→chapter twenty-nine

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"Levy-chan !", Lucy beamed as she quickly run towards me and gives me a tight embrace.

Mira and the others followed as they greet me at the door.

"Hey guys", I greeted.

"Levy-chan ! Are you ok to come at school ? Are you feeling well ? Are you —"

"Calm down Lu. I'm fine.", I chuckled as I pat her shoulder.

"Besides, it's our last week of the year, I'm not gonna miss it, am I ?"

"Y-yeah. Sorry."

"Have you talk to Master about this Levy ?", Erza asked.

"Yes. He went to our house for my statement."

"S-so, what did you tell them ?", Lu-chan asked.

"Everything of course. He said he'll handle it from now on. So no need to worry. Let's enjoy our last week, ok ?"

They all smiled at me and we took our seats as the class began.

Gajeel didn't come to class. I wonder if he's alright. I'm starting to get nervous. He never visits me nor respond to my texts or calls. I wonder what happened.

When the bell rang, I quickly go to Lu-chan to ask about Gajeel.

"Gajeel ? No. Since the incident, he never showed to school. I can't believe he didn't even visits you."

"Maybe he's busy since .. you know.. about the complaint on him."

"Oh right. I guess you have a point there. But that doesn't mean he will not visit you even once."

"Maybe he has his reasons."

"And what could that be ?", she asked as she placed her index finger on her chin.

"I don't know."

We walked to our next class and the teacher came.

----------------------TIME SKIP--------------------

After our last subject, I pack all my things to my bag and went to my locker to grab my other notebooks. I was out for a couple of days so I have many notes to copy. I'm glad that Lu-chan lend me her notes.

"Levy!" I turned around to see Gray running towards me.

I remember, I haven't talk to him since the day he told me to stay away from Gajeel.

"Hi Gray." I greeted.

"Let's walk together ?"

I nodded and we start to walk. After several minutes, we stop at the entrance of Magnolia Park.

"Want to stop by for a moment ?"

"Are you asking me on a date ?", I teased. He laugh and ruffled my hair.

"Yes. Like the old days, huh ?"

We walk inside the park and sat at a swing.

"Are you ok now ?", he asked, starting a conversation.

"Yeah. It's a one hell of an experience, if I might say.", I giggled.

"I'm sorry Levy."

I glanced at him to found he's staring at me seriously.

"Sorry for what ?"

"It's all my fault.", he said as he shook his head and sway softly the swing.

"Because of my selfish request, you experienced that nightmare."

"What are you saying Gray ?"

"The reason why those people threatened you and attacked you, it's because you were close to Gajeel. You never intend to be close to him, but because I asked you to seduce him, you—"

"Gray.", I cut him off as I look at him with the same seriousness he has.

"I never blame you, in fact, I am grateful to you. If you never asked me that, I will never have the confidence to talk to Gajeel, or my high school life will never be this exciting. I admit, at first I was really mad at you, for using me like that for your selfish desire, but you gave me a  choice, and I still chose to help you, and I never regret that Gray. At the middle of our plan, I just fell in love with him, even though there are kinds of rumors spreading, I accepted that. I never thought, that I will fall deeply in love with a guy like Gajeel. I mean, if you'll ask me, before I met him, I would say the type of man that I want is the complete opposite of him." I chuckled slightly and start to sway too the swing.

"Levy .. "

"So— how's it going with Juvia ?  Don't tell me you wasted my effort.", I said as I glare at him.

"No. You know, I just found out that she is Gajeel's cousin. I really can't believe it. They never mentioned such things. Juvia and I, we are a couple now."

"I see. Good for you then. I thought you wasted my effort."

"I will never do that. I was ashamed at myself when I asked you that. I was so blindly in love with Juvia, that I didn't think of the consequences of my decisions."

"Mhm. You're a jerk back then.", I said then laugh.

"I guess I am.", he said as he chuckles.

"That reminds me, you never gave me the book series that I want."

"Oh, right. I forgot. I'll buy you, just tell me what book series."

"No need. Gray, letting me meet Gajeel was enough."

"Then I'll save it for your Christmas present then ?"

"Mhhm. I'll look forward to that."

We sat there for a couple of minutes just talking any thing. I guess you can say, that we're back to being best friend again.

After talking, we head to an ice cream parlor and eat their best product. Then he walked me to the house. As we reach our porch, I bid my farewell and went inside.

"I'm home !", I announced.

"Levy .. "


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