Chapter Eight

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Ava and I were seated on the same spot we had been last time under the Jacaranda tree waiting for the game to start. I still wasn't feeling back to my normal self but all the guys had texted me if I was still coming and I didn't have the heart to say no.

I was dressed in black tights, a black tube top, a black denim jacket and white sneakers. This was the laziest I have ever dressed but I still looked sexy and stylish. Whoever thought any other way could suck it. Like Ava for instance.

"You look like shit." Ava commented.

See what I mean.

"I know because I'm actually sick you psycho." I replied.

"Oh God. So sorry. What's wrong?" She asked putting her hand on my forehead.

I don't really get why people do that. What would touching my forehead actually tell them unless they were a doctor?

"Gabriel says I may have had alcohol poisoning so I'm not allowed to drink or smoke till he gives me the clear." I explained taking her hand off my forehead.

"That's too bad. But he is a doctor so he knows what he's saying." She replied with a nod.

"He's not a doctor he's just studying to be one and how come even you know he was studying medicine and I didn't?" I asked shocked.

"Probably because knowing you, you never bothered to get to know the guy." She replied and I snorted brushing her off.

She was right though. I hadn't taken the time to actually get to know Gabriel. Spending time with him yesterday had been great. He was caring, attentive and he was a great friend. He behaved really great with the guys. The guy had taken care of me when I was sick even with the way I had spoken to him about keeping our distance. He really was one of a kind.

"So I heard you slept in his bed yesterday." Ava said wriggling her eyebrows.

"Yes and its only because I was sick. Now let's watch the game. It's starting." I said dismissively.

"Your just avoiding the topic."

"Yes I am. Now shh. I wanna watch."

"It's not a movie."

"Then pretend it is." I said with a final tone before leaning back on the tree bark to support my weight.

The boys hadn't been lying. The game was a big one because there were more people here than last time. The visiting team also looked furious and kept throwing snide comments to our team. It was getting me really angry. I even saw Gabriel hold back Paul a few times from getting physical. They would be disqualified and that would be a bummer for the whole team. I just didn't understand how Gabriel could be so calm even when someone was calling him names. I knew I didn't have that kind of patience in me.

The whistle was blown and the game began. I still didn't know shit about rugby but it was fun seeing all the boys run around all sweaty and throw each other to the ground. As I watched Gabriel play I realized why he had been so calm. That man was ruthless on the field. Like I said before rugby is kind of a violent game and Gabriel was taking violence to a whole other level. He was still playing by the rules but he was knocking people down like they weighed nothing. Seeing him play with such agility and strength was kind of a turn on for me and for once I embraced that feeling instead of pushing it away.

Look at me getting all soft towards this guy.

By the time the game ended I think Gabriel had broken a few bones. Good thing is that we won. We actually won and it was by a landslide. The guys had been amazing.

"They won. Oh My God. They actually won." Ava exclaimed getting up and she jumped up and down shouting excitedly.

I just smiled and looked up at her. I was happy that the guys had won. The crowd started dispersing and the teams went to freshen up or get treated for injuries.

"So where to next?" Ava asked dropping herself next to me, the excitement having quieted down.

"I am actually going home. I know there's no after party today and even if there was I wouldn't go. I maybe a rebel but I don't need Liver failure. Am too young." I said dramatically making Ava roll her eyes at me.

Before she could reply her phone rang. She gave me a sign to wait as she got up and answered it. I nodded and got up too and began folding the shuka we were seated on. This time there had been no food or drinks. Just a bottle of water for me that I had already finished .

"That was Paul. He and a few members of the team are going out to eat and celebrate and they invited us to go with." Ava said when she came back. "And before you say no the boys said it's either you go or they are all coming at your place with the food and drinks to eat there." She announced.

Damn it. I was beginning to like those guys but not enough to have all of them at my place at once. That was like a party and I hated parties at my place. I've never had one so that proves my point.

"Okay fine." I groaned.

"Yes! They said to meet them at the parking lot. They would pick us up from there." She announced.

"Okay I just need to pee first. I can feel that bottle of water I just chugged coming out." I replied handing Ava her Shuka.

She put it in her small backpack and accompanied me to the bathroom. I couldn't believe I was going out to eat with the whole team. Gabriel was a part of that team. I had done this before with Ava and a few other friends but there was always alcohol involved. This time it was just food. What had I gotten myself into.

It was already getting dark and they had already started turning on the security lights. It looked really pretty and calm. When we arrived at the parking lot after doing our business the guys were already there waiting for us. Gabriel was on his motorcycle and Paul,Vincent, Nick and Jackson were in a double cabin truck. Paul was driving and the others were at the back cabin. It looked like kind of a squeeze back there considering their sizes. Why wouldn't just one of them seat at the front.

That was explained when I saw Paul opening the passenger seat for Ava. She awarded him with a smile and a big kiss. I guess those two were more than fuck buddies now.

"I thought you guys were going to bail on us." Paul said.

"I would have but you guys blackmailed me so here I am." I replied glaring at him where he replied with a smile and I glared harder.

"Nia did you see. We won." Vincent exclaimed getting out of the truck and running towards me. He pulled me into his arms and into a bear hug. Thank God they had showered before coming here.

"Yes I saw. Congratulations Vin. You were amazing out there." I told him when he put me down and I gave him a kiss on the cheek making him blush.

Vincent was like tha baby of the group. He was so childish but with the body of a body builder. It made him the most lovable one.

"Okay okay enough I'm hungry." Gabriel announced and I glared at him.

Why was he so grouchy?

"The truck is full so where am I sitting." I asked.

"You can sit here pretty mama." And that ladies and gentlemen was Nick. The flirt of the group. He was harmless though.

"I would but I don't want to hurt your little micro penis when I sit on it." I replied with a smile making the smug look on his face dropped.

"Ouch!You just got schooled son." Vincent exclaimed and everyone laughed.

"I will let you know that my penis is the right size." He defended.

"Enough talk about Nick's Penis. You are riding with me." Gabriel announced handing me his helmet.

I held back the gleeful yell I wanted to let out. I would get to ride on that beautiful beast again and this time I would enjoy it.

"Thanks but keep the helmet. It's a beautiful night I want to enjoy the sights." I replied.

"You are still sick. Now take the helmet." Gabriel insisted.

"Nope!"I replied popping the I as I got on behind him. He sighed defeated and I grinned in triumph.

Paul drove off and I secured my arms around Gabriel. I felt him tense just like the other time I had ridden with him. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable so I loosened my hands around him. I was about to let him go completely when he grabbed my hands and put them back around him. I smiled and held on tight and he started the motorcycle and we were off.

It truly was beautiful at night here. Thika was beautiful this time of night and everything just seemed to come to life. Considering how big our university was it explained all the students and the businesses around.

After a short beautiful ride we stopped in front of the mall. They had awesome food courts here. I got off the bike and was immediately wrapped in Vincents arms. I think he saw me as a little sister considering he was the only one who hadn't made a comment about my looks or said anything sexual to me.

We decided on a place to eat and since they didn't have big enough tables to fit our group of seven we had to join two tables. Paul and Ava say next to each other on one side together with Jackson and Nick. I sat on the other side sandwiched between Gabriel who was seated next to the wall and Vincent on my other side.

"Nia are you feeling any better?" Jackson asked when we settled down.

"Yeah I'm much better thank you. I had to be because I wanted to see you guys play. I didn't get anything but you guys were awesome and congratulations on the win." I replied with a smile.

"Thanks for coming. You were our good luck charm. Or mine at least." Vincent said pulling me into a side hug.

"Yoh Gabriel you look kind of grouchy. Want to switch with me? I could use a Nia hug." Nick said and Gabriel just grunted and flipped him off.

I turned to look at Gabriel and he did look pissed off. Maybe something was eating him up. I was about to ask him what it was when a waitress came to take our oder. We all made our drink orders and since we were a while group we decided to order to family sized meals which included. A full chicken, lots of chips and hot dogs. That was a lot of food but am sure the guys would wolf it down.

When the waitress left I turned to Gabriel.

"Hey are you okay. You seem prickly which is unlike you." I asked very concerned.

"Am fine." He replied barely giving me a glance.

I would have pushed more but I realized it was none of my business. I was the one who told him to keep his distance so I shouldn't be concerned about him. I decided to just ignore him because it seemed like he didn't really want to talk.

"This was hands down one of the best games we've ever played." Paul declared and everyone nodded agreeing.

"Agreed. Nia you should come to more of our games and watch me teach those other guys how rugby is played." Nick said flexing his muscles.

This boy just didn't give up.

"Stop hitting on Nia. She don't want your tiny dick and nonexistent muscles."Vincent said and we all laughed.

"Nia knows its all harmless banter. Don't you baby girl." Nick said with a wink and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes Nick I know." I replied."

"See. She gets it. "Nick said.

"Whatever just stop it."Vincent said the food arrived interrupting Nicks reply.

The food looked so good and we all immediately dug in as we talked about anything and everything. The whole time Gabriel was just silently brooding in the corner. He also wasn't eating, he was just drinking his soda.

I grabbed a paper plate and filled it with food and placing it in front of him. He looked like he was about to deny it but I glared at him and he sighed and started eating. We continued eating,talking and teasing each other.

Jackson and Vincent excused themselves after a while and left. I continued eating fries with some dip made with onions. I had really enjoyed coming out to eat with the guys. I wasn't drunk and was really having fun. I could see us becoming great friends.

Jackson and Vincent came back after a while but there was something off about them. They didn't sit down but just stood there with Vincent hiding behind Jackson.

"What are you guys doing? "I asked them.

"Okay so the guys and I chipped and and bought you something. Gabriel gave most of the money but we chipped in a little too. Anyway it's kind of a thank you for coming to the game even though you weren't feeling well and you hate sports."Jackson explained.

"Guys you shouldn't have. I liked watching you play." I replied.

"Okay then take it as a get well gift. We noticed that you have a sweet tongue sink we got you this. "Jackson said and he moved over to show Vincent standing behind him holding the biggest triffle dessert cup I have ever seen containing so many deserts in one.

There was ice cream, oreos, strawberries, I think there was even waffles or biscuits shaped like waffles in there and whipped cream to top it all off. This was my dream dessert. I had never see anything like this.

"Guys this is just.. Wow.. No words. "I said as they placed it in front of me.

I stood up and hugged them including Nick who didn't try to cope a feel and Paul too. Gabriel looked like he didn't even care so I didn't bother with him.

"I would be so jealous but I'm not a fan of sweet things. "Ava declared as I grabbed a spoon and dug in.

"Don't worry baby I will give you something better in private. "Paul said with a wink and kissed her.

"Gross. "Nick commented.

"Your just jealous you don't have your own girlfriend."Paul replied and Nick just groaned.

There was no way I was gonna finish all this alone but I didn't have to because Vincent grabbed a spoon and helped me finish it.

We paid the bill or the guys paid and we left. After a rounding hugs outside the mall we separated and Gabriel took me home. I didn't argue with him this time about the helmet. I didn't want to make things worse for him. He was already in a bad enough mood.

When we got back he didn't even say anything to me. He just parked his motorcycle and entered the building. I followed him up to talk to him but he slammed the door as I took that as a sign to stay away. He could wait until tomorrow. I needed some sleep and I was so full I was afraid if I didn't lie down I would pass out. That would be terrible because Gabriel wasn't here to pick me up this time.

"Goodnight Gabriel."I said standing next to his door before I turned around and entered my place. It had been a good day and what better way to end it than with some much needed sleep.






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