❤Part 22❤

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     Shivaay was standing in the balcony looking at Annika who was sitting near the seashore lost in her thoughts. Annika came back to the hotel taking a cab while he came back in the car only.

     He didn't know what to do. He had done what he aspired to. He had completed his so called revenge but now what. What was he going to do now? He didn't even spare a thought to it before doing all this. He should be happy after breaking her but he was not. His heart should be at peace by now but it was completely messed up. He thought to apologise to her but would she forgive him? Would she be able to forgive him for the sin he committed? He sat on the nearby chair still looking at her.

      After some time, she came back in the room and directly went to the washroom. When she came out, he was standing in front of her. He observed her keenly. She looked straight into his eyes. Her face was blank. Not even a single expression was there. But he could see the immense pain she was holding in her eyes. Her eyes held unshed tears but she didn't cry. He very well knew he was the reason of that pain.

       He was about to say something but she left from there towards the bed and laying down, she closed her eyes to sleep. He sighed closing his eyes. Why the hell didn't he think about the aftermath of his bloody revenge game?

     Next morning, he woke up to see her talking over the phone. She was ready as if to go somewhere. Cutting the call, she took her suitcase and started packing her clothes. Her face still stoic. He looked at her being perplexed.

     'What are you doing?' He asked her getting up from the bed. She didn't reply, instead, she behaved as if he wasn't there.

      He asked again but she was adamant. Packing her clothes, she took her mobile and left from there. He was shocked seeing her behaviour.

       He left behind her to see where she was heading to.

     'Airport.' She said to the cab driver who nodded driving towards her destination.

      Shivaay, who heard it was stunned to see that she just left without saying anything. He had expected her to shout on him, to fight with him, to cry hitting his chest like she always does. But man, she would do all this if she had any relation with you. What was the meaning of all this when you don't have anything to do with her?

      He ran back to the room and called Khanna to get his private jet ready. He didn't know why he was feeling that something bad was going to happen. His heart had that uneasy feeling. He ran his hand through his hair exhaling heavily.

      'Be safe, please.' He whispered keeping his hand on his rapidly beating heart.......

       Annika sat in the plane leaning her head to the window looking at the white clouds. She couldn't help comparing her life to those clouds. Her life, without any colours. The one, who she had thought, would fill her life with colours of love and happiness, made it white, full of pain, anger and sorrows. Her eyes closed automatically and she fell into a not so peaceful slumber.

      The plane landed. Annika came out of the airport saw her driver waiting for her. Giving her belongings to him to take those to their home, she took a cab directly to her hospital. It was almost 6 in the evening.

      Her colleagues were amused to see her there as she was on a leave for two months but it'd just been one and half month. She just ignored everyone and joined her duty. She took the charge of her patients from the other doctor and checked them one by one. Three hours passed but she was still there working continously......

        Shivaay entered Oberoi Mansion to see Pinki sitting in the hall. He went to her and took her blessings. She was confused seeing him back so soon but hugged him happily shrugging her thoughts away. She asked about Annika to which he looked shocked realising that she didn't come.

      'Maa! Woh....she...ha...had some...work in the hospital.....' He stammered looking here and there and left towards their room. Pinki just stood there looking at his retreating figure.

     He entered his room and instantly dialed Annika's phone. She didn't pick up. He called her atleast ten times but she wasn't responding. Getting frustrated, he threw his phone away.....

      Annika took her mobile to see ten missed calls from him. She immediately switched it off in order to ignore all this.

     She left the hospital premises and sat in her car which her driver had brought. She asked the driver to go and herself drove off to some unknown destination which she herself didn't know about.

      She was driving with full speed without caring about anything. She had spent those ten hours in the plane sleeping and then had kept herself busy in the hospital work. But now, when she was free, all the heart wrenching memories of the previous day came rushing to her mind. She started crying. Her tears flew involuntarily. She cursed her fate for doing this to her. She cursed herself for loving him. She kept driving fastly. Her tears blurred her vision. She didn't notice the truck coming from the opposite side. She was just about to take a turn when she noticed it and instantly took a turn making the car hit the nearby tree that too badly. The windshield broke and the glass pieces fell over her. Her head hit the steering wheel too hard. The car was fully damaged from the front. No one can say that the person inside the car would be alive.

       There, Shivaay felt his heart beating rapidly. He kept his hand over it whispering 'Jaana.' A tear slid down his cheek unknowingly. He felt some unknown pain in his heart. She was still not home and he was worried sick for her.

      'Shivaayyyy!' He heard Pinki's scream and rushed outside. He reached the hall and looked at Pinki who was standing with tears rolling down her eyes looking in a particular direction. He followed her gaze and his breath hitched seeing the scene in front of his eyes. It was the news of Annika's accident. She was being carried on a stretcher towards the ambulance. Her head was completely covered with the blood. She was severely injured. He stumbled back seeing all this. He wasn't expecting this. Pinki rushed to him and hugged him crying loudly but he was numb. He wasn't in a state to console her. Both immediately left towards the hospital with thumping hearts.

      Shivaay rushed out of the car and ran towards the ICU as told by the receptionist. Harsh and Avantika were already there mourning over their daughter's accident. He enquired about Annika from them to which they just cried making his already quickened heartbeats more fast. Pinki consoled Avantika even though she herself was crying.

      'Why only she, Harsh? Why always she has to face all this? Why can't our daughter be happy? Seven years ago, we snatched her happiness and now, when she just started living her life.....then......' Avantika cried keeping her head on Harsh's shoulder who too was crying. But shivaay, who listened to her became attentive.

      'What did you just say, Maa?' He asked Avantika who looked at him with wide eyes. She didn't want him to know all that. He persuaded her to tell so she told him everything. She told him how they blackmailed Annika on Harsh's death and how they forced her to make shivaay hate her. They didn't leave any option for her. They made her helpless.

     He felt the ground beneath his feet slipping away. His feet moved backward involuntarily. He faltered over his steps. His Annika, his jaana was forced to do all that. He knew she was helpless but he didn't even think about the reason behind her helplessness. What else could she do anyway? Wasn't it obvious that she would choose her parents over him? Even he would have done the same if someone asked him to choose between Pinki and Annika. His world came crushing down to his field. He literally fell on the floor with a thud. Pinki, Harsh and Avantika were stunned seeing him. His tears started falling. He started crying.

      'What have i done? What sin i have committed? My jaana, my love suffered so much and i.....i, instead of understanding her, broke her more. I broke her heart......i.....i..........annika.....jaana...........my jaana.....my jaana.....jaanaaa.' He shouted crying vigorously. Pinki was about to go towards him but stopped seeing him slapping himself. He kept slapping his cheeks continously. Harsh went to him and somehow controlled him. He was behaving like a mad person chanting 'my jaana....my jaana.'

       They were handling him when the doctor came out and dropped a bomb on them breaking their little bit of hopes.

     'I'M SORRY, SHE IS NO...............'


Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on the last part❤❤❤

How's it? 😁😁😁

    Okay now tell me, should i make annika comatose, JUST FOR FEW DAYS, for making him more helpless(not being able to ask her forgiveness)?

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