Challange 1

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You have one hour Melanie Redwood, your prize will be decided once you complete the challenge if you fail someone will send you a Christmas present.

Running, down each alley searching for a crumbled house with clear signs of being bombed.
C1- find the rat.
C2- work out where he is now.

"Has anyone seen Christian Jackson?!" I scream as I run. Christian Jackson is a false agent that is his codename he knows everything about moles and he can locate anyone for you if you ask.
"No, but he lived in the house which was bombed." Note to self-check who you talk to in future it normally is significant.

I have found it, wait for a second...
It was an orphanage,
That was a note;
Clue #1: You are getting warmer, try and do some research into historical buildings in the area. You never know you might find another name to look for.
I ran as fast as I could 55minutes left, to the library. I found the historical record of buildings and saw another note. The orphanage was a corset factory, owned by Gina Rene. I recognise that name, George Rene the mole he works in records at the station. Where is he?
Clue #2: here is your hint, how do you outrun a tortoise? And how do you find someone who has been kidnapped? You might want to start running.
I was being followed by a tall man in a Victorian waistcoat, he had a gas cane I sprinted across the road hoping that I wasn't about to be run over, he waited for the traffic. I kept running, to outrun a tortoise you pace yourself. To find a missing person you ask the person who saw them last. Now I know who took them, but finding them is another matter entirely. The cabin, it's now that I realise where he is, the cabin. I have to be careful about this, so I sprint and called the station for backup. You might think I made a wise discussion but I didn't call them at all. In the heat of the moment, you feel unstoppable, this will get me fired for sure but what can I do about it now. I reach the cabin and see George tied up I free him and get him out as fast as I can. I wasn't quick enough...

Rene runs away in time but I didn't, the gas is too quick acting. I passed out. When I woke up it is midnight and the man is in a suit staring at me. "haven't you ever wondered why it was you? It was always you, the man who you had arrested was my henchman. I'll tell you a little story shall I?" he took off my gag and I nodded. "I knew you once, you were 10. A pretty girl smart too, a little too smart for your own good. One day we were running in cross country and I saw you on the other side of the fence it was electrified and I lost all of my memories apart from the feeling of pain and your face. You were too good, you struggled to help me in doing so you caught the bug. You know it too don't you? The insanity takes over, I was never the same after that. Always obsessed, crazy running off the edge just to see if I would wake up. Your sister was you that day, I'm sorry about that. But if you can't be with me I'm afraid I can't let you leave. You will stay with me dead or alive."
"how about we buy a house together at the coast? Somewhere far away from here." I was lying through my teeth. Hoping he would buy it and he did. I had to get out and I had to manipulate him to do that. I could smell the crazy in the air it's radiating off of him and it would've got to me eventually. I had to get out quickly."I always knew you were a smart girl. It's a pity about your brother, and sister though they never did share your intellect did they?" that's not true, in fact, Sarah was only 10 IQ points below me she grew more intelligent with age and she would have surpassed my intelligence by 18. But she never had the chance. He took off my ties and I knew that I had to wait for the right moment. My blood was on the floor from a graze that I got when I passed out, I decided to use the gas. It was button activated the green button is for knockout gas. This guy needed help, he was sick but I couldn't do a thing. It was best I got out of there and got him into a hospital.

But how? I might have not run in the correct direction, or I could've tripped. I'll have to take my chances. My knee stung but the adrenalin pushed me through it. I waited until he slept then I used the gas and will run. But it's at this point he said:: "You can either share the bed with me or sleep on the stone floor without anything." He smirked evilly.
"On one condition, you stay on your side and don't try anything." I bargained, but he laughed. "I can't promise anything like that princess." He licked his lips and I knew he wasn't joking. "I'll sleep on the floor." it's closer to the knockout gas for one, he would have been blocking it otherwise. For two he looks crazy right now like he's debating what to do next. And I didn't want to find out what those options are. By 5 in the morning he's asleep, he laid awake watching me for hours.

I was panicking as I pressed the green button and his wicked eyes opened. But seconds later he was out cold. And I turned the key in the lock and shoved the door open. I took the time to lock it from the outside because it would have bought me time. Then I ran with my diary. Luckily I had a compass etched into the thick cover in case I ever got lost, I needed to head north. I was in ripped shorts from that creep and a shorter t-shirt. I was scared as I sprinted, I was heading to the station. That's where I would be safe, that's where Jace will be waiting with the others. His little face sadder than usual until he sees me, then he'll run towards me with open arms. I ran faster and faster until I reached the edge of the forest, the road is empty and as I ran I saw no cars. It's unlucky that one sped around the corner at that moment and I just remember the ringing after that...

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