or slapped me. I heard others are cheering on us. The moment our lips touched I felt like the part I've always missed is here. My body spark with electricity making the whole body go shiver. At that moment I knew she's the one. Her lips were so soft and they taste like strawberries and chocolate. I was so happy when she started to respond to my kiss.  She wrapped her hand around my neck. I wish I could kiss her more but she need to go. And I'm going to miss her more than I think I would. It confirms that I really like - no. I have fallen for the Miss Arrogant even without my knowledge.

"Now, you can't break that promise. Because you're mine." I grinned letting go of her. Her cheeks were red as a tomato.

"That was .... my first kiss." I laugh seeing her shyness. And part of me is happy that her first kiss is with me.

"Taehee, we should go now." A girl who is around her mid-twenty said.

"Don't you dare to find any girl to replace me?" She had tears in her eyes. I wipe them off with my fingers. I couldn't help but kiss her again.

"I won't. You will be my number one from today. No. You are the only one for me. I can't imagine myself with anyone." I kiss her forehead stepping away from her to take a look at her again. Darn it, I can't let go of her now. I can feel how fast my heart is beating. I'm going to miss seeing her face. I badly want to stop her from leaving. But I can't. "Goodbye, Love." I touched Taehee's cheek smoothing it. She looks hesitant to let go of my other hand which is entwined with her hand. But eventually, she let go giving me a sad smile. She turns around without looking back I was trying my best to hold my tears looking at her fading figure but she suddenly stopped walking. My heart almost stopped when I saw tears rolling down her cheeks. She ran towards me fast taking me into a bone-crushing hug. She sobs louder hugging me tightly. I also tighten my grip on her afraid of letting her go.


It was the same woman's voice. I knew I had to let her go now. She eventually let go of me. I hold her face whipping down her tears.

"It's okay, Love. If you stay any longer I don't think I would let you go. So, please leave." I stepped back letting go of her completely. I quickly face away from her knowing that I won't be able to hold back if I look at her face.

When I turned around in few minutes, I saw her walking out with her bodyguard and the assistant who talk to us earlier.

I didn't even know I had tears on my eyes until someone patted my shoulder.

"She'll come back. Don't worry. Even though I'm her best friend I think she has another reason to be here." I look at Jimin who is giving me a knowing look.

Someone wrapped their hand on my shoulder tightly. "Yeah, and it's because of you. She'll be back to get her love." Taehyung said grinning widely. But I saw tears in both of their eyes.

Song Taehee, you better come back or else I'm going to come for you.


And that's the end!

Hahaha just kidding. There's more in the story that you still need to know. 😉

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