Part 25, Shiver down your spine

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(Mark's POV)
Before anyone could take a step, especially Shadow, the Grandmaster voice boomed over the deafening silence.

G:"ENOUGH, Shadow stop this now." That one command made Shadow freeze in place, shocking her still as a statue. All I could do was watch while the Grandmaster slowly make his way over to where Shadow stands. The crystal orb on the top of his scepter in his hand glows softly blue. I can barely hear the words he mumbles, but I know it's a spell. Blue vines wrap around Shadow's legs, slowly making their way up her body.

G:"Shadow and Regan, you both here by suspended until after Alexa's visit. You are not permitted back to the castle until then." With that the blue vines wrap around her head, making what looks like a halo for second before disappearing into her skin. 

A blinding flash of light and I find us back in my apartment. Regan is back in control of her body and she's sitting on the floor with her head hung in shame. I'm scared she might start crying and I'd have no way of comforting her, but she stands up with a sigh. I just stand there with my mouth open while she stares at me with her strikingly blue eyes. 

Her head twitches, her eyes flicker red then blue again. A smile makes it 's way on to her face. The temperature in the room dropped suddenly with ice form under her feet. Ice forms in her hands, solidifying into a sword. An eerie laugh escapes her lips, slowly getting louder and more creepy. Her head slowly rolls around, making cracks as it go. I stumble backwards, slipping on the ice on the ground.

I shiver, my teeth chattering as I lie on the ice floor with what Regan has become looming over me; her ice sword posed to strike.


I hope you all liked this chapter
It's taking a slight creepy turn
Til next time~ XD

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