Two (draft)

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The hotel that the party was at and where we're going to be staying for the week (courtesy of dad's boss) was called 'Hotel Le Grande' and let me tell you, it lived up to its name. It looked like it had at least two thousand floors, I may or may not be exaggerating, but I did have to crane my neck way up to try and see the end of the building. Dad drove through the gates to the hall that the party was taking place at, the entire path that led upto the entrance of the hall was lit up with beautiful lights.

When we reached the entrance, one man opened the door for us and another man drove the car away to park it. At the doors, there was a line of professional looking people in what looked to be uniforms, black suits for the men and little black dresses for the women. These people were greeting the guests as they entered. The inside of the hall, however, was the grandest setting of all, with big chandeliers hanging from the walls and soft music that couples were dancing to.

"Your boss has really gone all out this time, hasn't he? What's the occasion?" I asked my dad, still in awe of the place.

" My boss has always been known for throwing amazing parties," my dad replied, laughing, "And it's his and his wife's fortieth anniversary." He continued.

I nodded and looked around. Not soon after, I spotted Vince, Candice's boyfriend, talking to a guy I couldn't see as his back was to me. Vince seemed to notice us as well and said something to the guy, making him turn to face us.

My eyes widened as I recognized the guy. I tugged at Candice's arm, "Candice, what is Will doing here? Did you know that he was coming?"

Candice looked over and frowned, "no I didn't, I'll ask Vince okay? Don't worry."

Vince walked over with Will, smiling at only my sister despite the other girls looking at him, and wrapped his arms around her waist while pecking her lips.

"You look beautiful babe." He said as he glanced over her black and white dress.

"Well, you don't look too bad yourself, Mr. Saulders" Candice smirked while fixing his tie, making Vince chuckle and shake his head. Then he looked at me and smiled.

"you're looking gorgeous as well, Elle.", he said making me blush slightly. "I'm sure Will won't be able to take his eyes off you." He teased, winking at me.

"Why is he here in the first place? Did you get him?" I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously.

Vince laughed and shook his head, "no, I didn't know her was here, apparently he's gotten a job at the company."

"A job? Why? Isn't he a lawyer in a firm in California?" I replied, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Glad to know that I'm welcomed here." A voice whispered in my ear, making me jump and turn around.

"W-Will, hey. I- I didn't- I mean- I just- I didn't expect to see you here" I managed to stutter out while looking into the chocolate brown eyes of Will Collins, my high school crush.

He chuckled and said, "you're still the same as in high school, Elle."

And then he hugged me. Oh god, why did he have to hug me, I thought as I hesitantly hugged him back. I looked around uncomfortably as he continued hugging me, and saw a man with blue eyes looking straight at me. He gave me a nod and walked to the bar at the far end of the hall.

What was that about?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Will finally let go and smiled at me.

"I'll be right back." He said and towards the stairs that led to the rooms of the hotel.

I felt a nudge and looked over at Candice smirking at me. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Shut up. I don't even like him anymore." I said while shoving her lightly.

"Sure you don't." She said while wrapping her arms around her boyfriend's arm. "Anyways, did you notice that hot guy who was totally checking you out?"

"He was not checking me out, Candice." I replied to my sister.

"Shut up el. I know better." She said. Then she glanced at the bar and smiled slyly at me.

"Let's go get a drink", she said while dragging me and Vince to the bar.

We sat on the bar stool, Candice in the middle, me to the left of her and Vince to the right.

"Three red wines please." Candice said to the bartender. The bartender nodded and started pouring the drink in three glasses.

"So, why am I here? Because as far as I remember, I don't drink" I said while resting my arms on the counter.

I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around to face the guy from earlier.

"Excuse me, can you tell me what the time is?" He asked. I nodded and looked at my phone.

"It's half past ten." I told him while looking back up at him.

"Thanks. And where are the restrooms?" He said after nodding.

"I think they're upstairs." I said while furrowing my eyebrows trying to think back to when Janice was giving me a walk through of the place.

He simply nodded and walked towards the stairs. I heard squealing from behind me and turned to Candice and saw her grinning almost as widely as when Vince asked her out.

"Oh my god! My sister is finally getting some action!" She said in a high pitched voice.

"What the hell are you talking about Candice? All he did was ask me the time and where the restrooms are." I said, confused about what my sister was so excited about.

I saw Vince smile and shake his head. "He had a watch, el." He quirked an eyebrow at me.

"S-so? Maybe he forgot that he wore a watch and- you know what? I'm not having this conversation with you guys, what's our room number?" I asked Candice.

"Room 41-" she began, but stopped when she spotted something On the bar counter. "Room 545" she said a bit too happily, making me look at her strangely. "And here is the key card" she said as she reached over and took a keycard from the counter and handed it to me.

How did the keycard end up on the counter from her purse? And how did I not notice when she removed it? I wondered, but then shrugged it off. I wasn't the most observant person and I do tend to get distracted a lot. Maybe she removed it then.

"Thanks, now I can go and do what I do best, swoon over boys I'll never have a chance with." I mumbled as I walked to the elevators and pressed the button to go up.

When the elevator arrived, I stepped in and pressed the button to the fifth floor. While waiting for my floor to arrive, I realized that I can't, in fact ogle over hot celebrities as I left my laptop home. I sighed, I guess the hotel computer with the annoyingly slow wifi connection will have to do.

The elevator dinged as my floor arrived. I walked out and towards my room. Using the key card that was handed to me by Candice, I walked in the room and sighed heavily.

"Took you long enough." A fairly familiar voice said. I blinked. What?   


A/n: I'm on a roll today! So, I know the title isn't very good, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Austin lambert in the media section.

That's all, folks.

All the love x

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