The One and Only

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     "Hello Bucky, my names Peter!"

     Each avengers breathing hitched, their battle stances tightening but dropping slightly. This kid, it was their kid.

     The same kid who had gone missing for a year. They had found him. They had finally found him! If it weren't for Tony, all the avengers would've stayed frozen in their trance of shock and victory.

     "Kid?" Tony said shakily, his suit showily retracting back into his chest. Peter's happy demeanor never faltering, it somehow brightened more at the old nickname.

     "Hi Mr. Stark." Peter spoke, tears in his eyes. The avengers were near eye leakage too. Who wouldn't be crying? They just found their pride and joy, their glue, their strongest member, their Peter.

     Peter ran to his old teammates. Engulfing Tony in a hug. Each avenger coming towards the too and joining the hug.

     "I missed you guys so much." Peter mumbled into Tony's chest.

     "We missed you too Pete." Clint said. And they had. If you saw how the avengers were now, you wouldn't believe they once used to crack jokes and hang out. But they could now, they had Peter back.

More tears were exchanged. Some happy sighs and hiccups. "So the Forest huh?" Steve said, stepping away from the hug.

Peter laughed a little, "Yah." He smiled not going into any detail. The other wanted more of an answer. But didn't push it just yet.

"You ready to go маленький паук? (Little Spider)" Natasha said, even she had a smile on her face. Peter nodded.

The group of reunited avengers walked back to their ship, each sitting in their regular seats. They flew home silently besides the occasional ETAs.

When they landed Peter looked a little spooked. He had been glancing out the window as they flew over New York. Eyes filled with more sorrow and not as much spark. When they landed he breathed in deeply, taking in all the smells of his home town.

They walked into the tower Peter looking around at absolutely everything. The avengers watching him.

"Returning Party?" Tony said skeptically, Peter looked a little scared. "Just with us, I mean. Some movies? Pizza? Ice Cream?" Everyone smiled.

"Tony Stark finally has a good idea." Bruce smirked. Tony just glared at him. Everyone laughed, the first laugh they'd all had during this year.

     "I'll go grab popcorn." Natasha spoke before walking to the kitchen.

     "I'll set up movies." Clint, Thor, and Bruce went off into the living room.

     "And I'll grab blankets." Steve said finally, leaving the father and son duo alone. The two looked each other in the eyes. Just taking in each others presence.

     Tony grabbed Peter by the shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug. "I missed you so much Kid. The team-" Tony started, his breathes catching as he had tears in his eyes again. "The team wasn't the same without you."

     Peter pulled Tony tighter at the words. Tony noticed but didn't comment on it, he would've too.

     "Do you wanna talk about it?" Tony asked. Don't call him a hypocrite (even though he is one) but he knew talking helped.

     The now 16 year old shook his head against Tony's chest and mumbled a small, "no." Tony accepted it. He just needed time.

     The two separated after another minute and walked into the living room. The movie Stranger than Fiction was set up. 4 buckets of popcorn on the table, along with 5 gallons of ice cream. With superheroes this might not even be enough, but everyone was happy. They started the movie and snuggled in closer to each other.

     "This is a story about a man named Harold Crick and his wrist watch. . ." They watched the movie laughing at the funny moment like, when Harold yelled at the air.

     Halfway through the movie Peter had fallen asleep. His head on Tony's shoulder, knees up to his chest.

-Inside Peters Dream-

     I was walking home from school. I needed to get home quick and fix my Web shooters. They had just been acting up lately. Nothing major, just needed to be fix. I was halfway there, when something made my spidey senses go off. I looked around for any possible danger. I saw nothing and assumed it was just a bug that had landed on me or something. But the sense didn't go away, it made me more and more paranoid as I continued walking. I only took 3 more steps in the deserted area when my senses went off a second to late. Something hard hit the back of my head. And it takes a lot of head force trauma to knock me out. But either way I fell into unconsciousness.

     When I woke up I was in a dark room. My backpack gone so I couldn't grab my suit, and my webshooters still broken. I groaned from the pain of the killer headache I had.

     That's when a man, probably around the age of 45 walked in. He was holding my backpack in his hands along with a needle. I subconsciously shrunk back.

     "Well hello little one, nice of you to finally join us." He said coming closer. I was still to out of it to notice my spidey sense. "Now I looked in your little backpack. I found some homework, a half eaten sandwich, a cool stark phone. Oh and a little suit. Now unless your really into cosplay, Im really surprised I got the jump on the Spider-Man." My eyes jumped open.

     "And I got a special treat for you!" He sang stepping closer and painfully stabbing me in the neck with the needle. My body grew weak, but I never went unconscious.

     "Now normally I sell the kids I grab. But since I'm your biggest fan I wanna hear what spider scream sounds like." My weak body tried to get up. But whatever he put into me was keeping me from moving at all. The man grabbed my wrist and hung me to a hook on the wall above me. He walked out of the room and came back with a cart full of torture tools. Knives, needles, swords, salt, water.

      I gave one more attempt to move, just to fail yet again. He came closer to me, my heart was beating  so loud I'd be surprised if it didn't pop out of my chest. He took one more stepped effectively killing the space between us. He grabbed a knife and pressed it on my forearm. Then slowly dragged it over my skin, leaving a deep red line that was spilling blood.  He moved to my other arm and did the same. He then grabbed the bucket of water and poured it over the two cuts. The water was ice cold, I whimpered in pain. The man looked up at me and smiled, HE FREAKING SMILED!

     The man looked towards my torso and traded his empty bucket for another knife. He ripped my shirt, which revealed my chiseled chest. He then started making tons and tons of small scratches. Each deep enough to leave a scar. Then his face changed into one that had just come up with and idea. He started making gashes around the same area. When I looked down, with my eyes of course, I saw he had written 'I <3' And a picture of a Spider. I wanted to hurl from the amount of blood that littered my body.

The man went up to my wrists and took my off the hook. He let me fall to the floor, hard.

"I'll be back tomorrow." He smiled again and left me in the room alone once again. And he did come back. Every. Single. Day. It had become a routine. Sleep. Torture. Pass out from said Torture. Wake Up. More Torture. Non stop. Never any stop.

-End Peters Dream-

Peter woke up screaming, not a normal nightmare scream. But one of pure terror, one that screamed bloody murder. The avengers, who had not fallen asleep, were instantly pulled out of the movie. Scared for why Peter, the boy who was sleeping peacefully only seconds ago, was letting out such a blood curdling scream.

Peter jumped up in a cold sweat, jumping over the couch and into a corner. He was rocking himself back and forth, tears streaming down his face. Eyes clouded with fear. Tony was the first to stand up and walk to Peter. But when Tony got closer to the boy, Peter pushed himself away from Tony, cowering further into the corner. Tony stopped immediately.

Tony looked to his teammates, each of them wearing a worried and confused expression. Tony then had an idea. If he couldn't touch and comfort the boy. He could at least try talking to him.

"Peter, Peter. Come on it's Tony, you know Ironman." His voice was soothing, and not at all threatening. Peter's rocking slowed. "You know Captain America's here, along with Black Widow, Hawkeye, even Thor. Your safe, surrounded by the worlds best fighters." Tony had been slowly walking towards Peter as he spoke. And once he was finished Peter had stopped rocking, but was still shaking.

"Come on bud, wanna talk about it?" Tony asked once more. He was close enough to Peter to help him stand. Peter allowed him too but was tense under the touch. Tony guided him to the couch. Peter sat down and curled into a ball once again.

"Torture." Peter said in a small voice. But the avengers heard it, their eyes widening. Thinking of ways to kill the man who had hurt their kid.

Peter continued, "I-I was tortured. E-Everyday. The man w-would come back everyday. The only time I g-got a break was when I passed out. He found out I was S-Spiderman and found ways t-to hurt me. I-I only got out when another kid came in with a gun and shot him. He w-was bleeding just as bad as I would any other day. So once he shot the man, he dropped down to the ground dead. I wasn't in restraints at the time so I got to escape. We-We were in the Forest and I lived their for about 2 weeks. Then you found me." He finished.

     Every Avenger's mouth hung open. The kid had gone through a lot. It seemed like he just couldn't catch a break. Danger and sadness was always around the corner for him it seemed, be he always smiled after. Not this time though. Now they saw the real Peter Parker. A very broken, scared, and shattered 16 year old.

     "Ohh Peter. . ." Tony breathed. He went to hug Peter very slowly. Peter tensed under the touch again, but relaxed after a minute.

     "It's ok, your not there anymore. Your safe and back with us." Tony spoke quietly, running his fingers through the boy's hair. They stayed like that for a long time, or at least until Peter fell asleep again, without a nightmare this time.

     "We gotta help him." Cling said quietly. Feeling a tug at his heart thinking about his own kids.

     "What do you suggest?" Tony asked, hand still in the sleeping boy's hair.

     "Just small fun stuff. Make a good breakfast tomorrow. Watch happy movies a lot. Talk to him whenever he's sad, and just in general. Anything to keep him happy and help him come to terms with what happened." Clint spoke. The avengers listened closely. He had kids he knew better then them all.

     And the Avengers did just that. They slowly made Peter come out of his protective shell. And helped him come to terms with what had happened. They helped him whenever he had a panic attack, or whenever he was thinking about the event. They eventually told Ned and he helped whenever Peter panicked at school. Slowly but surely Peter got better. He became the happy boy he once was, and that made everyone happier. They got their Peter back. And the world couldn't be better.

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