❤Part 34❤

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    Everyone looked at Annika when she shared her problem with them. They were in Pinki's room. Shivaay had gone to his office. Annika demanded a solution from them which immediately got their brains to work to help their beloved Annika. They all were thinking when Rudra spoke suddenly.

     'Bhabhi! Just go and ask him to do it for you. It's as simple as that.' Rudra did his logic sign being happy for oh-so-great idea.

      Annika gave him a look which clearly depicted no need to prove that you are dumb.

      He shut his mouth seeing her glaring him. Others rolled their eyes seeing him.

      'Annika, you work in his hospital. So you can ask him to inaugurate being your boss.' It was Annay who gave tough competition to Rudra.

     'Stop spending time with Rudra, Annay.' Annika shut him up while Rudra made a pout.

     Om, Arnav and Pinki were silent spectators. Annika looked at Pinki expectantly who smiled in response. Seeing that smile, Annika knew that her mother in law was all ready to solve her problem.

      Pinki shared her plan with them and all of them got happy. Annika was the happiest of all. Finally, he would be doing what he promised that too without her giving away anything to him. She was so excited for the day.

      Two weeks passed in all the preparations. Finally the day was here when her, no their dream will be fulfilled. More than Annika, Shivaay was happy to see her achieving so much at such a young age. He could clearly see the glow on her face. She was literally jumping like a kid here and there who got his favourite candy.

      Both got ready to go to the hospital. Shivaay was told that annika would be doing the inauguration. He was happy with that. Though he still remembered that she wanted him to do this but he just wanted her to be happy even if it meant to hurt himself.

    Annika had asked all of them to join her happiness. She already knew they were coming but it was just a pretense to invite Shivaay.

      'Looking gorgeous, babe.' He winked at her making her blush.

     'Thank you.' She tucked a hair strand behind her ear. Her cheeks still pink because of his complement and that oh so innocent wink.

      At times, he wondered how on earth could she blush just with his mere wink or flying kiss. He has stuck to his promise of not touching her. Though he was hurt by her behaviour but afterwards he realised that his some teasing remarks and romantic actions are enough to get his way through all this.

      Talking about Annika, she was now regretting terribly. Truth be told, she was now craving for his touch. But she didn't have the courage to ask him for the same openly.

      They left together to the hospital while others were in their own cars. Annika was fidgeting with her fingers which was noticed by shivaay. He realised she getting nervous. Why won't she be? It was such a big responsibility which she was going to handle. Although being a doctor, she had always managed her duties well but now it was much more than that. She was going to be the owner of her hospital. The mere thought was enough to send chills down her spine.

      'Relax, Annika! It'll be fine.' He spoke softly trying to ease out her tension.

      'I'm scared.' She confessed honestly gazing at him.

     'Don't be.' He muttered gazing back.

     'There won't be any problem, right? I hope i won't disappoint anyone or......you.' She whispered looking down.

      'You won't, trust me. And i'm always there.' He assured her. She felt relaxed.

       They reached their destination. Annika stepped down the car looking in front. There stood her dream in all its glory. She had been dreaming of it since her childhood and now that it was fulfilled, she couldn't help feeling overwhelmed. Her eyes glistened as she looked all around.

     'Oyeee!' She heard shivaay's voice who stood right beside her. She glanced at him. He was frowning. She understood it was because of her tears which didn't even come out of her eyes. She giggled wiping the tiny drops from the corner of her eyes.

      Everyone came including her family, her friends and colleagues. But ishani couldn't make it since she had some urgent work. Though annika was sad but shivaay cheered her up.

       Annika first looked at Shivaay followed by Pinki who signed her to go ahead. Annika smiled thinking about their plan.

       She took the scissors slowly and forwarded towards the ribbon. As soon as it touched the ribbon, she held her head acting to fall down. Shivaay looked at her worried. She clutched onto his hand tightly. He didn't have the courage to hold it back.

      'Hey! Annika, you okay?' He asked with a concerned voice.

     'Ummm! It's paining, Shiv.' She moaned in pain pressing her head dramatically.

      'Shivaay, time is passing soon. Our priest said this is the only auspicious occasion to inaugurate. So you have to do it now.' Pinki acted with a bit of drama. Annika opened her one eye stealthily winking at Pinki. She was still holding onto shivaay.

     He was looking confused. When he still didn't react, Pinki took the scissors from Annika and forwarded to Shivaay's hand forcefully. She persuaded him to cut the ribbon as soon as possible. Others too supported her. In haste, he couldn't fathom anything but had to do what was being told to him.

      He cut the ribbon while annika clapped happily standing straight. He narrowed his eyes at her. She bit her tongue realising what she did and instantly held his wrist falling over him. Shivaay was completely gone case not understanding anything.

      Pinki held Annika close to her asking Shivaay to uncover the sign board. He pulled the thread uncovering it while his heart literally skipped a beat after seeing the name written over it. A widest smile broke onto his lips seeing it. His eyes tear-ed up. It was the name they decided together. He caressed it with his hand trying to feel it. It meant so much to him. He felt as if he has won the whole world. The luckiest man was what he felt about himself at the moment. His heart fluttered with extreme delight. His whole being was dancing in joy.

         There was written "SHIVJAANA" in a beautifully crafted manner.

       Shivaay couldn't control his happy tears. Others were busy admiring the name. He felt a hand over his shoulder to see Annika looking at him with a teary eyed smile. He reciprocated her smile. He was too overwhelmed to say anything but his twinkling eyes told it all. He totally forgot her drama.

     'Thank you, jaana. Thank you so much.' He whispered still looking at the name in front. Annika felt happy seeing his smile reaching his eyes.

        They looked into each other's eyes. Both recalled the memory when they decided this name.....


       Annika was sitting in the college canteen looking at something with a smile when shivaay came from behind.

      'Booooooom' He shouted in her ear making her jump on her place. She looked behind to see him laughing seeing her scared face. She hit his arm frowning as he sat beside her still laughing.

      'You scared me, idiot.' She sulked.

      He chuckled when his eyes fell on the paper in front. He smiled taking it from her hands. There was a hospital kinda building drawn over it and below it was written "our dream". His smile widened seeing that she has written our instead of my. He knew what it meant to her. She was doing so much to accomplish it and seeing her dedication, he knew that day wasn't very far when she would achieve her aspiration.



    'Help me with the name please. I can't think anything.'

     He looked at her thinking for a moment. She looked expectantly.

     'What about "dreams"?' He asked.

    'Nahh.' She shook her head.

     'Trivedi hospital?'

    'Nahiiiii. It must be something unique.'

     'Okay! Let me think.'

      He thought for a few minutes before smiling widely.

     'SHIVJAANA' Both spoke together glancing at each other. Their eyes sparkled as both loved the name.

     'It's perfect.' Annika squealed clapping her hands slowly. He nodded kissing her forehead..........

Flashback ends

      Their reverie broke by the clapping sounds. Shivaay was beyond happy. His face was beaming.

     All of them entered inside to see everything. Annika was overjoyed seeing her dream coming true.

     After they were done with everything, they left to the mansion. It was afternoon by the time they reached.

     Shivaay asked all of them to get ready since he had planned a small party for Annika. Everyone chorused happily.

     Annika was getting ready for the party. He came and stood beside her smiling continously. She looked at him quizzically.

    'Drama bohot Acha krti ho tum.' ('You act really well.)' He spoke giggling.

     She was perplexed. 

     'You think i didn't notice the exchange between you and maa.' He gave her a teasing smile. Her eyes widened realising what he was referring to. He understood their plan. She closed her eyes being embarrassed.

     'You could have asked me directly, Annika. I wouldn't have denied you.' He said seriously. Annika couldn't say a word. She knew now there was no use of denying what he said. But she didn't have the courage to admit either. So she decided to ignore him and left from there.

    He sighed.

     'Ab toh bol do yaar....' ('Say it, please.') He muttered keeping his fist over his heart which was longing for her.


     Soon the party started. There were only a few guests. Everyone was enjoying.

     Shivaay and annika were talking to her colleagues when a man came there.

      'Congratulations, doctor sahiba.' Spoke the man looking at annika lustly.

    'Thank you, Dr. Roy.' Annika replied with a formal smile. He was her colleague who often gave her negatives vibes.

     Shivaay fisted his hand seeing the man's gaze on her. His blood boiled in anger. He felt like pulling his eyes out of the sockets. He was about to place his hand over her waist but stopped recalling her insecurities.

    Roy left from there smirking while shivaay glared him hard. Annika noticed shivaay's angry face but didn't say anything so as to not create a scene.

     Party ended on a good note. All were very happy for Annika.......

     Both laid down on the bed facing the ceiling.



     'Congratulations!' He muttered turning his face towards her.

    'Thank you.' She smiled as her eyes halted at his face.

      Both slept after the small moment unaware of what was coming their way.........


Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on the last part❤❤❤

Precap: same

Credit for the beautiful name goes to my one and only Pjcutee
Thank you so much meri jaan 😘😘😘 love you loads





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