→chapter two

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"Levy ! Ready for lunch ?", Lucy asks as she heads towards my desk.

"Yeah", I smile as she waits for me to finish packing my things.

"So, what are you gonna eat? I heard they have a new version of strawberry cake."

"Oh really ? I think I want to try that."

"Levy ! Lucy !", someone shouts across the hallway. I know that voice everywhere.

"Gray !", I shout excitedly. I heard Lucy snickers besides me and I felt myself blushing. No one knows my secret, well now Lucy know my unrequited love for my best friend.

"I'm glad you two befriended already. Oh Levy, let me introduce to you to the rest of the gang. This is Natsu."

"Yo ! Nice to meet you Levy.", says a salmon-haired guy who is grinning at me.

"Hi Levy, I'm Erza. I'm the student council president. So just tell me if you need anything and i'll gladly help you.", says a redheaded female.

"H-hello.", I stuttered. Well I'm not used in talking to a lot of people.

"Come on let's head to the cafeteria already.", Gray says as he pulls me closer to him. I felt heat creeps all over my face. And my heart is beating faster than before. Lucy suddenly grab me and place her hand on my shoulder.

"I want to know Levy better, so she's sitting with me.", she says as she winks at me. I internally thank Lucy for that. I'm a complete mess whenever Gray is too close to me.

"You have to treat me some of this day for that.", Lucy whispers to my ear and I slowly nods to her.

We reach the 'gangs usual table', as Gray calls it, after we ordered our food.

"So, Levy. You and Gray are friends since childhood?", Erza asks me as she took a bite of her strawberry shortcake.

"Yes, my parents and his parents are friends and they introduced us to each other.", I told them, remembering that day when mom introduce to me a gruff looking kid who's saying to his mom that he wants to take off his shirt.

"Ugh please. Don't make her tell stories about our childhood.", Gray says as he munch his double-patty burger. I giggled at that.

"What's so funny Levy?", Lucy asks me.

"N-nothing. I just bet Gray doesn't want you to hear all his embarrassing moment when he was a kid.", I say as I continue to hold my laughter.

"Heh, I think I want to know all that.", Natsu says looking at Gray.

"Shut up Pyroman.", Gray says as he throws glares towards Natsu.

"What's that Ice Princess?!" Natsu shouts ready to start a ramble with Gray.

"Oh my. I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--"

"It's ok Levy-chan. They are always like that. Don't worry about them.", Lucy says to me as she continue to eat her fries.

"Would you two stop that?! Levy is new here. Don't let her have a start like this.", Erza said completely making Natsu and Gray silent in their seats.

"I'ts ok Erza-chan. I'm fine."

"I'm sorry for that Levy. By the way, I have some things to finish in the student council. I'll go first. It's nice meeting you Levy, I hope you enjoy your time here.", Erza says as she stands to her seat and make her way out of the cafeteria.

"So Levy, how's your first day here?", Gray asks as he leans forward to face me.

"I've been fine. Lu-chan always accompany me with our subjects.", I say as I put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Luce is a very sweet friend. You two will get along for sure.", Natsu says as he grins towards us. I saw Lucy slightly blush at that. 'Oh. Now I know how to tease her.'

"Yeah. She's very sweet. I'm thankful already to her."

"It's nothing Levy-chan. I don't really have much friends here, and besides we have the same interests !", Lucy says cheerfully.

"Yeah. I can see that you two are practically best friends already. I'm slightly jealous", Gray says as he slightly pouts.

"Y-you're still my best friend Gray. Nothing will change.", I say as I blush.

"Yeah. Don't be jealous Gray. Levy-chan needs some girl best friend !", Lucy says as she slightly hugs me.

"Ice princess getting jealous. Pfft.", Natsu whispers.

"I heard that you good-for-nothing pyro !", Gray says as he snatch Natsu's fries and eat all of it.

"Hey that's mine !!"

"Here they go again", Lucy sighs as the two starts to argue once again.

"Are they always like this ?", I ask while watching Gray fights Natsu.

"Every single time." I giggled. I'm happy that Gray found a group of friends where he can show his true self.

"Come on Lu. Our next subject will start at five minutes.", I say as I glance at the clock hanging on the wall of the cafeteria.

"Oh yeah. We're heading first guys."

"No, we'll come with you. We have History subject too.", Gray says as he and Natsu quickly finish their food and stood up.

The four of us walks to our next subject talking about all the things that we could think. As we reach the door, a blunette suddenly bumps to Gray.

"Oh, J-juvia is so sorry for that.", the blunette, who I presume was Juvia, apologize softly.

"I-i'ts ok Juvia.", Gray says while slightly scratching his neck and blush forming on his face.

'Oh, Gray is blushing ? I wonder if that is the girl he told me about.' I look at the girl. Studying her. 'Well, she's beautiful with an average height, and a sexy figure.'

Juvia nods and then continue her way to the classroom followed by Gray.

"You ok?", Lucy asks me.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine.", I said forcing a smile to my face.

We entered the room after that. I sat beside Lucy and Natsu sat with Gray. The teacher then comes to the room and the class began.

--Time Skip [End of the last subject]--

"Hey Lev, mind talking to me for a sec?", Gray asks me. We're in the same class at my last subject while Lucy have different subject with Natsu.

"Yeah sure.", I say as we walk outside the room and starts to walk to the gate to wait for Lucy and Natsu.

"So, what do you think of Juvia?", he asks me.

I stood there dumbfounded, not understanding how to react at his question.

"Come on Lev, you have a sharp memory and you are the observer type of person. Surely, you remember the girl I bumped to."

"Oh, the blunette. She's well, uhm. Beautiful. ", I said half-heartedly.

"You see, I want to tell you about this earlier. I just don't know how.", he chuckles and slightly scratch the back of his neck.

"She's the girl that you like.", I finished for him. Not liking how it brings pain to my heart.


"Why don't you ask her out ?"

"Remember what we talked about? The problem is, I--"

"Levy-chan !", Lucy cuts off whatever Gray was trying to say.

"Lu !"

"Sorry we're late. Natsu forgot his scarf.", she says as she stopped in front of us, followed by Natsu.

"Oh, come on then. Let's go home.", Gray says completely ending our previous conversation.

We started to walk across the street and the two boys starts arguing again while Lu-chan tells me about her favorite book.

After a while, we reached our neighborhood so I already bid my goodbye to them and walked to my home.

"I'm home!", I announced but silence just answered me.

"Hm? That's weird. Mom?!", I walked to her room to find it empty. Then I headed to the kitchen and found a note.


I'll be late tonight so don't wait for me ok ? I packed your dinner and placed it on the microwave. I love you baby. Don't forget to lock the doors ok ?


"Hm. Guess that's that." I got the pack dinner and heat it on the oven. After I reheated the food I ate silently then my phone suddenly buzzed besides me.

-unknown number-

Hey Levy-chan ! It's Lucy. I just got home and find that my father is out until next week. So I can go shopping ! Just want to ask if you want to come with me this Saturday?

'Hm, weekend. But I promised Gray it will be our bonding week. Maybe I'll just go with Lucy on Saturday and Gray on Sunday.'


Hey Lu ! Sure :) I'm free this Saturday. Thanks for asking me to come.

After sending my reply, I washed the dishes and head to my room. I placed my bag on my table and then took a quick shower and  go to my bed and drifted to sleep.

'It's been a tiring day. Good thing there's no homework.'


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