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Bakugou didn't get much sleep. It was hard to. But he was able to get a little.

Dabi came in before the sun cane up. He pulled out the bag and stuffed a vibrator into Bakugou. The blonde tried not to moan as the villain busied himself with something on a burner phone.

He lost track of time and even reality. He felt lightheaded and was having a hard time breathing. Spots swarmed in and out of his vision and all sounds sounded echoey. He tried to keep his plan in his head but everything was fading...

Unknown to the blonde, it was 8:30 in the morning. His class was in their homeroom getting ready for an upcoming test.

Unknown to them, their classmate was being tortured until a little past noon.

1A was all gathered in their dorm common room as required by 4 in the afternoon. None had forgotten bakugou of course. But most had given up for one reason or another. Several thought he was dead. A few were holding back in attemp.to spare him. Mineta was convinced he'd turned into a villain.

Only Midoria and Kirishima hadn't given up.

Deku stood by with his phone and a portable charger and tried to narrow down locations which was the best they could do without being able to leave.

The room was quiet. Momo and Jirou were working on a puzzle. Again. Iida was reading a text book almost a foot thick on nuclear reactors and weapons. Mina, Sero, and Kaminari were working on the HUGE banner they've worked on for months. Welcome back it read. They'd finished a long time ago and have been adding details ever since. Tokoyami and Tsu were watching the light rainfall. Ochako was eating sone Mochi at the table. Ojiro, Hagakure, Kouda, and Shouiji were all working on homework. Aoyama was staring at you through the pocket mirror he was holding. Satou was allowed in the kitchen with a guardian (Aizawa) to baje a cake. Todoroki was the only one truly absent seeing as he had left to visit his mother. They weren't too worried about him. I would've been... But fictional characters can be idiots sometimes.

They all sat in utter silence. Everyone jumped when Dekus phone rang. It was an unknown number requesting a face call.

"GET AIZAWA-SENSEI!" Deku cried, standing up so fast he knocked over the table in front of him.

Iida was ON IT and had pulled their teacher to the room in less then a second and the broccoli boi reached for the green button....

Bakugou tried to fight it when he realized what was coming. But he couldn't.

Naked and weak, with his arms tied behind his back and his legs chained apart and too the bed, he could only watch.

The phone in Dabis hand made a sound. Da-DING! And he could see all his classmates crushed together to try to see. They looked so much more different....

"Can everyone see?" Dabi asks maniacally. The kids on the other end can only see a little below Bakugous chest but can tell how hurt he is.

"Can anyone track this??? We need to get to him before its too late!" Says a voice. A tear rolls down Bakugous cheek and hes not evrn sure what emotion had brought it forth.

"Shitty hair-..." he says weakly with a horse voice and a grim smile.

"Oh, did you think this was an execution? Maybe sometime. But not now. There are things worse than death you know." Dabi says off-screen. Bakugou sees it coming and braces himself and Dabi thrusts in. His entire body shook at contact and he barely held back the noise behind his lips.

"D-dont watch. Please." He begs his classmates.

"What are you doing to him you villain?" Iidas voice demands. Humiliation oushes tears to the blondes eyes.

"I SAID DON'T LOOK DAMN IT!" He cries. Dabi speeds up and bakugou arches his back. His head goes over the edge of the mattress and his now long hair falls backwards revealing his terrified expression.





The class is oblivious yo the real situation but still try to stop the villain.

"L-look away. P-please." Bakugou stutters through grit teeth. He wants to sob when nobody does.

"I told you you'd get 3 minutes. It starts now." Dabi snaps, trying not to sound short on breath. He props the phone between the teens knees and sits down at the wood chair, pulling his pants up. Bakugou doesn't skip a beat.

"I'm, I don't think, damn it. I won't come back. You won't find me. Don't get hurt looking. Please. I've spent this time thinking and all I can think about is how, how horrible I was. I... I'm sorry. Especially to you Deku. All those years, I'm sorry. I want you to know I remember it all. And I'm sorry. I-" he began with teary eyes.

"Dont be like that! And don't apologize! We'll rescue you Katchan and I'll always-"

"YOU FUCKING NERD LET ME AT LEAST SAY GOODBYE DAMN IT!" Bakugou screamed and almost depleted his energy completely. Deku was quiet.

"Remember when we went to Kiroshinou for a school trip in preschool? We were by the docks and I pushed you into the water. You told me to get help... But I just left. If that hero wasn't there you'd have died. And that was my fault. And I've always been an asshole. I'm a bad person... Maybe I had this coming.

Shitty- I mean Kirishima. Thank you. I know you blame yourself because that's who you are so FUCKING stop. It wasn't you. It was the villains. These bastards are sick. So go pro and kick ass for me.

I can't say goodbye to everyone. I don't have time. But I want you to know that even if you find my body tomorrow, I'm glad I was a part of 1A.

Im sorry I put my shoes on the table. I'm honored to have sparred with some of you. I wish you all become heroes and kill these sons of bitches. I- I'm sorry for everything."
He says, tearing up. Dabi begins a slow clap and walks back.

"Looks like thats all we have for time." Dabi smirks.

"TELL ICY HOT THAT THIS BASTARDS HIS BROTH-!" Bakugou blurts before Dabi tackles him and wrestles a gag into the teens mouth. The phone fell abd Dabi caught it.

"You little shit. Someone asked what I sas doing to him? Why not a demonstration." Dabi snarls. He grabs the pole in the corner and holds it off camera for the blonde to see.

The Pomeranian begins sobbing and trying to plea through the gag.

"Well I've been fucking your little friend every day since we got him. So bad he probably hasn't been able to walk." Dabi says as he pushes the pole in dry and pulls tge camera back for a better view.

"You monster, stop! You'll kill him!" Iida proclaims.

"Well in a way he's dead. He's lost his will to live. The occasional soark pops up but its easy to snuff out. And of course I throw in a bit of this and that." Dabi lowers his hand to the boys bare chest and activates his quirk while unrelentlessly thrusting with the pole. The pake skin begins to smoke and the room smells horribly. Bakugous screaming isn't hidden by the gag at all.

"In shock? Theres more. He's slowly starving too. He didn't have much meat on him to begin with but look now, you can count hus broken ribs!" Dabi zooms in on the thin boys rib cage. Most ribs are perfectly fine but a few are jagged shaped from healing wrong.

"Hes also dehydrated, and sleep deprived. Besides his ratger frequent now comatose states from when I apparently take it too far, he hasn't gotten a full nights rest since you last saw him in person. You should've seen him, at first he got tired and tried to sleep by 8:30 like a nerd!" Dabi laughs. Hot tears continue to flow from the scarlet eyed boy.

His class remains in shock.

"Oh and did I mention hes heavily sedated and virtually quirkless? Its true! Last tine he used his quirk, look what happened!" Dabi flips the boy over, cuts away the blood and pus soaked bandages to show the shredded hands tied behind the teens back. Hes too weak to even try to protest.

Dabi yanks the poll out and aligns himself.

"Look at this, he's already suited to my size! I'd sow you his rather impressive deep throating skills if it weren't for the fact that he clearly doesn't have the stamina for it." Dabi sighs.

"You FUCKING BASTARD! You will release my student at ONCE! And I will hunt you down, and break every bone in your body. Then feed your helpless form to a woodchipper and burn the FUCKING remains. If you turn him in I'll kill you first. And if you lay a SINGLE finger on him you'll be burning in hell a lot sooner than you thought." Aizawa hisses. The kids remain horrified and bakugou us about ready to pass out.

"Oh really? You'll get a kick out if this. Its a drug we've been playing around with thats related to Trigger, which I heard you were involved with back in the day?" Dabi quickly pulls a ready syringe from the drawer and bakugou tries to pull away with what little strength he had left. In vain.

"This ones for you Erasure head." Dabi cackles and plunges the needle into the soft skin on the blondes chest right where he was recently burned. Dabi flips him over and slices away the bindings holding his arms behind his back.

"This is a Nokia. Should be fine." Dabi says before all hell breaks loose. The room is engulfed in explosions ranging from small to devastating with no apparent pattern. When the smoke and fire finally cleared, it revealed bakugou had broken through his restraints just to end up slumped in a corner.

"Damn it. I hope I didn't kill him again. CPR only works so many times." Dabi lies through his teeth.

Before anyone can reprimand him or scream of curse him, Dabi hung up. He pulled shorts onto the hero to be and slung him over his shoulder. He carried the shallowly breathing teen to were shigiraki was playing GTA with Spinner.

"Fucking brat gave away my identity. Did you set up that torture chamber yet?" Dabi asks Shigiraki. Spinner rolls his eyes and Shiggy ignored te burnt creep.

Dabi pulls the plug from the wall.

"You asshole" shiggy says still without turning fron the screen.

"Yes. Its done." kurogiri says simply.


At the dorms a half hour later, it is chaos. They even called in a professional memory wiping hero 'Rember-me-not' to help kids cope. But he couldn't take away the feelings that went with the memories so they were all a wreck.

"Mr Aizawa? Please don't let them take my memory yet." Deku says softly to his teacher who was talking with detectives.

"Why not? Because its better for everyone involved to gave no memory of this except me because I will need to use it later I'm sure." Came the reply if a Teacher who went far past his limits.

"Something isn't setting right. Kachans story to me... It doesn't line up. That never happened. And the only trip we ever took in preschool was... To, Hoshu..... I THINK I KNOW WHERE HE IS!" Deku cried out. Sure enough, Hoshu has a warehouse district at its water edge that even gad recent reports of explosions that were dismissed.

They've finally found him. Lets hope they're not too late.

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