chapter 15

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I whipped around, ready to claw someone's eyes out, when I saw Beetleclaw. He was in the protection of the roof, lingering behind me as to not get wet. 

"What," I mewed, trying to control my temper, "do you want?"

"I'm just trying to check up on you!" Beetleclaw murmured, a bit defensively. "You can off in such a rush we didn't even congratulate you!"

I blinked. "It's okay."

"Do you have claustrophobia?"

I was taken aback by the question. "W-what?"

Beetleclaw cuffed me over the ear. "Well, tight spaces."

"Oh." I looked around. "I feel much happier in an open field, if that's what you mean."

Beetleclaw shook his head, nudging me inside. He shut the door and sat down. "Claustrophobia is when someone is afraid of tight spaces, with nowhere to run free or have fresh air. That's why you were so jumpy, why you rushed off when a lot of cats started milling around." He took a breath. "Perhaps you shouldn't go to the battle?"

I shook my head, beginning to walk down the hall. "No. I want to go home and I want to fight this battle. No one is stopping me from doing so."

Beetleclaw inspected me worriedly, but said nothing.

For the remained of the time we had left, we explored every nook and cranny of the Twoleg den, and the surroundings. When Lightstar called for RiverClan's attention, I was there beside her, itching to go home. She gave a small speech, but I paid no attention. In just a few days, we would be home!

We said goodbye to Hail and his cats, wishing him farewell and promising to see him soon. Everyone was happy. I was with my friends, Hail had gotten what he'd wanted, and RiverClan would be home once more!"

Then we set off. The younger cats were bouncing happily in the front, with Lightstar just behind them, and the rest of the warriors following. I caught up to Lightstar and coughed once to make my presence known. 


She turned to me, her narrowed eyes raking up and down my pelt. "What is it, Rushingwave?"

"I was wondering, how are things back home?" I met her gaze anxiously, searching for a hint of doubt or a smooth lie. "Has ThunderClan invaded?"

Relief crossed her gaze. "ThunderClan has stayed away, thank StarClan. But we have been hit by early spring whitecough...and I'm afraid I left RiverClan under control of a sickly deputy."

"Cloudedmoon is ill?" My eyes widened.

"Unfortunately so. I left her under the care of the medicine cats, but alas, I fear her cough is deep."

I let out a small breath, closing my mouth with a snap and beginning to walk in silence. Lightstar did the same, focusing her gaze on the path in front of us. Then I snapped my head sideways to look at her.

"Lightstar, how many lives do you have left?"

The leader lowered her voice but did not turn to me. "One."

We arrived at camp the next sun-fall. Medicine cats and warriors alike came rushing out to greet us, but that was when I looked around and noticed we were missing quite a few cats.

"Where is Silvertuft? Cloudedmoon? Minnowsplash? Ashenbark? Riverfrost? Beekit?! Where are they?" I cried, whipping my head back and forth as I looked for the missing cats.

"Beekit and his littermates are apprentices now, remember?" Lightstar reminded me. "His mentor is Silvertuft."

"Oh, so they're out training." I breathed a sigh of relief. "But the others?"

Riverberry gave a sigh from where she sat by the medicine den. "Minnowsplash is the only survivor."

I felt unsteady. "They're dead!?"

She bowed her head.

"Cats of RiverClan. Since we have lost quite a few of our members, including our deputy, I must pick a new one before moonhigh. I will think for now, and we mourn our dead cats. We will have our vigil in the morning." Lightstar turned and disappeared into her den.

As I made my way to the bodies already laid out in the clearing, I felt my friends join. I'm so lucky I have such caring friends by my side...even though I haven't found my mate yet, I still have friends that would be here for me anytime.

Willowbreeze lay her head on Frostpaw's shoulder, taking up the space on the left of me, and Stormywind and Beetleclaw and Dustysky took my right. We stayed together throughout the night, mourning our dead cats. 

Soon it was moonhigh, and Lightstar called the cats together with a huff. "I have made my decision."

The cats straightened up, looking up at her eagerly. 

"Dustysky will be the new deputy of RiverClan."

I cheered his name, pushing my muzzle against his shoulder. RiverClan congratulated their new deputy, before settling down once again to look at their leader.

"It has come to my attention that some cats need their warrior name. They have proven their loyalty to us over and over, and they are long past their ceremony."

I nudged Frostpaw, and saw Bristlepaw walk forward as well.

"RiverClan, I present to you, Frostglare and Bristleheart!"

I cheered once more, my throat drying up from vigorous screams.

Dustysky shot me a joyous glance, and I returned the grin. Perhaps I was not getting the deputy position, but my friend was, and he would do a much better job than me.

"Clan dismissed!" Lightstar called from where she was sitting with Dustysky, a few moments later. "Elders may bury the dead, any cat that wishes to help may."

I pricked my ears and heard Lightstar whisper to her deputy, "We must discuss the battle patrol."

My brain whirling with thoughts of the battle, I found my paws walking to the warrior den. It felt so good to be back! I found my nest, which no longer smelled of me, and curled up, pushing my nose into the soft moss. Some apprentice had added feathers not too long ago, and it certainly helped my tired muscles. I fell asleep almost momentarily, my eyes fluttering closed and my breathing deepening. And that night, I had no dreams.

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