❤Part 27❤

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    Heya lovely people! I'm back and i'm very much fine now. Thank you so much for being patient with me and for all your support and concern. Love you all❤💕


There was pin drop silence in Oberoi Mansion. The only thing observed was the exchange of glances among the media people in that eerie environment. All were shocked yet curious to know about the purpose of this sudden conference. They were just waiting for Shivaay to come and reveal everything.

     Annika, Pinki and other family members cum friends were also there. They too were perplexed since Shivaay didn't even share it with them. Annika was fidgeting with her fingers. She didn't know why she was feeling nervous all on a sudden.

      Shivaay climb down the stairs with a poker face glancing at everyone and his eyes finally halted at her, his Annika who too was looking at him. He gulped seeing her accusing glance towards him. Sighing, he closed his eyes and went towards the stage after calming his raising heartbeats. He knew this was gonna be difficult but he needed to do this at any cost.

    He cleared his throat before speaking. He could see all those anticipating eyes which were literally urging him to reveal the reason of this sudden conference.

     'Firstly, i would like to thank everyone of you who has come here on such a short notice. I won't take much of your time.....so please, relax and listen to me carefully. Today, i'm going to share a story with you all, my life's story........'

      Silence fell in the hall again. Annika gasped listening to him. How could he share their story with the public?

       'Goon!......i used to be a goon whom everyone feared. People certainly dreaded my presence. Some even hated me. I had my mother and my friends in my family. This family is all i have lived for. This family have supported me through thick and thin. My life was not perfect but it was going smoothly.......Then she came.....*again silence*.....the most beautiful and innocent girl i had ever seen.....' He said lovingly looking at Annika making her heart skip a beat. His loving gaze made her heart do somersault.

      'I never believed in love but that day, i realised that it exists. My heart literally skipped a beat after seeing her. I couldn't help falling for her. That wasn't in my control. My heart was beating on her tunes. Soon after, she became the definition of love for me. She taught me to love and made me feel loved. She loved me so selflessly that sometimes, i wondered whether i deserved her or not. I started fearing to lose her. I became selfish for her love. There were problems but she never left my side. She was ready to fight the world for me. She was always there, even when i myself pushed her away from me. She made my life beautiful. I started feeling happy. Happiness and love was all i felt. I became dependent on her. My day would start and end with her only. Every word i spoke included her name. Every time my heart beat, it whispered her name. Every time i closed my eyes, i saw her face. I heard only her voice. For me, she became my life. My life seemed to be impossible wihout her. Even a mere thought of living without her would make me shiver in fear. I not only loved but lived her........' He spoke everything with so much love in his voice that every single person felt his feelings. He wasn't the ruthless businessman people knew. Instead, he was the lover who loved his lady like everything and anything.

       Annika's eyes moistured hearing their love story from his perspective. He had never shared it with her. He was expressive. He always made her feel how much he loved her but he never showed that he was so much dependent on her. But wasn't it evident in his actions already? Did he really need to voice it out in front of her?

     His next words broke her reverie.

    'Then one day, everything got ruined. She herself shattered everything. She herself crushed the heart she had filled with immense love. She called me a wo...womaniser.....' He gulped the lump formed in his throat blinking his eyes rapidly in order to stop the tears which were ready to cascade down his cheeks anytime.

     'I wished to die. I felt like killing myself at that very moment. My sole reason of existence made me feel like that. I....i fell in my own eyes. I felt so disgusted of myself. I wondered whether i really made her feel that way. That was the thing i would never want to do, not even in my worst nightmares........'

     Annika looked down being guilty remembering the worst day of her life. No matter what she could never forgive herself for what she did to him, to them.

      'But it wasn't her fault. She was forced to do this. She was asked to choose between me and her parents. So it was obvious that she chose them over me. Even i would have done the same......she wasn't at fault...but i was so lost in my misery that i couldn't see the helplessness in her eyes. I just had one thought in my mind and heart that my love just broke me so brutally that i was feeling like a living corpse. I suffered heart attack for three times.....i....i even tried to commit sui....suicide for two times.....' He said being all broken recalling his painful days. Annika's eyes widened as she got this new piece of information. Did she really make him this weak that he chose to suicide? Her heart sank in pain.

     'But then i decided to take revenge. I decided to hurt her just the way she did. I had already told her that i would surely come to break her but what i didn't realise was the fact that her pain would eventually hurt me only. I was so lost in my revenge game that i couldn't see the pain i was causing her. My mind overpowered my heart and i hurt her in the worst possible way. I married her and then declined to not accept her as my wife.............' He explained his every single deed in front of the media. Annika was crying listening to him. She again remembered all those painful memories which she was trying to forget with so much difficulty. She wasn't gonna forgive him for that.

       'Annika! I know nothing....literally nothing can justify my actions. But i'm really sorry. I'm really very sorry jaana.....pl....please forgive me if possible...you can punish me the way you want...you can beat me, slap me, fight me or whatever you wish to but please stop ignoring me. Stop this indifference.....it....it hurts baby.....it hurts badly......' He cried sitting on his knees folding his hands in front of her. She kept looking at him. Was it really so easy for him to ask forgiveness after what he did?

     'Ahhhhhh' He squealed holding his forehead as something hard hit him. It was a media person who threw a vase at him. They started bashing him for whatever he did. His forehead started bleeding. Annika looked horrified at all this. Shivaay couldn't say anything. He knew he was the one at fault.

      'Enoughhhhhhh.' Annika shouted coming on the stage and stood in front of him. Her scream made everyone silent. She glared everyone. One look at her face and everyone knew that she was beyond angry.

     'What do you people think of yourself? He called you to share something and you guys are defaming him. I know what he did wasn't right. But i'm the one who he has hurt. I'm the one wronged here and only i have the right to punish him. Whatever we have, it's between us, just me and him...so just stop interfering in our life.....'

      Everyone looked at her for some time but then again started defaming him throwing whatever came in their hand. Annika's anger reached its peak.

      'Don't you dare.' She shouted pointing her finger at everyone. They stepped back in fear seeing her blazing eyes.

     'Ab agar mere shivaay ko ek khronch bhi ayi na, toh mujhse bura koi nhi hoga.'('if my shivaay got even a single scratch now, nobody will be worse than me.') She whispered dangerously gritting her teeth. She was seething in anger. Her rapid breath was the proof.

     Shivaay looked at her teary eyes. Could this woman be any more selfless? Could she love him more than this? No matter how much bad he did with her but there she was, still protecting him, still fighting for him.

     She asked the guards to take the media people out to which they complied immediately. Once they went, Annika shot a hard glare towards him who looked everywhere but her.

     Holding his wrist in her hand, she took him towards their room. Others followed them. She made him sit on the couch and got the first aid kit from the wardrobe. Sitting beside him, she did his dressing. He kept looking at her but she had a poker face. Her eyes not even once looked into his.

     Others left the room giving the two their privacy.

     She got up from the couch only to be embraced by him in his strong hold. He hugged her from her waist snuggling his face into her stomach. She wasn't expecting this. She was mad at him but her heart urged her to console him. He cried snuggling more into her. He sobbed holding her tighter. She looked down at him. He was looking so devastated, so broken.

      'I'm....I'm sorry, jaana' He cried more. She couldn't take it anymore. She felt suffocated. The hold which was once used to be her solace felt suffocating to her. She pushed him away from herself. He looked shocked at her. He knew she was still angry but he wasn't complaining for that. He just wanted one chance from her. Was it too much for her to give? Was he becoming too demanding?

      'Don't think that this whole drama you created will make me forgive you. It's not that easy, shivaay. I can't forgive you. Neither i want to. You can be my husband according to the papers but for me, you are nothing. You don't exist in my life. I have nothing to do with you. I hate you......i just hate you so much....' she let out her anger and frustration on him and left from there huffing in anger.

     He sat rooted on his place. Her last words rang in his ears. She hated him. What more could be worse than this? He couldn't bear the pain surfacing his heart. His mind mocked him that he deserved this but his heart bleed in agony. He shouted in pain. His painful  screams echoed the whole mansion............


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