❤Part 14❤

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Both sat at their reserved place in front of each other. Their eyes fixed on each other. Their heartbeats erratic. Annika gave him a small smile which he reciprocated. For a moment he forgot his purpose of coming there. She was looking so enchanting in the mustard coloured anarkali suit embroidered with maroon thread. Her hair strands flying in air making her look more enticing.

Their moment broke when a waiter came there to take the order. Placing an order for two coffee cups both again sat in silence. It was getting awkward. They couldn't understand what to talk.

After sometime he cleared his throat in an attempt to start talking but when she looked at him he felt as if his voice was lost. He couldn't even say a word. He started coughing. She immediately got up from her seat and pouring some water in a glass she kept it near his lips rubbing his back continously. He drank the water looking at her. She was busy caressing his back. She looked concerned. Even his little cough made her worry so much and there this man was planning a revenge. But his stubborn mind.

He took a deep breath. She sat on her seat back.

'You okay?' She asked with a voice full of worry. He nodded.

The waiter served them coffee. Both started sipping it.

'Ummm....annika....woh...i....i' He stammered not knowing what to say.

'What happened shivaay? Is there any problem?'

'No! No!'


He held her hand which was on the table.

'Annika! I thought a lot about us. I mean i realised what i am doing to you is wrong.' He said calmly.

'What are you saying shivaay?' She asked even after knowing what he was talking about. She was desperate to listen to a few particular words from his mouth.

Getting up from his chair, he knelt down in front of her holding both of her hands making her shock.

'I won't beat around the bush annika but i just want to give a chance to you, to us. I just.....just can't live without you anymore.' He said releasing a breath he was holding since long. Her eyes shed tears. She couldn't believe it was happening. She couldn't believe her shivaay whom she had broken so badly was asking out. But his next words shocked her more.

       'WILL YOU......WILL YOU MARRY ME ANNIKA?' He asked in his husky voice making her heart do somersault. Her mind stopped working. Was it all for real or was she dreaming? Her shivaay wanted to marry her. Her tears flew like a waterfall. Not being able to say anything, she too knelt down before him hugging him with all her might. He hugged her back. She kept crying. He caressed her back.

          'Yes! I'll.....i'll marry you shiv.' She replied still crying. This was the moment she was waiting for since eternity. This was the time she was longing for. She finally found her peace, her solace in his arms. Only she knew how many uncountable prayers she sent to God everyday to give him back to her.  Only she knew what she felt when she saw the hatred in his eyes for her. She could even die for this. She kept tightening her hold on him still crying.

       He caressed her hair with a smile which soon turned into a smirk. He was waiting for this moment only. He just wished everything go in accord of  his plan. Now he just wanted to marry her as soon as possible in order to start his revenge.

        He tried to break the hug but she didn't allow. Instead she tightened her hold on him if it was even possible.

       'Let me hug you for some more time please.' She whispered meekly. Her tears still didn't stop.
       After few minutes he finally managed to break the hug. She placed her hands on his chest. He cupped her face and wiped her tears.

       'Don't cry.' He said. She nodded. He got up from the floor and helped her to stand up. Both sat on their place. Her lips now stretched up. Her face radiated immense happiness. Her eyes held the sparks of joy.

        'Are you happy now?' He asked smiling. She too smiled widely.

       'I'm more than happy. Even if i die at this very moment, i won't have any regret.' She said making him frown. He glared her. She bit her tongue and made a puppy face mouthing sorry. He nodded still frowning. He really felt some pain on the mention of her death. He can't even imagine that. No matter how much he denied but he still cared for her. He still had feelings for her. His heart still had a soft corner for his jaana.

        After some time both left from there towards their home planning to tell her parents the next day. He said that he would go to her house to ask for their marriage from her parents along with pinky. She agreed.

Next day,

       Annika's parents were sitting in the hall talking about some random topics when she came there. Both looked at her smiling. She smiled back kneeling down in front of them. They were shocked seeing it. She didn't even talk properly to them and now was sitting on her knees holding their hands.

        'I'm sorry.' She said looking down. They both had tears in their eyes. Harsh embraced his princess in his arms immediately with teary eyes. Avantika too cried. She calmed them down and sat back on her position.

        'You need not say sorry princess. Mistake was ours.' Harsh said looking the other way.

        'No Papa! You did that for my betterment only.' She shook her head. They both smiled.

       'But now i want something from you two.' She said hesitating a bit.

      They looked at her saying that they will give whatever she wanted.

      'I..i.......i....want to marry...............shivaay.' She stammered being worried about their reaction. She still couldn't forget what her parents did seven years ago. Harsh stood up being angry.

      'Do you even know what are you saying annika?' He said angrily.

      She held his hand. 'Papa! Please.'

      He shook his head saying no.

      'Just one chance papa, please.' She cried. She pleaded him with her eyes. Harsh too knew what shivaay meant for her. He once broke her daughter's heart but he didn't have the audacity to do this again. So he agreed.

       'Okay! Ask him to meet me.' He couldn't see his daughter crying. She smiled and immediately called shivaay.

      He came after two hours dressed in a blue coloured suit looking ravishing as always. He entered her home but stopped at the door seeing her parents. They looked at him. He went inside and touched their feet. They blessed him hesitating-ly. They settled down. Annika too came there smiling and sat beside shivaay.

       Harsh and Avantika looked at their daughter's happy face. Although they didn't want all this to happen but still they can't ruin annika's happiness anymore. They even knew about Shivaay being a top class businessman before. He wasn't a goon anymore and that's what gave them relief. But still they wanted to be assured that she'll live happily with him.

       Shivaay talked to them about their marriage and convinced them that annika would be the most happiest woman on the world after their wedding. Their hearts felt happy to some extent.

        Annika was the happiest. She was on cloud nine thinking about their marriage.

      They were talking when mallika came there. Both shivaay and annika looked at her. The situation went awkward. Shivaay couldn't withstand this woman who was the root of all their problems. Annika hugged her formally since she too couldn't forget mallika's deeds which broke their relationship. Mallika too couldn't see in shivaay's eyes.

       Shivaay and annika's gazes met. They both remembered how mallika tried to separate them.......


       Annika was coming back to her home after meeting shivaay humming a song happily. She entered her room only to find mallika sitting on her bed.

       'Diiiiiiii' She shouted being happy as it had been long since they both met. Mallika looked at her and both hugged each other.

         'How are you?' Asked mallika formally. Annika was confused with her behaviour because she never used such kind of tone with her. Nevertheless, she replied happily.

      'I'm fine di. And you?'

     'How can i be fine when my sister is all set to ruin her life?' She said with a stern voice. Annika was bewildered.

      'What are you talking about malli di?' She asked softly.

        'Shivaay!' Mallika stated looking straight into annika's eyes making her look back at her with wide eyes.

        'Di...di....i....i...can ex....explain.' She stammered.

       'What would you explain annika? Haan? That you love a bloody goon.'

    'Diiiiiiii.' She shouted. She didn't like mallika talking like that about shivaay.

        'What? What di? I know everything annika. Why the hell are you spoiling your life? That hooligan doesn't deserve you.' She tried to make annika understand but annika was fully in his love.

       'Di please!'

      'No annika! That goon is just using you. Once he claim your body, he'll leave you to die.'

       'Noooooo! He loves me not my body.' Annika said being angry as she didn't like mallika's talk. The person, who never even once tried to hold her hand, can never lust her, not even in his dreams. He loved her heart, unconditionally.

       'Stop being an idiot annika! Do you even know he consumes alcohol and cigarettes?'

       'He stopped everything di. After our relation, he left everything just because of me.'

      Mallika sighed.

     'Look! I won't tell this to chacha and chachi but i won't let you ruin your life in his blind love. You are a fool annika and he's fooling you.' She left from there saying all this.

       Annika threw everything in her room angrily. She messed up her whole room. She couldn't tolerate all this. Fortunately, her mother wasn't at home as she had gone to visit her father who was sick else she too would have got to know everything which certainly would have led to some worst situation.


       Shivaay was sitting alone at the backside of his field when mallika came there. He looked at her. He knew that she was annika's sister. But he was confused because of her presence at his place.

      He stood up seeing her. She was glaring him as if she would eat him raw. He too looked straight in her eyes.

        'Stay away from annika' She said directly. He looked amused.

       'Excuse me!' He said being confused.

       'You don't need to pretend alright. I know everything. Do you even realise that you don't deserve her.' She spoke angrily. He remained silent.

        'For God sake! Look at you and her. You are a bloody goon and she....she belongs to a well reputed family. You are not even of her status so just leave her.'

         He looked shocked at her. The mere thought of him going away from annika made him shiver in fear.

        'I love her.' He spoke immediately. Mallika gave a sarcastic smile to him.

       'Love? Huh.... i know what kind of love you have for her. You just want her body.....'

      'Don't you dare point a finger on my love.' He roared angrily. He couldn't tolerate his love for annika being tagged as a mere lust. Mallika too got scared for a minute seeing his anger but soon composed herself.

         'Listen! I don't care whether you love her or not. But just leave her and go because you will definitely spoil her life and i do care about her. A GOON LIKE YOU CAN NEVER DESERVE A DIAMOND LIKE ANNIKA. So just get the hell out of her life.' She left from there saying all this leaving him in a complete mess. What would he do now? Should he let annika go? But could he do it? No! A big no. Then? What about annika's life? Mallika said right. He doesn't deserve annika. Being a goon this society would never accept their relationship. Annika would face a lot of difficulties. No! He can't let her suffer. He would go away from her. If it was right for her betterment then he would happily do it. Although his heart clenched with pain but still he decided this.

        'I don't want you anymore. I just realised it wasn't love but a mere attraction for me. WE ARE OVER.' He sighed after messaging her. Tears escaped his eyes. 'I'M SORRY, JAANA.' He whispered hugging the phone close to his heart.

       Shock would be an understatement for annika. She couldn't fathom what happened all of a sudden. It's been a few hours only since she met him. He was so happy but now......

       She immediately dialed his number with thumping heart. Her hands shivered. Her tears flew endlessly. His phone was switched off. She tried again only to get the same response.

      She dialed his frineds' numbers but no one picked up. Sighing she threw her phone away and laid down on the bed cupping her mouth so as to subside her sobs. The day couldn't get any worse. First mallika and now this. She slept being tired of crying.

        Two days passed like this. She couldn't find him anywhere. It was as if he was vanished in the air. Even his frineds didn't know about his whereabouts. She was getting restless with passing time.


       She couldn't sleep even for a minute since last two days. Even her mother hadn't returned yet. Her eyes were red due to crying. Shivaay's absence took a complete toll over her senses.

        In order to get some sleep she thought to take sleeping pills but in worry and fear, she consumed almost 10 pills without realising anything. Soon after she started feeling dizzy and then slept

     Next day, somehow she got ready for school and left her home. Her steps were faltering. Somehow, she reached the school and spent her whole day in the library. Being busy in the annual function nobody noticed her. Even ishani was absent that day. She left her school at almost 3:00 pm.

         She was still feeling dizzy. When she reached near his field, she realised that he was there. She could see him. He was standing with his frineds who were giving him angry glares for leaving without informing everyone. She went towards him with faltering steps. He looked in her direction but was shocked to see her condition. She had dark circles under her eyes. He knew she was crying. He observed her steps and got angry thinking that she tried to commit suicide. She was about to fall down but he held her instantly.
His anger increased seeing her condition. He slapped her hardly making everyone gasp. It was the first time he slapped a girl that too the one he loves the most. She fainted in his arms. His anger soon converted into worry. He patted her cheeks.

         'Annika! Hey annie! Open your eyes jaana. I'm sorry.' He blabbered.

        They took her to his home after calling the doctor. He placed her on his bed in his room. Pinky was shocked seeing her. Shivaay had told her everything about their relationship.

        Soon doctor came and did her checkup. Shivaay was walking too and fro in tension. Doctor told them that she was fine. She fainted because of weakness and overdose of sleeping pills. He gave her injection and recommended to make her eat something healthy. Everyone sighed in relief.

        Shivaay sat beside her holding her hand tightly. Everyone left from there giving him support.

        He noticed the fingerprints on her cheek and felt angry on himself for slapping her. He held a vase from nearby table in his hand and held it so tightly that it broke making his hand bleed. He held the broken pieces and pressed his hand more tightly. His blood flew but he didn't care. All he could remember was that his annika was in this bad condition because of him.

      He felt her waking up. He hid his bleeding hand immediately behind his back. She woke up holding her head in his hands. It was paining terribly. He helped her to sit.

       'Annika! Are you okay?' He asked with a voice full of concern. That's when she realised her surroundings. She looked at him before bursting into tears. She kept crying looking at him. With trembling hands she cupped his face caressing it. He leaned onto her touch. She couldn't blink her eyes fearing that he would vanish again. Soon she engulfed him in a tight hug sobbing badly. He hugged her back with his one hand

        They broke the hug when she realised what he did.

       'Where were you?' She asked angrily. He looked down.

      'I had some work.' He lied. She was about to say something but stopped seeing him hiding his left hand.

      'What's there?' She said suspiciously pointing at his back. He shook his head saying nothing. She forcefully took hold of his arm but was shocked to see so much blood. His whole hand was covered with blood.

         'Sh....shiv...blo....blood.' She cried. She looked around for some cloth when she located a handkerchief. She immediately tied it on his hand so as to stop the bleeding. He hissed in pain. She glared him.

         'Pagal ho gye ho kya? Kyu kiya aise?'('Are you mad? Why you did it?') She said angrily.

         'This hand slapped you annika. So it deserved punishment for hurting you.' He replied softly.

         'Oh really? Then what about the pain you are giving me since last two days.' She cried more. He looked at her. She hugged him immediately.

           'Please shivaay! Please don't leave me. Mar jaungi main.'('i'll die.')

       He tightened his hold on her. 'Don't annika! Don't talk about death.'

        Parting from the hug both cupped each other's face. He neared his face to her. Her lips parted. Both breathed the same air. No one knew when their lips met. Both kissed each other softly. Butterflies erupted in her stomach. Their hearts filled with the sparks of love. He leaned more into her to get access to her mouth. She messed his hair. Both broke apart being breathless. She was looking down breathing heavily. He joined his forehead with hers. Their moment broke hearing hearing a knock on the door. Pinky came there to give him food for annika. Taking the tray from her he came inside and sat beside her. He made her eat with his hands. She ate without showing any tantrum. That's when it clicked his mind.

     'Why did you eat that much pills?' He asked glaring her. She bit her tongue.

         'Woh! I was unable to sleep. Mumma wasn't at home and you weren't with me.' She pouted looking at him. He remembered why he did that. He nodded his head and left from there mumbling take care. She looked at his retreating figure.

       Pinky came to check annika. She caressed her hair asking about her health. Annika felt the warmth of a mother after so many days. She realised how much she was missing her own mother. She hugged pinky. Pinky hugged her back.

         'Aunty! What happened to shivaay?'

        'I don't know bachha but i think you both need to talk.'

         Annika left from there bidding bye to pinky. She was feeling much better now.

          She reached his workplace. Everyone except shivaay left from there seeing her.

        'What are you doing here?' He asked sternly.

     'Main ghar pe bore ho rhi thi toh bas aise hi tehlne aa gyi.'('I was getting bored at home so just came to roam around.') She replied sarcastically.

     'At this time?' He got angry. He was already tensed because of mallika and now her stubborn nature was making him angry.

      She shrugged her shoulders.

        'Annika! Just go from here.' He said trying to calm himself. She shook her head.

       Taking her phone from her bag she opened his message and showed it to him.

       'What is it?'

       'I don't know.' He looked here and there.

      She made him look at her. 'I need an answer shivaay.'

     'Annika! Just go away from my life. I don't love you. Neither i did in the past.'

      'Say it looking into my eyes that you don't love me.' She said cupping his face. He shoved her hands away.

      'This is better for both of us. You deserve better than me. A goon like me can't be worthy of you annika.'

    She kept looking at him without any expression.

      'Main kya gaddhi hoon? Mujhe samjh mein nhi aata kuch?'('Am i a donkey? I can't understand anything?') Her anger took a toll over her mind.

     'Listen annika.....'

      'You listen to me Mr. I don't know what happened to you but i know one thing that you are bound to me for forever and you can't leave me now.' She spoke holding his shirt collar. He didn't respond. She left his shirt.

      'Look shivaay! The choice is yours warna woh sleeping pills ki half bottle abhi bhi hai mere paas. ('Else i still have that half bottle of sleeping pills.') She said with full attitude.

      'Ek thapad kam pad gya tumhe. '('One slap wasn't enough for you.') He immediately replied angrily.

      She gave him a wry smile.

      'And then you say you don't love me.' She smiled sheepishly. He sighed.

     'Look annika! I agree i...i love you but i don't want you you to spoil your life. This society won't let you live peacefully because of me.'

     'Pyaar krne se pehle socha tha society ke bare mein? Toh phir ab kyu?'('Did you think about society before loving me? Then why now?')


     She fused her lips with his cutting cutting him off midway. He was shocked but soon responded to the kiss. She kissed him passionately. She bit his lower lip making him groan. Feeling out of breath he pushed her away. She looked at him teary eyed.

        He hugged her immediately. She cried in his embrace.

     'You want this na. Fine but let me tell you clearly now only. From this very moment, you are mine. No matter what you can't back out from our relation now. And if you did, i repeat if you did then YOU WILL HAVE TO FACE THE CONSEQUENCES.' He warned her in his dangerous voice. She gazed at him for a moment before hugging him tightly.

     'I'm not any criminal that you are threatening me in your dangerous tone.'

     'I'm serious annika.' He sighed.

    'I know shivaay.' She replied hiding her face in his well built chest.

      'Okay! Now stop crying. Bhootni lag rhi ho.'('You are looking like a ghost.') He said chuckling in order to lighten her mood. He knew how much his absence affected her. She was alone for two days. He vowed to never leave her.

    She pouted hitting on his chest. He laughed kissing on her forehead.........

Flashback ends


Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on the last part❤❤



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