Chapter Twenty Two

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Six months later.

I sat in the fancy hotel with my mother and sisters as we celebrated me having graduated with honors earlier that day . My body may have been there with my family but my thoughts were elsewhere entirely. My mind wandered back to earlier that day.

The ceremony was over and everybody was roaming around congratulating each other and taking photographs. I didn't have time for all that or better yet friends to do all that with so I was trying to find a way through the crowd and back to my family. They had excused themselves saying they would give me time to do all this with my friends. I didn't have the heart to tell them I had no one do do this with so I had just smiled and nodded. Twenty minutes was enough right? Well it had to be because I swear to God if someone else asked me to take a photo of them and their friends I would run away with their phone or stomp on it.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear someone sneak up behind me until they wrapped their hands around my waist and hoisted me up in the air making me shriek. I was about to scream and kick but they spoke before I had a chance and I sighed in relief.

"Niaaa we did it, congratulations." Vincent said or more like shouted before he put me down, turned me around and squished me against him in a hug making me smile.

"Congratulations Vin."I said when we pulled away and kissed his cheek making him blush.

"Oh my God it's been so long. Come, let's join the rest of the guys am sure they are going to want to see you. You've been MIA for far too long." He said grabbing my hand and and started pulling me with him but I stood my ground.

I hadn't talked to the gang much ever since I ran out that day. Sure they reached out when I finally turned my phone back on but I kept the conversation minimal because I didn't feel okay talking to his friends behind his back. Sure they became my friends too but they were his friends first. The only person I talked to was Ava because we were always friends even before Gabriel and she wouldn't leave me alone. She was one persistent little lady.

"I can't." I said when Vincent looked back at me wondering why I wasn't moving.

Two reasons why I couldn't. First I didn't want to face Gabriel and two I was ashamed of how I had treated the guys. I hadn't seen or heard from Gabriel ever since that day at the staircase six months ago. It's like we had both totally vanished from each others lives. I had even considered not coming today to avoid running into him. It was already hard enough moving on from him. It would dig up old wounds if I saw him again.

"Come on please. Everyone will be so happy to see you." He begged.

"I don't think I can face him Vin." I said my voice going soft.

His facials got soft too when he realized who I was talking about.

"It's okay he's not here. He went missing too just like you did after you guys broke up." He replied his voice getting sad.

It's all my fault. I had broken up the gang with my stupid immature behavior. I had pushed Gabriel away from the guys.

"I'm sorry." I apologized feeling really guilty and looking down.

"Hey its not your fault." Vincent said pulling my chin up with his fingers to make me look at him.

"But it is." I insisted.

"Really believe me it's not." He argued.

"How come?" I asked feeling as if there was a deeper reason to his absence then.

"After you guys broke up he got offered a three year contract to work with a non profit organization that travels around the country helping those who can't access medical care. He had been offered the chance before but turned it down because of you but since you two were no longer together he took it. That way be can complete his internship and gain working experience at the same time." Vincent explained.

I felt instantly relieved that Gabriel wasn't here so I didn't have to face him. Deep down though I was disappointed because I would have liked to see him even from a far to confirm that he was okay. But I was also proud of him for following his dream to help the less fortunate.

"Are you sure everyone else will want to see me?" I asked getting scared again.

"Of course. We all understood why you pushed us away. We're not kids Nia to start holding grudges. So let's go. You can meet Nicks girlfriend."

"The same one from months ago? They are still together?" I asked shocked.

"Yep. Now let's go." Vincent said and before I could reply the pulled me through the crowd and this time I let him.

I was a little nervous wondering how they would react. Vincent way easy because he and I were closest and he loved me so much I could crush his phone with my shoe intentionally in front of his eyes and he'd still hug me and forgive me. I wasn't so sure about the rest of the guys though.

I didn't have to wonder long though because soon enough we saw them standing in a group talking and laughing.

Everyone was there including Paul and Ava who were still together and glued to the hip. The was a new face,a short pretty dark girl standing next to Nick who had his arm around her.

"Hey guys guess who I found."Vincent announced and everyone turned to look at me.

They happy atmosphere turned quiet all of a sudden and I felt my heart sink. I shouldn't have let Vincent talk me into this. They all stood there looking at me with sad and angry faces except for Ava who gave me a smile and a small wave. I waved back smiling.

"Congratulations you guys for graduating." I said hoping to cut the tension.

It did work because before I could brace myself I was pulled into a group hug crushed between three bodies. Four because you couldn't leave Vincent behind in a group hug and he joined in.

"Miss Daring you're back." Paul said.

"She's alive." Jackson commented making me laugh.

"I missed you sexy lady." And that was Nick.

I thought he had a girlfriend now.

"Enough you giants let her go." Ava said pulling me away from them into her own hug.

"Congrats babe." She said with a smile when we pulled away.

"You too." I replied smiling back before she was pulled away by Paul and into his side.

I was very happy those two were still together, in love and going strong. I was a little jealous too but aren't we all for things we wish we had. Like true unbreakable love for example, the kind that they had.

"So Nick want to introduce me to your lady?" I asked with a smile.

"Sure. Nia this is my queen Vera. Vera babe that is Nia aka miss daring." Nick introduced.

I smiled at how he introduced her as his queen. If Nick the flirt could be tamed and find love then there was hope for us all. Too bad my hope was away in the countryside somewhere savings lives.

"Nice to meet you." I greeted.

I was going to shake her hand but she pulled away from Nick and hugged me. Looks like today was hugs day. I didn't argue but hugged her back with a smile.

"It's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you from the guys. You are even prettier than they described." She complimented and I immediately liked this girl.

Trust me it's so hard for a lady to honestly compliment another lady and the fact that she had so honestly spoke volumes about her.

"Thank you and its an honour to meet the girl who tamed Nick the flirt. You are a legend." I said and everyone laughed and agreed with me.

"Okay enough about me." Nick said pulling Vera back to his side.

"So Nia want to join us for lunch." Jackson invited.

"I really wish I could guys but my family is waiting for me at the parking lot. Maybe we can meet up another day or I can host you all at my place. That's if were all in the city." I invited.

"Most of us all and am sure those who aren't will travel for a special Nia lunch." Vincent commented and everyone agreed.

"Okay then it's settled. This Sunday my place. Ill text you all the address."I said.

"Just don't be a stranger again." Jackson requested.

"I won't. I promise." I assured all of them.

"Okay enough sappy moments. Let's take a few photos before we release Nia back to her family." Vincent said and we all laughed and agreed.

We spent the next twenty minutes taking many goofy pictures that I would be sure to print out before I had to go back to my family. I promised to keep in touch with them and they said if I didn't they would all hunt me down.

I was glad I had all my friends back but I felt as if there was something missing. Gabriel. I played with the ring on my right hand and thought if him with a find smile. Yes I still had it because as much as I didn't want a constant reminder of having lost Gabriel I didn't have the strength to take it off. I also had the helmet too hung in the wall of my bedroom back home.

A part of me was sad having lost him but another knew it was for the best because we had to grow apart. If we were meant to be like he said then we would be but if we weren't then we would have to treasure those moments that we did get to have forever.

"Nia are you okay? You haven't touched your food." My mom asked looking at me with concern and I was jolted back to reality.

"Yes mom am okay just missing my friends already." I replied with a fake smile that she thankfully bought and smiled back. It was true. I just didn't specify which friend.

I grabbed my knife and fork and dug into the tender chicken . I wonder why my sister brought us here. She knew I loved eating with my hands like a proper African but here in front of all this prim and proper people I had to behave and eat with cutlery. I appreciated the thought though. She wanted to celebrate me graduating with style.

"Oh it's okay. Am sure you guys will keep in touch." My mother sympathized and I nodded.

I wanted to shout no we wouldn't because I had been stupid enough to let him go but I bit my chicken and chewed furiously taking out my anger on my food.

I looked up at my sisters who didn't believe a word I said but they didn't say anything. My mom would freak out if she found out that someone proposed and I said no without asking her first. It's as if she had a say in my love life. She was a true African mom but I loved her with all my heart even if she could be a bit much sometimes.

I was finally admitting that breaking up with Gabriel hadn't been the best idea. I clearly had feelings for him. I wouldn't call it love because I didn't know what that was having never experienced it before but I did have very strong and intense feelings for him. It's why I couldn't find it in me to get rid of the helmet or ring. It was he was still the wallpaper on my phone and laptop. It's also why I still had photos of him in my gallery and all my social media posts about us were there. I didn't want to let of him just yet. I don't know if I would ever move on or if I would wait for fate as he had declared to bring us back together.

For now I would just treasure whatever memory I had of him because I knew I wasn't ready to move on from him. Maybe later but definitely not now.






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