August 1, 2022. The Bronco Meets The Htown Hottie.

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When I arrived at the arena for Raw, I was set to go against Damian Priest and I knew there was a three-time Grammy winner in attendance and me being around celebrities who come to WWE event tapings, nine times out of ten, they don't interact with anyone backstage. But I was so wrong about Megan. She not only interacted with everyone backstage but signed a few autographs and took pictures with everyone that asked. Except me as I had to focus and prepare for my match with Damian.

Twelve minutes later while I was in the ring, Hunter checked in with her, "Everything going well so far tonight, Megan?"
"Yeah Hunter, everything's going well, but I don't believe I met everyone." She replied.
"You probably haven't met one wrestler. That's actually from an obscure part of Texas." Hunter told her.
"Really, who?" She asked. All he did was point to a monitor and she looked at it and found me performing The Lariat taking Damian's head off as he spun onto his stomach and I kicked him over with my foot and put the same foot on his chest and got the three count making me the winner. I soon made my way to the back and when I reached the gorilla, I was met by Megan which surprised me. "Nice match out there." She grinned.
"Thank you." I replied not expecting her to even be out of her locker room, but here she was talking to me and I've never been happier to be proven wrong. "You must be Megan?"
"That's right." She giggled. "And your 'The Bronco' Daniel Boyce."
"Correct." I said with smile as she walked with me to the trainers office as he checked me out and when he didn't find anything broken or anything he let me go and before I started heading to my locker room, I looked to her, "Would you like to come to my locker room, Megs?"
Megan chuckled, "You brave now huh? Beat a guy that's taller than you and now you shorten my name." She grinned even though she tried to act tough. "It's actually sweet of you."
"Thank you." I grinned. I opened the door to my locker room and we walked in and she closed the door.
"So why didn't you come up and introduce yourself earlier?" She asked.
"Don't hate me, but I've been to wrestling events where the celebrity guest didn't even come out of their locker room and not even socialize with anyone backstage. So that and I needed to focus on my match against Damian. So imagine my surprise when I got back to the gorilla. I see you waiting for me. The three time Grammy winning Megan Thee Stallion." She grinned at that.  "And I have a confession to make." She looked at me curiously.  "I've actually been a fan of yours for a while."
"Really?" She asked surprised as I nodded. "Thank you. It's good to know I'm on a fellow Texans Playlist." She smiled as she watched me take my ring gear off and dressed into some clean casuals. "You don't have to skip a shower if you need to."
I grinned, "Well. I usually don't shower in arena locker rooms. My experience they end up broken without notifying anyone. So I always wait until I'm in my hotel room before I shower. Nothing against the arena."
"Say no more. Would you like to come to my hotel suite tonight?" She smirked as she noticed me stopping what I was doing and looked at her.
"That was out of the blue." I chuckled.
"Tell you what? You come to my suite for an hour, then you can go back to your room and back to your life." She proposed.
I thought it over and thought it would be fun to hang out with The Htown Hottie for a while, "Deal." I grinned as I shook her hand.
"Alright." She texted her crew and told them she'd be fine tonight and to just go ahead and take the limo back to the hotel.

When I was packed and ready to go, she slid into my right arm and we made our way to the hotel.

Upon arrival, she guided me to her suite and gave me her keycard, which I swiped and opened the door. It was a royal suite and to say I was overwhelmed by the size of it would be an understatement. She giggled as she watched me just walk around slack-jawed. I soon closed my mouth and regained my composure, "It's nice." I said making her smile and laugh.
"Come on. You looked like a deer in headlights. But I'm glad you approve." She grinned as she led me to the sofa and we sat down and started talking about our hometowns, which we were in hers tonight. I told her about growing up in Jackson City. All the things that made the place bearable. I also told her how on the historic part of town how I used to imagine walking along main street in the old west. We soon touched on our relationship histories.
She told me about her relationships, she especially told me about a fellow rapper who she broke up with a few months ago. When I told her I never had a relationship, she nearly hit the roof in shock. "What?  A good looking, handsome guy like you didn't have a girlfriend?"
"That's right. I was so busy with my family's ranch that I never had time to find one." I told her honestly.
"Ohh, I very much doubt that." She said.
"You don't know my dad." I smiled. "A real stubborn man of the old school ranching generation. Which meant I had no time for anything than my family's ranch."
"So not even dates, or anything?" She asked
"No. I have snuck out to bars and before I could enjoy my second beer, a raucous would flare up and I'd help the bouncer break it up. Sometimes I'd meet a girl at from my high school that was there with her boyfriend who ran off at the first sign of trouble. So after I rescued them, they'd take me home and show their gratitude. I was surprised we weren't caught." I grinned.
"Maybe the parents were out of town." She chuckled.
"Good point." I replied as I looked at my phone and noticed it had been two hours since we arrived. "Wow. We've been jawing for two hours."
Megan slid to the sofa I was on and cuddled close to me. "Time flies when your having fun." She grinned as she laid her head on my shoulder.
"You know if you want, I have some time off coming in a week or two. Maybe I can come to LA and see you? And maybe we can go on a date? An actual date not drinks?" I asked.
"I'd like that." She smiled.
"Give your phone and I'll give you mine." I handed her my phone as she handed me hers. We put our numbers in each other's phones and handed them back. I looked at what she put as a name with the number, "The Bronco's Bitch." I chuckled.
"Hott Girl Buster." She laughed.
"Well now that we crossed the cute nickname line. I'd say we need to go on a date now." I told her.
"Well, let's get together when you come to LA. And I'm thinking that if the date goes well, we can take our nonexistent relationship to the next level." She smiled.
"I like that." I grinned.
"Good, you know you can stay the night." She offered.
"I better not. Not until we're dating." I replied.
"Okay." She got up with me and escorted me to the door. "Takes alot of guts to turn down a beautiful woman's offer like that."
"Takes even more to walk away from a beautiful woman when you can feel something special about her." I grinned as I held her hands in mine. She blushed as I kissed her cheek before grabbing my arena bag, leaving her suite and heading to my room.

When I arrived back at my room, I got showered, put on some sleepwear, and headed to bed. But before I went to sleep, Megan sent me a text telling me goodnight.  I grinned as I replied back the same, even sent a heart emoji with it. After I put my phone away, I turned off the light and fell asleep.

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