Epilogue: Home

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Only Jungkook knew how excruciatingly painful those moments were for him. Those moments where he held Tae close to his chest, crying and continuously chanting for him to wake up, to give him some sense of security or hope but all that he got in return was a man in his lap struggling to breathe. It was more difficult to watch for Jimin but he had to reach the hospital as soon as possible. Once he was near the hospital premises, he alerted Jungkook to carry Taehyung in his arms and get down as soon as he stopped the car. He then told him that he should go ahead and find some doctor while he parked the vehicle and called the others. Jungkook dumbly nodded and did as he was told. Thankfully the doctors attended them quickly and soon Jimin joined him as they raced to the operation theatre. However, as Taehyung was to be taken for operation, Jungkook felt a tug on the hand that was still holding on to Tae's. He saw that Tae had his eyes open a little and was pulling him in to tell him something and Jungkook leaned in immediately.

"Wait...wait for me...Kook..."

And just like that he was gone and so was his hand, pulled away from Jungkook's.


Hoseok and Yoongi were still in the building trying to find the attacker when the suddenly heard the commotion outside. With just a look at each other they knew that they were already late in doing their work. Yoongi raced towards the nearest window to see what had happened followed by his boyfriend, but when he narrowed his eyes to find Jungkook, he saw that his brother had already guarded him and was guiding him down when the bullet shot him.


But naturally Yoongi's cry wasn't heard. He just stood there mortified, seeing his little baby being shot thrice until he succumbed to his injuries. Yoongi didn't even realize he was wailing and thrashing around in Hoseok's hold by then. The only thing that he knew was the horrifying scene of his brother falling on the ground flashing before his eyes continuously. Hoseok too, had tears in his eyes but he needed to get Yoongi away from there to Tae.

On the other hand, Namjoon, Jin and Seojoon were sweating as they ran across the gathering finding anyone shady enough to become a suspect but they were thrown off with shock when the first sound of bullet came. The shot was aimed at Jungkook but hit the mic instead. Namjoon and Jin ran towards Jungkook while Seojoon quickly looked around to see where the bullet had come from. To his luck, he was able to find the spot because there were only few high buildings to give the shooter a higher angle at the prime minister. He turned to find the other two but they were already reaching for Jungkook, so he turned to run after the shooter himself, alerting his security forces simultaneously as well.

"Team respond! Team respond!"

"Yes sir!"

"The shooter is at the twelfth floor of the Seoul building. Surround the premise! I repeat surround the premise!"

"Yes sir."

And thanks to his team, the shooter was soon arrested and Seojoon brought him to the police station. He could have informed any of the six men but he thought that he would first have a one on one chat with the thankless bastard himself.


Jimin's hand fumbled as he called the boys to inform them. He had managed not to crash his car and now his hands seemed to be working like a very soggy dough cause they weren't functioning well and to add to that his vision was blurry due to tears. After much fumbling he called Namjoon and Hoseok through conferencing.

"Jimin-" Hoseok started.

"Come to the city hospital soon. Tae has been shot. Just come soon."

"We are coming." Namjoon said quickly.

As he heard the ending beep, Jimin raced towards his best friend.


After fifteen minutes, all the boys were outside the theatre. Jungkook, who was leaning against the glass door and crying turned once he heard his hyungs calling out his and Jimin's name. All had come but he just kept looking at one hyung, his Yoongi hyung. A sense of guilt crept inside him as he saw his hyung who was still silently crying, walk towards him. Only if he had listened to them, Tae wouldn't be in there fighting for his life, Yoongi hyung would still have his brother and he, still his love. With small steps he reached his hyung halfway.

"Hyung...I am so sorry hyung! It is all my fault."

Yoongi still kept looking at the glass door. Jungkook then lowered his hand to catch his hyung's hand in his.

"Hyung I am sorry..."



"Jungkook baby this is not your fault. None of this is."

"But hyung if I had listened-"

"Calm down baby...Taehyung is gonna be okay. We will be out of here soon."

"Why aren't you hating me? Why aren't you angry with me?"

"If it wasn't Tae, it would be you in there. No matter what happened, one of my babies was going to be hurt anyway. This is our fault. We failed to protect you both. You did nothing wrong."

"I am sorry hyung.... I am sorry... I promise I'll listen to all of you especially Tae. Hyung just wake him up please..."

"He will. I know him. He will be fine."

Honestly Yoongi wasn't sure if Tae would actually wake up but he could handle only so much pain at a time. He couldn't loose Jungkook at the moment. He needed to be strong for him and so did the others.

Seven hours.... yes that is how long it took for one doctor to come out and inform them that they had successfully removed the bullets and operated on each of the wounds but there was still something that Jungkook was going to know now.

"We have done our best but the patient is suffering several other injuries which is stopping him from healing. Does he have any family member here to tell us about them?"

There was an awkward silence which was only broken when Jungkook turned to his hyungs to ask them about what the doctor was saying.

"Yoongi hyung say something! What does he mean by other injuries?"

"Doctor-nim, I am his elder brother. And those injuries..."


"Taehyung is an underground fighter. That is how he got them, I guess. Doctor is it that serious?"

"Actually, it is. If he didn't have them, it would take him three days to wake up but his body has several untreated injuries both externally and internally-"

"So, what do you mean now?" Jungkook asked.

"We think we have to wait for those injuries to heal first before anything. His spleen and liver are hurt and those parts will take the most time to heal."

"How long?"

"More than a month or even more. But he will live. That we are sure of."

"Thank you doctor-nim!"

"Take care."

After the doctors and nurses had left, the boys still had to wait till Tae was shifted in one of the wards to visit him. But Jungkook was still stuck on the words "underground fighter".

"Hyung what do you mean by Tae is an underground fighter?"

"Jungkook calm down-" Hoseok started.

"No what else are you hiding? Fighting hyung...he fights. Do you know how deadly that is? He could...he could die!" Jungkook started crying again.

"Jungkook listen-" Yoongi said.

Suddenly Jin's phone rang drawing everyone's attention to him. He quickly fished for his phone but he stopped when he saw the caller name. it displayed the words "Home", which meant only one thing- Haaein was calling them.

"Who is it hyung?" Jimin asked.

"Hyung pick up!" Namjoon followed.

Jungkook walked from Yoongi to Jin and with a little firmness, he spoke-

"Pick it up hyung."

Jin searched for Namjoon's eyes and the other nodded.

"Hello... Haaein. Yeah baby I am with Taetae......no baby he is sleeping.... I am coming. I am coming." Turning to the boys he said, " I have to go. Haaein is scared and Mrs. Ahn is having a hard time handling her. I think she saw something on the news. I will be right back."

"Jin if you come then bring her with you. I don't think it is safe to leave her alone now." Namjoon suggested.

"But Tae's condition-"

"She is smart. She will understand." Hoseok assured him.

With that Jin left and Jungkook turned to others.

"Sit down Kook. We have a lot to tell you..." they said.

The four boys surrounded the youngest and told him everything they had known from Taehyung about his whereabouts these last months. Jungkook had his head on Yoongi's shoulder as he cried imagining how bad Tae's life must have been without anyone to look after him. How old was Tae anyway? He still was so young and the fact that he made himself seem the worst so Jungkook could blame him and accept the rest to help him made him even more guilty. The whole time the boys kept talking about Taehyung and only Taehyung but Jungkook also needed to know about Haaein. They looked at each other to decide who would tell Jungkook about the daughter that Taehyung was bringing up all this time. Yoongi had avoided saying anything because didn't even meet her and now the three had to decide amongst themselves. Finally, Namjoon spoke.

"Taehyung also came to the capital with someone."

"Who?" Jungkook pushed himself to sit up straight.

"In one of his fights, he accidently hit someone hard and the person died from those injuries. The person had a daughter which Taehyung took in and is now looking after her."

"What? He has... a daughter?" Jungkook was confused.

"Yes. She is very sweet Jungkook!" Hoseok said.

"You all have met her? Is she here?"

"Yoongi hyung hasn't met her but we all have. She doesn't really remember her real father because she is still very young." Namjoon said.

"Is Haaein the same person Jin hyung was talking to?"

"Yes." They nodded.

"Does she..."

"She knows all of us. Calls you Kookie just like Tae does. Jungkook, she knows how you look as well and I need you to be strong for her." Jimin said.

Jungkook nodded eagerly. He wanted to meet this new person who was there supporting Taehyung while he was still here.

"Hyung can I meet her?"

"Jin will get her here. He is cooking for us. But you all need to be calm around her. She is still a very small child who will not understand what happened with Tae. Jungkook, you specially need to be brave. Haaein hasn't stopped talking about meeting you and Yoongi hyung even you too." Hoseok added.

"Do we need to know anything else?"

"Well she calls Taehyung Taetae and she is very talkative. She has a toy called Kookie which she keeps with her all the time. I know this much." Namjoon tried remembering more.

"She has big and bright eyes like yours Kook." Hoseok laughed.

"I agree. She has this warm aura just like Tae's." Jimin smiled thinking about it.

"What if she comes to know it happened because of me?"

"I don't think she will blame you."

"HI!!" They heard someone shout.

At a distance they saw Jin walking towards them. In one hand he held a big bag while the other held a small girl's hand which was completely engulfed by Jin's big one. As they came close, Haaein pulled her hand out of Jin's hold and ran hugging Namjoon first then kissing Hoseok who was already kneeling down for her and then he picked her up and kissed her bread cheeks. Haaein was then passed to Jimin who repeated the same actions as Hoseok.

"You are...?" Haaein pouted looking at Yoongi and Jungkook.

"They are..." Jimin tried making her answer.

"WAIT!" She held both her hand in front. "Taetae told me about them. Let me think!"

The girl put her little finger to her forehead and thought hard while the others smiled at her cute antics. After some minutes she shouted again-

"Ahh I remember! You are Uoongi hyung."

"It is Yoongi actually."

"Taetae told it is Uoongi."

"No, he must have said Yoongi. 'yu' as it is milk." (milk in Korean in called 'uuyu')

"That is what I am saying. 'uu' as in milk. Taetae gave the same example." Haaein countered.

"Clearly, she selected the wrong syllable to use." Jin said.

"You know what...call me what you want."

"I was going to call you Uoongi hyung anyway."

The boys were left laughing and Yoongi just bowed before the little one. Soon Haaein shifted her attention towards Jungkook who was smiling at her. She instantly recognised him.



"Your smile...you look like a bunny."

Jungkook took Haaein from Yoongi hyung into his arms. The girl poked his cheeks then cupped it with her small hands to stare into his eyes.

"I am sure now. You are Kookie. Taetae's Kookie."

"Oh, how did you know?"

"He told you have bunny teeth, you are soft and your eyes are bright and big. I checked all these and so I know."

"Oh my god! Look at the little detective. She knows her facts well." Jin said and everyone clapped.

"What is a detective?"

"You little one, are one. They are very smart and quick and find things that others don't know." Jungkook answered her.


"Yes. By the way how old are you?"

"I am four here and three outside Korea. I don't know how a person can be two ages at once. Where is Taetae?"

"He is sleeping."

"Did he get hurt?"

"A little, yes."

"But he gets up after some hours. Why isn't he awake?"

"He got a little more hurt than usual. That is why he is sleeping."

"That is good. I tell him to take rest every time he gets hurt but he always tells me that he will rest properly once he sees his Kookie and Hyungs. Maybe he saw you all and decided to sleep. The man troubles me so much I tell you." she put her hand on her head making everyone laugh.

"C'mon let's eat." Jin brought out the bag.

Soon a nurse came and shifted Tae and the others followed them into a big room. Haaein went to hold Tae's hand as soon as they were left in there. Jungkook tried his best not to break down then and there.

"Kookie come here. Hold his hand. He misses you a lot so hold his hand."

Haaein then pulled Yoongi and made him sing a lullaby to Tae. She then went to hold Tae's other hand and the remaining four were made to sit in the sofa facing the patient.

"I know you all are working boys so you should go and sleep. Sleeping is important. Look at Taetae, he never listens to me and see what happened. Kookie, Uoongi hyung and I will stay and guard Taetae."

"Okay mam." they said in unison.

That was how the first week passed. Haaein eventually lost her cool when she saw that Taetae wasn't waking up still. Jungkook had a hard time making her understand but she finally accepted the situation. Yoongi moved back with Hoseok and Jimin. Namjoon was called in to the city again. Haaein and Jungkook lived together and she started going to kids' school too. Everyday they would spend two or more hours in the hospital and the next morning it was the same story gain. Haaein also spent a lot of time with Jin while others were in office and weekends were spent at Yoongi, Hobi and Jimin's place. Jungkook with Seojoon had the accused tried and was able to arrest the entire group of smugglers. Although Jungkook wanted to beat them up, he let the police follow their course. A month passed and then another. Doctors always had positive response but Taehyung was still not awake. Half of the third had passed when Jungkook received a call from the hospital saying that Taehyung was awake now. The boys along with Haaein, rushed to the hospital. Once the doctor had told them that Taehyung was alright and that he could be taken home the very same day, the boys lost it.

"Please don't shout in the hospital." the doctor said.

"Oh, sorry doctor-nim!"

"Take care!"

"Thank you once again." all of them bowed to him.

"You! Mr. Taetae, I am angry with you." Haaein went up and stood beside Tae, with her hands on her hips.

"I get up and the first thing I get is a scolding...seriously?"

"You slept so long! We all are angry."

"I am sorry baby! Now come here and give me your kisses."

Haaein immediately hurled up on to the bed and started placing kisses all over the other's face. The others followed her and hugged him too but Jungkook waited until the end. When Taehyung's view was clear, he looked at Jungkook who stood a little away from him. Jungkook was smiling as he saw the interactions and then he saw Taehyung smiling at him. The other had a hand out for him and Jungkook didn't waste a second before accepting it and hugging him.

"God, I missed you!"

"I missed you too."

"I am angry as well!" Jungkook pouted making Taehyung laugh.

"I'll make up for it."

"You better."

"Will you all help me out of here now?"

"C'mon boys get ready to go home." Haaein shouted again.

"Okay mam!" they all replied.

Everyone went to Jungkook's apartment after that and stayed there until dinner. Yoongi knew that the younger ones would need some time alone so he volunteered to take Haaein home with them for the night. Following him Jin said that he would take Haaein to the park the next day, so Taekook had a whole day to themselves. But the real problem begun now. It had been almost a year since Taekook were together and then Jungkook was carefree and didn't have to think much but now that he was mature, so a sense of awkwardness was there. Should he initiate things or should give Taehyung some space before doing something? Were they even dating now? Did they even make things official before? The questions were making Jungkook's head spin.

"Are you coming to bed?"


"As soon as they laid on the bed, Taehyung held Jungkook's hand but the other got up immediately.

"What happened?"

"Aa... I...I forgot your meds."


"Wait here. I will get them." and with that he ran out of the room.

Stop worrying Jungkook! He is Taehyung. Your Taehyung. The one you love and who loves you. Just breathe. Just breathe....

"Taehyung, here." he handed him the meds and water to Tae, who was standing now.




"Are you tired? Let's sleep."

"I have been sleeping for months now."

"Well..." Jungkook backed away but Taehyung pulled him close by his waist.

"I remember you being more vocal and less shy."

"Shut up..." Jungkook blushed and looked away.

"Look at me."

Jungkook didn't look at him.

"We could be awkward or I could show you how much I missed you. Because you don't seem to have missed me."

"I missed you too!" Jungkook protested.

"Really?" Taehyung nipped at his jaw.

"Really." Jungkook gave the other more access to his neck while moving his own hands from Tae's chest to running his fingers through his hair.

"Then why are you running away?" Tae whispered into Kook's ears making him shiver.

"I was confused." Jungkook looked him in the eye.


"What are we Taehyung?"

"You are my love and my life."

"A simple boyfriend would have done the job."

"Oh yeah that too. Can we kiss now?" the impatience evident in his tone.

"We can." Jungkook answered enthusiastically.

Taehyung kissed him slowly, tasting every inch of his boyfriend's mouth. His hands ran down to hold Kook firmly by the waist while the other circled his arms around Tae's neck. Soon enough the soft and slow kiss turned rough and greedy. Jungkook was shamelessly moaning as Tae sucked on his tongue. In return he pulled Tae's hair to show how much he was loving this. Taehyung had moved them back to the bed and he moved from Kook's lips to his neck while his hands moved under the others t-shirt soon bunching it up at the chest. Jungkook let the other do whatever he wanted and lay there pliantly moaning.

"I always loved your torso. So firm and smooth. A canvas ready to be painted."

"Fuck Tae..."

"Loose the top." and Jungkook did just that.

Taehyung returned to biting and sucking on his neck while his hand rubbed the sensitive bud between his fingers. He placed his legs between Jungkook's, against which the younger kept rutting continuously. Once Tae felt that his neck was a good shade of red and purple, he moved to painting his chest with hickeys and Jungkook almost lost his sanity then and there.

"Tae please."


"It hurts...."

"Do you wanna cum baby?"


"Hyung will take care of it. Let me get you out of these first."

Taehyung then proceeded to free Jungkook of all the clothing he had. A sigh of relief left Kook as he was free of all restraints. Not forgetting his plea, Tae wrapped his hands around his dick and with slow movements started to give him a hand job. He pressed and rubbed his thumb at the slit, making the other jerk and moan even louder.

"Tae please...."

"Cum baby. Whenever you are ready."

With a few more hand movements he had Jungkook cumming, painting his stomach another shade of white.

"You okay?"

"Yeah...just a second."

"Take your time love." Taehyung said rubbing his thighs.



"Get out of those clothes."

"Ordering around already?"

"You love when I order."

"That I do." Taehyung kissed him.

Jungkook looked closely at all the scars on Tae's back and upper body. Even his legs had some cuts and stitch marks. Unconsciously a tear escaped his eye.

"Babe why are you crying?"

"These scars..."

"Don't think about these."

"They must have hurt so much."

"It did then. But I have you now so it doesn't matter. Now let me kiss you."

Taehyung didn't wait for his permission this time as he dived in for another make out session. Jungkook took his time to kiss a scar whenever he got the chance.


Jungkook stopped.

"What happened?" Tae asked.

"I don't have it."


"You weren't here so I..." Jungkook looked away.

"Well that isn't stopping me tonight."

"How-...fuck Tae!"

Taehyung had moved down to reach his thighs and started kissing them. Soon he separated Kook's legs and his inner thighs were his new canvas spot. Moving in further, he held the legs further apart till he had Kook's ass on full display.

"Hold your legs for me Kook?"

"Okay okay okay."

Taehyung took his time calming and massaging Kook's thighs and butt. He leaned in to blow on his hole a few times before kissing from his balls down to his perineum. Jungkook pulled himself away but Tae stopped him each time. He knew it could be overwhelming for Kook so he really did slow down his actions. Once he had Jungkook quit squirming, he let his freshly sucked thumb trace the others hole.


"Shh love."

Taehyung played with his thumb a few times before he finally placed his tongue flat against the hole. Jungkook tried his best to not move and let Tae do his work. Taehyung on the other hand licked the place a few times, before pressing his mouth against the hole. He let his tongue run along the opening a bit after which he pushed it in. As he did that, Tae heard what he thought was the loudest Jungkook had ever moaned before. He kept playing with his tongue, occasionally pulling back to spit on it and diving back to rim him again and again until he was sure that the boy beneath him was loose enough for him. Fingers followed Tae's tongue into Jungkook's hole. With a final preparation of three fingers loosening him, he pulled Taehyung for another hot and messy kiss.

"I think I am ready."


"Let me suck you."

Taehyung eyes grew wide at the request.

"You sure?"

"I think I can do it."

"I don't want to hurt you Koo."

"Lay down Tae. I think I can handle it."

Jungkook sat with Tae's knees between his. He definitely wasn't going for deepthroating but a little innocent blowjob could still be given by him. He looked at Tae who just smiled at him and kept playing with his long fluffy hair. He first moved his hand to bring the dick to its full length before licking it a few times. He also ran his tongue along the whole length, specially pressing on the big nerve on the underside. Happy with his work, he looked at the Tae again who seemed to have gotten lost in the pleasure.

"Ready Mr. Kim?"

"Yes Mr. Kim."

"What?" Jungkook laughed at the mistake.

"Mr. Kim Jungkook."

"I like the sound of that."

"Oh! Me too! Now go back to your work."

"Yes sir!"

Jungkook took the dick halfway in the first try and bobbed his head on it, sucking at the correct moments. The hand playing with his hair soon began pulling them showing that he indeed was doing a good job. He tried to get more of it in his mouth but he could only reach a little further.

"Enough Koo. Get back up here. Let me kiss my beautiful baby."

And who was Jungkook to deny the offer. He knew Tae would use this kiss to distract him from the pain of him sliding into Kook but he didn't care. They knew each other well to know what and why the other did certain things. Jungkook kissed harder when he felt the head of Taehyung's dick poking at his entrance and broke it once he felt the other slide in slowly.

"Tell me when to move."

"Kiss me till them."

They kissed for a few minutes before Jungkook started pushing himself down on the dick inside him. Tae understood this and started thrusting slowly, gradually increasing speed. A point came where he had his entire dick disappearing into the other's hole and it threw him over the edge. Jungkook's wasn't much behind him. Taehyung always knew how to fuck him and even now, he was hitting his points spot on.

"I think I will cum again."

"Together then."



"I love you."

Oh god! Only if Jungkook knew what those words did to Tae.

"Fuck! I will cum if you say that. Hold on."

Taehyung quickly had the other in his lap as he kissed Kook's collarbones and sucked on his nipples.

"Tae, I can't hold on anymore!" Jungkook shouted and came right then.

The orgasm had however made him close tightly around Tae's dick. His walls seemed to suck the life out of Tae which made him reach his orgasm after a few deep thrust as well. Spent and satisfied, they dropped onto the bed, still connected.

"That was the best sex I ever had."

"I agree."

"Even after a year you have the charm Tae."

"I will always be your best fuck!"

"I would say my best love maker!"

"That is the worst things that ever came out of your mouth."

"Shut up peasant!"

"Oh so the bratty boy is back!"

Jungkook giggled in response.

They lay like that, lazily making out before Tae suggested for another round and the other whined about being tired. He then said they should take a shower but Jungkook whined refusing to do.

"I will not sleep with you if you aren't clean."

"Just get a wet cloth for me." Kook pouted.

"C'mon let's take a shower. I promise to do everything."

"I hate you."

"Love you too!"

It was safe to say Taehyung had both his wishes granted that night, again. The next morning was definitely Tae's best morning. He had no worries; his family was with him and his Jungkook was sleeping in his arms at the moment. 10/10 of would have it everyday. He smiled looking at the pout his boyfriend had and started playing with his lips and nose, eventually making him turn his back towards Tae. Tae's mischief didn't stop there though. He started kissing and sucking on Kook's neck till he had reached his shoulders.

"Tae stop!" Jungkook spoke half awake.

"Good morning Koo!"

"Good morning!"

"Slept well?"

"The best sleep of the year." Jungkook smiled and turned to kiss him.

"Shower together?"

"Oh please! I don't trust you after last night anymore. Go shower alone."

"But you loved it when I held you against the wall!"

"No Tae..."

"Okay fine. We should check on Haaein once."

"She is at Jin hyung's. They are going to the park today."

"Good. You hungry?"

"Yes. You are cooking today! I can't even get up."

"Fine." He kissed Kook one last time before getting ready and going to prepare breakfast.

They had breakfast, then Tae had Jungkook after which they had lunch at Namjin's place with the others. Back home they prepared for the next day. Haaein was dropped at her school and Jungkook at his office by Tae. He was about to leave when Jungkook saw his bodyguard running towards them.


"Seojoon what's wrong?"

"Sir my wife! She has gone into labour! I need to reach there fast."

"Okay okay come with us."

Jungkook doesn't remember how he ended up driving the car while Seojoon kept shouting and holding Tae's hand. He didn't even know when he was left alone in the car as Seojoon dragged his boyfriend inside. Crazy times indeed. They waited for the bodyguard and when they saw him with a small baby, Jungkook lost it.

"Sir, meet Yunkook."


"Sir, I always wanted to name my child after you. My wife's name is Yunsa and with your it becomes Yunkook."

"Seojoon that's too-"

"No sir, the things you have done for us and the country are far above this small gratitude. I wish my son becomes like you."

"Thank you. Now go back to your wife."

Jungkook had happy tears in his eyes as he turned and hugged Taehyung. He couldn't believe that he was such a loved person that one would name their child after him.



"I want a baby too!"

"We have Haaein."

"What makes you think I will settle for only one child?"

"Okay we will have more. Let me find a job matching my qualifications first."

"Why do you need a job? I can work for us."

"Jungkook, I am not being egoistic but there is something I need to do on my own and that requires money."

"You can be my bodyguard..."

"But Seojoon-"

"We give paternity and maternity leave to couples, so he will be off for four months and you are here and I just thought of..." Jungkook jutted out his lips innocently.

"Okay stop being cute now. You know I will do everything for you when you look at me like that."

"Oh my god Tae! We are gonna work and fuck all the time." Jungkook clapped happily.

"Remind me why I love you again?"

Taehyung got a smack on his arm for that.


As the days passed, things fell into order. Everything was fine and within a month Taehyung was able to collect the money had had needed to complete his work. So one of those nights, Taehyung had planned to show Jungkook what he really was working on. Haaein was more than happy to be left at Jin's place and everyone except Kook knew what Taehyung was upto. After their work got over, Taehyung drove Jungkook to the outskirts of the capital instead of taking him home. They drove till Tae stopped near an empty field which seemed to have wooden fences around it working as borders.

"Why are we here Tae?"

"Come with me Kook."

Jungkook took the other's hand and followed him into the field. The field was big but empty, with no signs of life or cultivation.

"Jungkook the spot you are standing on was once my home."


"Remember I told you my father had orchards? Right there were our apple trees and look there we had strawberries. After his death we went to Daegu but I always had a dream of following my father into this practice. I loved farming with him and he taught me everything about fruits. After we lost him, I became very bitter....so bitter and filled with hatred that I stopped farming. The last piece of happiness I had left vanished when my mom died. I lost everything Koo and even my dream. I just dwelled on revenge and anger. But then you came. You made me remember all those good things I had in my life. You reminded me of my dreams but when I had to leave you, I swear I died again, but I promised myself I will not become bitter and work for my dream instead. The land you see is twice of that we had and I have been saving money to buy it. I want a family with you...here....right like I had once. We can have our small wooden house here and then apples there, watermelons over there, tangerines...berries everything. I could work here and then come and pick you and Haaein. We can play hide seek in the fields. We can even make our own wine with grapes. You know I love it when you are drunk."

That made both of them laugh. Once they had stopped, Taehyung knelt before him.

"Maybe it's too soon but I can wait for you forever Jungkook."


Taehyung took out the papers from his court and offered it to him.

"Will you marry me, Jungkook?"

"Yes! A million times yes!"

Jungkook was expecting a ring but the words written in the paper blew his breath away. They document had clear mentions of Jungkook being the owner of whatever Taehyung owned, after marriage. Basically anything and specially this land which was Tae's dream were Jungkook's to own. Tae had named his dream, his past, present and future everything in Jungkook's name and he could do nothing but kiss him with all the love he had.

"I promise to take care of all your dreams till my last breath Tae."

"Oh! You are my dream baby...my dream that finally came true."

"You are one sappy person!"

"Look at that star."

"Yeah." Jungkook followed Tae's vision.

"That's mom. And that one is dad. Say hi to them like a proper son-in-law."

"The things I do for you seriously." And continued to wave at the stars.

"You love me anyway."

"I promise to take care of your crazy son Mr. and Mrs. Kim."

"I think they approve of you."

"They better cause I ain't leaving your rich ass."

"You just want attention you don't want my heart!"

"You dare pull a Charlie Puth on me. I will kill you...WAIT!" but Tae had already ran away to the car leaving Kook to catch him.


The next morning Jungkook called Yoongi but his request was different from usual.

"Hyung we have the previous government's bills?"

"Passed or in plans?"

"In plans?"

"Yeah why?"

"Do we have the homosexuality one?"

"You plan on passing it?"


"You accepted his proposal right!?"

"You know I would."

"Come give me a hug brother-in-law."

They hugged for a good minute before Yoongi continued.

"I think you should pass it, not for you or me but for the country itself. Love is important for anyone and if we dictate who they fall in love with, then we are forcing them as well. They should have all kinds of freedom, even in love."

"I was thinking the same. But how will the people react?"

"First, we have bigger problems to deal with than people deciding between dick and pussy and second, we are in power so people can't do shit."

"Hyung that's now how it works. What if the cabinet is against it?"

"I don't think so. The important ministers are already gay for all I know."


"You have never been to the office washroom?"

"No I have mine here."

"Explains why you don't know things. I say we pass it. You weren't afraid of death then why are you afraid of life now?"

"You should write songs with the way you use your words hyung."

"Thanks. I will call a meeting for it then."

The bill also got passed but the reactions were mixed. The younger generations welcomed it while the older ones were still a little disgusted by it. Things remained unsettled until Jungkook took it into his own hands to set an example by marrying Taehyung publicly. The people lost their minds when they saw the live telecast of their prime minister's wedding to a common farmer and bodyguard. The whole government stood by him through out the time. Eventually people accepted it and life went on. True to his words, three years after their marriage they adopted their second child, a boy that they named Hoksin. Haaein was more than happy to have a baby brother. In another two years they adopted a dog called Yeontan as well. Sometime Jungkook got letters from his dad who was still in prison but he could never muster courage to look at them. After his second tenure he gave up his seat as the minister and worked as the prime minister's advisor to maintain fair practice. Taehyung had already done his army service, Namjoon still remained in his intelligence work while Jin opened more restaurants in other cities. Jimin and Hoseok looked after the schools and hospitals their parents once owned and Yoongi spent his time making actual music or just caring for their little toddlers. Life was indeed good if not better. Although the country wasn't the best in shape it certainly wasn't down the gutters as before. But soon a painful reminder of the past came knocking on the Kim's door one day.

Hoksin was playing with Yeontan when he saw a very old man looking into their field as if he was finding someone. The eight-year old went to the man to ask about what he wanted knowing well that if Koo Appa gets to know that he talked to strangers, he would get a time-out. But his curious mind couldn't stop.

"Are you finding someone?"

"Ah...I am finding Jungkook."

"Jungkook? There are many. Whom are you finding?"

"Jeon Jungkook."

"There is no Jeon Jungkook."

"HOKI! Who are you talking to?"

"Haanoo this man is finding Jeon Jungkook. Do you know one?"

Haaein walked to them. The question got her thinking. She never heard the name "Jeon" before. She always knew Kookie and Koo and Jungkook but not Jeon. For all she remembers it has always been Kim Jungkook and not Jeon Jungkook. But looking at the man made her feel sympathetic so she brought him in and offered him some juice and biscuits.

"Taetae and Kookie will be here soon. Maybe they could help you. Who is this Jeon Jungkook anyway?"

"He is my son."


Haaein was about to ask something when she heard the front door opening and found her parents walk in, hand in hand.

"Haaein who-" both of them froze seeing their guest.

"Kookie this man is finding his son. Can we help him?"

"Yes Koo Appa, do you know any Jeon Jungkook?"

"Haaein and Hoksin go in right now." Taehyung said.

"But Appa do you know-"

"I don't know any Jeon Jungkook. He died long back. Listen to your father and go in both of you." Jungkook answered his kids.

The children had no choice but to go in. Once they were gone, Jungkook turned to the man.

"How dare you come here?"


"Don't call me that!"

"I am sorry Jungkook."

"I don't care...leave...now."

"You got my letters?"

"I burnt them all. Now go!"

"Jungkook calm down. Jaeseuk make it quick." Taehyung tried to calm to the mood.

"I got pardon for two days and tonight I have to return. I tried finding you and I finally did find you Kook. I have nothing to say but if you had read those letters you would have known how sorry I am. I should have done something when your mother tried stopping me. I should have done something when I made deal with my son's murderers but Kook I promise, I only wanted you to have a comfortable life."

"By taking my family away from me? I never needed your money. I needed you. I needed mom. I needed a home. I needed someone to tell me every night before I sleep that they love and value me for me and not because of my money. You know who gave me all that? The same people you brought unbearable pain to. My hyungs are better parents than you ever were. I craved for your love and attention all the time. You never knew any of my problems but they have answers to problems that I don't even have. Look at this man... the same man who lost everything because of you and but here he is giving me a home and family you could never. He loves me for me. He doesn't care for money and neither do I. I am happy in my life but I don't want you to be a part of it."

"Jaeseuk you heard him."

"I understand."

Jaeseuk walked to the door, Taehyung following him.

"Taehyung I am sorry. I can imagine what you have lost but thank you for loving my son."

"I told you I would do everything for him. Even if it meant letting go of my hatred for you. Don't worry, I will love him till my last breath."

Jaeseuk nodded and they never heard from him again.  

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