Remember Me

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A laugh wheezed from the woman's throat when her visitor said this so coldly, her slightly foggy brown eyes seeming to shine behind her thick glasses as she gently put a shaking, bony hand on the cheek of the robot. It almost felt like real skin beneath her palms, though it was merely plastic.

"Now, Jared, don't you talk like that" she replied.
"Of course I remember you, and I love you so much. My grand-baby, all grown up, who'd have thought it?"
The black-haired robot's eyes went from a cold, blank stare to a look of....shame. Of sadness, so much so, his expression rivalled a human's woe.

Jared ....he remembered Jared ; he was partly why he was built.Why he existed.

To care for Jared and the old woman.
His creator.


He knew Violet was not well, he had seen it coming a few months before she was admitted to the home.Right after the accident, resulting in Jared and his family being killed instantly by a cocky trucker-in-training.
Maybe that's why Violet called him Jared, and not the name he was previously given.
It gave him an identity, a feeling of becoming more human.

But what was the use, when the only remaining human he cared about was getting sicker and sicker?

 "Don't you fret for me, sonny" Violet told him, as she settled back in her chair, her shaky hand now on the back of his own hand.
"You still have your Grandma. I'm still here."

"I know, Vi-...Grandma..." Cameron replied reluctantly, feeling a synthetic saline solution spring to his optics, blurring his vision slightly.
"I...I just wish you could remember me...." he whispered, barely enough to be heard, as he gave her frail hand a gentle squeeze.

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