→chapter fifteen

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Thank you guys, for the encouraging comments, messages and votes. Thanks for reading my story :3


We all sat silently at the dining table. I'm sitting beside Lucy while Gajeel and the blue-headed kid sat across from us and Mr. M seat at the head of the table while Mr. Lily stood beside the door.

"So, Gaje, when are you going to introduce me to your girlfriend ?", the blue-headed kid said while pouting.

I nearly spit the meat I was chewing and I quickly drank the juice on the table. Lucy and Mr. M muffled their laughs while the kid smiled brightly at me.

"Wen, how many times do I have to tell you ? That shrimp is not my girlfriend, okay ?", Gajeel said pointing at me.

"But I saw you two on your bed. Your making babies.", she said innocently.

All of us fell silent, our eyes wide as a saucers.

"Levy, I didn't know !", Lucy said putting her hand on her mouth.

"Gajeel, you should at least lock the door !", Mr. M said.

"W-what ?! The hell ! We're not doing anything, okay ?! We're just ! I was just ! Aaaargh we're not doing anything finish .", he said completely blushing.

T-this is the first time I saw him blushing. And why do I find it cute ? Arrrrgh.

"Then why are you blushing Gaje?", she asked innocently tilting her head to the side and putting her index finger on her cheek.

"I-I am not !"

"Why are you shouting at me ?", she said on the verge of crying.

"I-I'm not shouting at you Wendy. I'm sorry. It's just, do you think I would date a shrimp like her ?", he said pointing towards me.

"Gajeel ! How many times do I have to tell you to stop giving nicknames to everyone.", Mr. M said.

"Tch.", Gajeel just continue to eat his meal while Mr. M just heave a sigh.

"Levy, I'm sorry for that.", Mr. M said while chuckling. " and oh, I didn't introduce to you my daughter. This is Wendy. Wendy, this is Levy. She's our friend.", Mr. M said smiling at me.

Wendy stood up and bowed her head.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Levy."

I quickly stood up making my fork fall to the ground.

"I-I'm sorry. I-it's nice to meet you too.", I heard Gajeel snickers while Wendy smiles at me.

So much for a day.

After the awkward dinner we bid our farewell and head to our respective home.

"Thank you for the ride Mr. Lily.", I said looking over at the windshield of the car.

"Don't mention it. ", Mr. Lily said grinning at me.

I entered the house and went upstairs.

I sigh. Home sweet home.

---The Next Day---

I woke up the next day and stood up slowly.

I took a shower and put on my school uniform and glasses.

"Mom ! Have you seen my bracelet?", I shout as I look around the room for my bracelet.

"No honey !"

My goodness ! I can't lose that !! No no no ! Where in the world ?! Wait, what if I lose it on his room ? Greaaaaaat. I groaned. I did lose it when he pinned me.

The thought made me blush a ten fold shades of red. I groaned again. Why the hell did he pin me ?!

I walked downstairs after my morning preparations.

Maybe I can ask him later about my bracelet.

"Mom, I'm off to school.", I said grabbing an apple on the table.

"Take care.", she said.

I arrived at the school a little early. I sat at my table and read my book. Lucy and Mira arrive shortly after that.

"Goodmorning !", Lucy greets.

"Goodmorning Mira. Goodmorning Lu.", I smiled as I close my book and looks at them.

"Sooo Levy ~ I heard you are already making my god childrens.", Mira whispers to me.

"W-we are not !!", I said, blush forming all over my face as I quickly stood up.

They both just laugh at my expression. As I glare at them Gajeel entered the classroom and walks towards me. He stop at the front of my desk.

He dropped an envelope on my desk and walks to his seat at the back of the room and sleep.

"Omg what is that !! Open it !!", I just rolled my eyes at them. This girls.

I opened the envelop to reveal our project. Shoot, I forgot. Today is the deadline !

I scanned the project to find that it is already finish. Even the story that we need is finish. We can now pass it later on our History subject.

"Ooh Levy-chan ~ already making your boyfriend finish all the schoolwork ?", Lu-chan teased.

"I-I am not ! And he is not my boyfriend !", I whispered-yelled afraid that someone might here us.

They just both laugh at my blushing face and took their seats as Mr. Alberom entered the room.

"Goodmorning !", he greets.

We stood up and greet our teacher.

"I hope you never forget about the syllabus and all the activities that we will do. As you know, I am currently the adviser of the drama club, that's why I always tied my subject on acting and theater act.", we just kept silence as he continue his lecture.

"Now, our principal talked to me to have a stage play after a month and he picked this class to make that play.", everyone gets excited while everyone groaned.

"Quiet down. The play will be Beauty and the Beast. Now who will play as the Beauty ?", almost every girl raised their hands to be Belle.

"Mr. Alberom ! I think Levy will be a great fit !!", Mira shouted. My eyes widen at her statement.

"Levy ? How come ?"

"Well, Levy is a bookworm like Belle, she's sweet and well, weird at times, like Belle. So she'll be a great fit ! Besides if she'll be a Belle, we will also have the Beast.", Mira said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Beast ? Who will be the beast ?"

Mira smiled widely as she looks at me. This is not good.

"Gajeel definitely would love to be the Beast."


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