❤Part 19❤

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     Oh my God! You guys are awesome. Last chappy exceeded 300 votes and i don't even know how to express myself. This is the first time i got this much votes. Although even a single vote makes me the happiest but still.....this means a lotttttttttt❤❤❤❤❤ a big big big thank you and hug to you guys😚😚😚😚

Two weeks passed by but nothing changed. Neither Shivaay wanted to talk to Annika nor she tried to initiate any conversation with him. Annika was still not over the fact that he did all this for his so called revenge. She was unable to think rationally. Her mind was all boggled up with the unexpected happenings.

      She joined her hospital again as she had taken a leave for their wedding. Both would go to their respective works and after coming back, they would go to sleep. Although they tried to behave normal in front of Pinky but she noticed their unusual behaviour. She often observed the tension between the two but thought to not interfere as she thought that both were mature enough to deal with their problems. Only if she knew.

    At night, they were having their dinner including Pinky when Shivaay cleared his throat as he wanted to say something. Annika and Pinky looked at him.

     'Maa! Woh.....actually......there's a deal....actually a very important deal....and i have to go to London for it.....' He spoke hesitating a bit as he very well knew Pinky would be angry on him for leaving her innocent and lovely daughter in law alone.

     'For how many days?' Pinky asked raising her eyebrows.

    'Two......two mon....months.' He said closing his eyes as if preparing himself for listening to Pinky's shout.

      'Ohhh my maata.' Pinky exclaimed looking at him angrily.

     Annika too looked at him. Her eyes glistened. She knew he was doing it intentionally in order to ignore her. He was aware of the fact that she would be unhappy without him being there. They both knew no matter what but both couldn't withstand each other's absence. Although their relation wasn't in any good state but both couldn't deny the fact that they loved each other like anything and everything. Shivaay let his mind dominate and Annika let her heart rule over her mind.

      Annika knew that he was hurt but his revenge thing didn't go well with her. Their relation wasn't this much weak that he would stoop so low to take revenge. Nevertheless, she decided to give it a chance. She decided to heal his wounds with her love. He needed love and care which she would give him. She would mend his broken soul and make him her old Shivaay.

     Pinky's loud voice broke her reverie.

     'Two months? Do you even know what are you saying, Shivaay? What will my daughter do here?'

     'Maa! She has her own work and my deal is important.' He tried to make her understand but she was adamant. Both mother son kept arguing while Annika just sat there looking at the duo.

       Shivaay's stubbornness was slowly decreasing but Pinky was firm on her decision of not letting him go.

     'Please, maa.' He made a puppy face. Pinky looked away as she knew she couldn't deny that adorable face.

     'Fine! You can go but i have a condition.' She said sighing.

     'I accept all your conditions, mom.' He said happily but pinky's next words made him frown.

     'Annika will go with you.'

      He looked at Annika who was looking at the Pinky with wide eyes. She didn't expect this.


    'No, Shivaay! Decision is your. Either stay here only or take Annika with you.' Pinky spoke adamantly.

    'And as far as Annika's work is concerned, she can take a leave.'

     'Fine!' He muttered sighing. Annika's eyes twinkled with the mere thought of her going with him. Pinky smiled noticing that. She knew they needed some alone time with each other to sort out their differences and when shivaay asked to go, she knew this was the best moment to make them go together.

     Shivaay left from there followed by Annika. Both entered the room and started their packing. He gazed at annika who was continously smiling. He got confused.

     'Why are you smiling?' His curiosity didn't let his mind stop him from asking.

     'My face, my lips, my choice....' She said giving him her innocent smile while he frowned.

      'Why are you frowning?' She asked innocently biting the insides of her cheeks to control her smile gazing at his sulking face.

     'My face, my choice.' He frowned more imitating her reply. She chuckled.

     'You know you are too cute.' She said ruffling his hair.

     'Not my hair, jaana.' He sulked while her heart skipped a beat listening to jaana. He realised that in the heat of the moment, he forgot everything. She looked at him with an emotional face. He could see her glistening eyes.

      'Listen, don't have any false hope that i will accept you. I just said that in flow.....my jaana died seven years ago for me.' He said sternly but his voice choked at the last line. Annika felt a pang in her heart listening to him. He considers her dead in his eyes then what was the meaning of her life. Why was she even living? But then her eyes caught the sight of him wiping a lone tear which escaped his eye and her courage was back. She needed to heal him and mend their relation and she would do it. She thought that these two months with him will bring her Shivaay back to her but she didn't know that these two months will be the worst time of her life. He will break her to such an extent that she would be unable to be healed ever. She didn't even have an ounce of feeling that while mending him, she herself would be broken.

      Shivika reached London after two days. They checked in the hotel and went to their room. The room was beautiful with a magnificent beach view. Annika was mesmerised seeing it. She looked around with a spark in her eyes having a wide smile on her face. He tried a lot but he couldn't stop looking at her smiling face. She was looking like a child who got his favourite candy. How much he missed this kiddo annika but again, his stubborn mind.....

     He left towards the washroom to freshen up while Annika unpacked their luggage settling their clothes in the wardrobe. After he came out, she too went and freshened up. Having their dinner, both slept back facing each other.

      Shivaay completed his work within a week. Well, he had to stay there for one week only but in order to avoid Annika, he lied to Pinky that he would be staying for two months.  Annika wasn't surprised to know this. She already knew he would do something like that. She spent the whole week roaming around the hotel alone.

      It was the last day of his meeting and he grabbed the deal which made him happy. He entered the room to find it empty. He was astonished to not see her there as since last week, she would either sleep and sit in the balcony enjoying the view whenever he came back. He looked through the window to see her sitting on the sand at the beach. Shaking his head, he went to freshen up and came back.

     He had his dinner while sitting in the balcony and kept looking at her time to time. She was sitting lost in her thoughts gazing at the waves of water.

      He was about to go inside but stopped seeing someone around Annika. They were some drunk men. His eyes widened.

     'Jaana' His heart and mind whispered simultaneously for the first time seeing her in danger. He got out of the room and ran as fast as he could. For the first time in the week, he cursed himself for taking a room on the top floor. He was about to enter the lift but it closed making him hit the wall with his fist in anger.

     'Oh f**k.' He shouted in anger. He thought to go through the stairs and ran again.

      'Hey gorgeous lady.' One of the men spoke gaining annika's attention. She looked at them and realised that they were highly drunk. There were five of them. Annika got scared for a minute but gained her courage standing up. They were looking like some goons.

     'Don't....don't you dare.' Annika said pointing a finger at them as they made a circle around her. She couldn't even run as they trapped her from every side. They laughed out seeing her getting angry.

    'Arey jaaneman, itna gussa.'('So much anger.') Spoke the other one in a sultry voice raising her anger.

      She tried to run but one of them caught her from her waist while she wiggled shouting for help.

     'Shivaayyyy.' She screamed.

     She was trying to get herself out of their hold but they were stronger than her. One of them tore her dress from her waist while others tore it from the arms. Her heart panicked with a mere thought of something bad happening to her. Her eyes tear-ed up fearing the worst.

      They threw her on the floor. While the four of them held her respective arms and legs, the fifth one hovered her. She cried hard. She was just wishing for her saviour to come.

    'Shivaay......Ahhhhhhhhhhh......shiv.' She shouted crying.

     The man was about to kiss her and Boom! A hard punch landed on his face making him fall on the ground with a broken jaw. Annika looked at him with teary eyes. He assured her with his eyes that she is safe now.

      The goons attacked shivaay who fought with them without even a tint of fear. Annika hugged him tightly crying. Her whole body was shivering in fear. He could feel her rapidly beating heart. He hugged her back caressing her hair.

'Shiv....shiv....th....they.....me......they......' she couldn't even form a proper sentence because of her fear. Shivaay looked at them with red eyes scaring the shit out of them. He made annika wear his shirt and made her sit nearby.

    Grabbing the collar of the man who was going to kiss annika, he punched continously on his face.

     'How dare you bastard? How dare you touch my Annika? Do you even know who she is? She is my life, my jaan and you wanna know what i do whenever someone hurt her? Then see.......' He shouted kicking the man on his private part making him wince in pain.

      Annika looked at him crying. He can't see others hurting her but he himself hurt her the most.

      Others tried to stop him but he beat all of them black and blue. All of them literally dragged their half dead bodies so as to save themselves from Shivaay's wrath.

      He went to Annika and wrapped her in his arms. At the moment, he didn't remember anything else than the fact that his annika was hurt and he had to console her. She sobbed leaning onto his chest. He picked her up and went towards the room.

       He made her lie down on the bed and poured some water in the glass. She drank the water from his hands still crying. He was about to go but she held his wrist.

     'Don't go, please.' She said sobbing more. He, in an instant, hugged her sitting close to her. She hid her face in his chest. Her tears clenched his heart.

    'Shhh! Nothing happened, Annika. I'm here. You are safe, your shiv is here.' He whispered soothing words to her calming her down. Her sobs subsided. He kept patting her back till she slept.

     He tried to separate himself from her but she didn't let him.

    'Shiv!' She again whispered in sleep.

   'I'm here, jaana.' He soothed kissing her forehead.

     He took her in his arms lying down on the bed beside her and covered themselves with the duvet. She kept her head on his chest making him kiss her forehead again. It was as if he was in a trance. He shuddered thinking what would have happened if he didn't reach there on time and that mere thought made him hug her even tighter.

     Both lovers slept in each other's embrace peacefully after so long totally unaware what the future had in store for them......


Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on the last part❤



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