→chapter twenty-six

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I just kept silent as all the men in front of me laugh hysterically. The guy with the blonde hair keeps taking pictures of me. Single photos and with the guy with the chocolate colored hair. I don't know what to think. It feels like my brain fell into a deep slumber. I feel numb. I want this all to end. I can't feel myself anymore.

Gajeel... please ... hurry! That's all I can think. He will save me. He promised that he will always protect me. I bet he's searching all over the town to find me. He'll come. I know he will come. Definitely !

"Enough ! Now boys. Let's have fun at our desires content shall we ?", the man with the chocolate hair said.

"Isn't that 'at our hearts content ? Bwahahahahaha !"

"Shut up ! We don't have that. We only have our desires.", he sassed as he lick his lips.

"Oh right bwahahahahahahaha !"

He stood in front of me, ready to devour me at any second. I close my eyes to prepare for the worst.

When I feel his hand grip the small cloth that hide my bosom, the door of the shed slammed open.

"You. What the hell are you doing ?" I flinch at the tone of the voice. But relief sprouts in my veins.

"Gajeel !", I feel tears start to stream in my face. But it's not because of fear, it's filled with happiness and relief.

"Levy-chan !", I heard Lucy as she step forward.

"Who the hell are you ?", the man before me said as he let go of the piece of my clothing.

I met Gajeel's gaze as he looks at me from head to toe. I saw him clench his fist and at the matter of second he dash forward landing a fist to the jaw of the guy. Natsu, following him, dash towards the blonde with the camera while Lucy held a pipe from the side and held it as she dash towards the other brown haired guy.

The brown haired guy and the blonde was knock out within a second. Leaving only the chocolate haired guy.

"Gajeel ! Be careful !", I say as I saw the man drew out a knife.

"Tch. Are you his boyfriend huh ? Geez, you're ruining our fun moment you know ?"

"You'll regret every second of your life, you scumbag!"

"Gajeel !", Natsu shouts.

"Stay out of this !"

Gajeel took off his uniform and threw it towards Lucy living him in his shirt.

"Make her wear that.", he said and Lucy did as she told. She untied me and made me wear Gajeel's uniform.

"Natsu, take them outside.", he said sternly.

"No ! We are not gonna leave you here !", I shout.

"I said leave ! I don't want you to see this !" I flinch at the tone of his voice but I held my ground, determined to stay.

"No. If you're gonna stay here alone, so am I ! And there's nothing in this world that can change my mind !", I said sternly.

"Tch. You're one stubborn little shrimp. Fine. Don't blame me then."

We went at the sides to watch the scene. Natsu standing closer in order to lend a help in case he needs it.

The chocolate haired guy dashed towards Gajeel as he slash left and right. It went like that until Gajeel landed a kick to the man. He fell to his knees and the knife was thrown at his side. Gajeel took the opportunity to kick him again making him fall flat against the floor.

As he tried to get up, Gajeel quickly sat in the guy's stomach and launch numerous punch to his face. He kept at it like a mad maniac wants to kill his prey. Blood is spurting out of the man's lips and nose but Gajeel didn't hesitate to stop. He stood up and grab the man's collar forcing him to stand up. Punches and kicks were thrown to the man as Gajeel holds his collar tighter.

"Gajeel stop ! You're killing him !!", I shout as I saw Gajeel continously kicking and punching the unconscious man and picked the knife at the side.

But it is as if he didn't hear a thing and when I saw him going to stab the man, I run to him and wrap my arms tightly around his torso.

"Please ! Stop already ! Don't kill him !", I shout as I sob at his shirt. I felt him tense and soon relax and slowly put the knife down.

"Freeze ! The police is here !", numerous police officers entered the shed as I sob in Gajeel's back. All of us raise our hand as they drag us out of the room and escort us to the police station. The three unconscious men where sent to the hospital.

Lucy and Natsu said their statements about what happened and what they know. They didn't ask me due to the trauma that it may cause. They gave me a few days to compose myself so I could tell them what happened. Gajeel is the last one that has been escorted at the investigation room. They say that he might be punish for almost killing the chocolate haired guy.

I wait for him outside the police station as Lucy has been picked up by Virgo, Natsu accompanying them, leaving me with a dress and a shoes.

I played with the hem of my dress as I wait for him to come out. Mr. M arrived earlier when he heard what happened and that Gajeel is still in the police station. Mom is on her way here together with Lily.

When I glance at the entrance, I saw Gajeel walking towards me while Mr. M talks to the police officers.

"Gajeel !", I shout as I threw myself at him.

"Whoa there shrimp. You miss me that much?", he says as a smirk plastered on his face.

"Don't be so cocky Redfox !"

"Gihi. I'm confident with myself."

I laugh as he pinched my cheeks and ruffled my hair.

Then, he did the last thing that I though he'd do. He captured my lips with his.

My eyes widened but soon I melted in the kiss and starts to kiss back.

I can't even describe how I feel for this man. I don't care if lots of people were staring at us. I only cared that he is kissing me. Kissing me passionately that it melts my fears away.

As he end the kiss he leaned in to me until our forehead meets.

"Levy, don't ever leave my sight again. Do you know how hard it is to find someone so small like you ?"

"Sorry.", I mumbled.

"Gihi. Don't ever leave my side again."






Lol . Joke !! Ahahahaha still few chapters to go ! ^^,

Isn't the picture cute ? I just thought that it fits well on the chapter ^^,

Till the next chapter ;))

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