chapter 08

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above: rushingwave (he's supposed to have yellow eyes, not green)

below: rose. she's beautiful!

chapter 8

. . .

I was lying in something soft. My eyes struggled to see against the blinding white thing covering my face. I tried to swat it aside but another paw rested on mine, gently, this time. I stilled, waiting catiously, expecting them to hurt me. Something fiddled beside my face and the thing was removed. 

It was even harder to see against the blinding white light pouring in from the ceiling.

I blinked, once, twice, thrice, and finally adapted. I looked around curiously, aware that there was something tied to my hindpaw. I was in what was presumably a Twoleg nest, with white, stiff walls and bare floors. Beside me stood a blue'furred tom with green eyes that reminded me oh so much of my Frostpaw.

But it couldn't be my Frostpaw. My Frostpaw had clear green eyes that always shone with happiness and reflected the light of the sun. My Frostpaw's pelt as always sleek and well groomed, and his multicolored fur flowed so smoothly together. His shoulders were wide and he was a touch larger than me. But this tom had dark green eyes that held sadness, and his fur looked dull, messy and ungroomed. But he was huge, with hunched shoulders.

"Rushingpaw.." the tom whispered.

"How do you know my name?" I spat, hairs on the back of my neck lifting.

"It's me, Frost - Frostpaw."

"You're not Frostpaw!"

"Look." Frostpaw lifted up a blue paw and showed me his pad. There was the intricate design he had shown me when we were kits.

"I don't believe it," I argued, leaning torwards the idea of this being Frostpaw.

"You'd better." His voice was oumnious. "Because battle training begins soon."

This sent memories flooding into my mind. "Wait - where's Thunderfish?! Where's Stormywind and Beetleclaw?! Where are my Clanmates?"

"In cells, Rushingpaw. You're in a cell."

"Rushingwave, idiot. What's a cell?"

Frostpaw sat down and huffed. "If you have your attitude for this whole time I'll tell the Boss to knock you out."

It didn't sound pleasant so I clamped my mouth shut.

We stayed sitting in silence, the white room blinding my eyes until I curled up with my tail over my nose.

Suddenly there was a repeated thwack and Frostpaw was up like a shot. I watched through narrowed eyes as he went to a section of the room and sat down obediently. My eyes widened with alarm as he urgently waved me over.

"Come and sit quietly!" Frostpaw hissed, watching me run over and sit, then open my mouth. "If you-"

A part of the room swung open, barely missing me. Seeing Frostpaw bow his head low, I immediatley followed suit.

"Frostpaw, how is ..err... Rushing doing?"

I gritted my teeth and kept my head low.

"Rushingwave is doing fine," Frostpaw reported, as if animated to do so. "He is ready to battle train at your command, miss."

I lifted my head and stared at the point from earlier defiantly. Frostpaw thwacked me on the head, making me drop my gaze.

"Follow me." The point's voice was smooth, not giving away anything.

Frostpaw hurried after her. "Rose-"

"Did I tell you to stop calling me miss? I don't think so. I don't ever want to hear my name come out of your mouth again." With that she raked her claws against his ear. He flinched but said nothing. I hurried to his side and lapped at his ear gently, only to feel a stinging pain in my own. I turned around to see Rose. "You'll both get worse injuries than that if you behave like that," she hissed, claws dripping with blood.

My eyes were wide with horror as I watched Frostpaw hurry after her as if nothing had happened, and I quickly scurried after her.

After going through a confusing white maze - why was everything white?! - we arrived at a dead end.

"At you kidding me?" I groaned, about to turn around.

Frostpaw gave me a weird look. "That's a door," he whispered to me, pointing to Rose. The point stood on her hind paws delicately and turned a small thing attached to the wall. I leaped back to avoid it hitting me as it swung back.

"Remember, Frost and Ruushing," Rose said slowly. "Do not irritate the boss or anyone else, or instant death."

I nodded after following Frostpaw's submissive guest urge and trotted forward.

We were in a dark - finally, not white! - cavern. There were small lights like stars strung about the ceiling. I heard battle cries and shrieks as we came closer, and gasped as my eyes adapted to the dim.

Rose had led us to a battle hollow.

Cats were fighting either one on one or two on one. Others were crouching beside the wall, restrained by vine strips. My eyes widened every time I reckognized a cat - Bristlepaw, fighting against two vicious toms, Dustysky, chained to the wall, along with Troutprickle, Mistystem, a kind she-cat, stolen from RiverClan moons ago, fighting alongside another she-cat against a tom.

I let out a choked sob and immediately Rose cuffed me over the ear. I hushed and watched as she turned to Frostpaw.

"Go fight alongside your pretty mate, Frost," she said, her voice filled with poision and her eyes on Bristlepaw.

Mate?! I stared at Frostpaw, needing answers, but he turned and ran to Bristlepaw, hopping into the fight beside her. I was about to follow when Rose's needle sharp teeth sunk into my neck. "Follow me," she said, her voice muffled by my scruff. "We're going to need a collar for this one!" she added over her shoulder. 

I had no choice but to follow.

My head was forced into a silver collar, and however many times I tried to squirm out of it, Rose would rake her needle-sharp claws down my flank. I finally allowed my head to go throughhh the collar and stiffened as Rose fastened a leash to it. I was not a dumb kittypet! But nevertheless she led me to the wall of prisoners. A vine was hanging from a hook in the wall, and with one eye on me, she grabbed it and looped it through my collar, then tied it to my leg. I was pushed roughly against the wall and there was a click. Rose stepped back, looking smug, and just as I tried to wipe the smug grin off her face, the leash and vine restrained me. Giving up all hope, I slumped down, only to feel something furry and soft next to me. I looked up to see a familiar grey face.

"You're here!" the tom rasped.

I stared at him. "Dustysky?!"

i love making you all suffer, don't I! this is - what, the third cliffhanger in a row? well, it looks like rushingwave has finally found the missing. what do you think of rose? the boss? frostpaw? frostpaw and bristlepaw? tell me things in the comments, i want to hear from you all!

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