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This is my first long fanfic. If you like it please leave your thoughts and votes.

P.S: it is not proofread 😔


How easy is it to fool the world out there. While we bring down our neighbours, we are no better. The South Korea that the world sees today is a facade. The tall sky scrapers, the glamour, the prosperity and development reserved for the privileged few only. The reality that the world citizens do not know is that everyday is a struggle to make it to the next day for the common masses. Basic necessities are out of their reach then how can they imagine about luxury. Fights for one bucket of water to blood wars for food....everything is earned with a lot of hard work in here. Taehyung knows this and so does his friend Yoongi.

When Tae was eleven, he saw his father being beaten up until dead cause he had asked for the payment of his fruits. The so called rich, couldn't pay him a meagre amount of 1000 won but choose toh spend an hour beating and whipping him. He could do nothing except cry in the tight embrace of his mother while she begged for the monsters to stop their tortures.

His mother did other mediocre jobs to survive after his father's death but she left him four years later when she died due to suffocation in the coal mines.

There he met Yoongi who had lost his mother too. Yoongi's father was in jail for not being able to pay taxes and he never seen him since then till now.

While in the hospital, people identified their loved ones, Yoongi identified Taehyung as his new family. And that is how the boys found a family in each other. Even though they had love, the hatred in Tae's heart for his parents murder always sustained. Given a chance, he was ready to burn the entire country to ashes. Then and even now.

As the years passed new people came into their life's. Hoseok was fairly a new addition when they came to Seoul for job. His parents, still alive and wealthy. But Hoseok hated them for they were roaches. Vampires to be exact who fed on the sweats of poor. His father was the Defence Minister of the country and his mother ran a chain of schools only for thrle aristocracy.

Hoseok had only seen the devil in his parents and how helpless the country's people were and wanted to change this. Wanted to take away the power from those filthy politicians and give it to people. Bring back true democracy and that is how he and Yoongi fell in love. Yoongi was a janitor in one of the schools that were run by Mrs.Jung. It wasn't difficult after this for Hoseok to find his interest in the beautiful boy. More than Yoongi's beauty, it was his hatred for the government that attracted Hoseok towards him. Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok formed a trio.

Then there was another one just like them. Name Park Jimin. Son of the Minister of Commerce and Trade and the Finance Minister. His family was very close to Prime Minister's family. That is the only explanation for his father holding two of the most prestigious offices together. Jimin's mother was a housewife but comfort for her was above everything. She stayed home just so that she could trouble her servants in new ways. Jimin rarely stayed in house for all these reasons.

Jimin met the son of the Defense Minister during one of their balls and Hoseok and he immediately clicked. With same aims and goals, Jimin walked into the trio's life. Soon Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin bonded romantically too. Together with Taehyung, they formed the Black Collars. A rebellious group picking fights with the government every chance they get. But they weren't special for they weren't the only ones to do so. For the last two decades, several groups protested against the government but were crushed ruthlessly. The heads of these groups kept changing but those of the government remained same. If anything, the ministry had become even more inhuman. Children were sent to labour camps to work at the age when they should be studying. Women to work as maids in the houses of rich. Media heavily controlled. Taxes to pay even for the air to breathe.

And then there was one person who let it all this atrocities happen. That one who was supposed to be trusted and was put on the Prime Minister's seat. The devil who turned his back on his countrymen and filled his cabinet with the same kind of snakes like he himself was. A man who had filled the people's mind with so fear that even taking his name out of one's mouth might result in that person's body being found floating in the gutters. He was none other than Jeon Jaeseuk. The Prime Minister of the country for four consecutive terms and seventeen years. Well it would be a joke to call it a 'term' when elections were not even conducted in Korea. He was the dictator with no weakness except one- his son.

Having his only son comfortably settled in London, he ran the country like a maniac. It was said that the Satan actually loved his son more than his life. Maybe it was the time to test this theory too.


In the downtown of Gangnam lived Yoongi and Taehyung in a tiny slum house. Hoseok would come there after college with Jimin. Their house only had one room, a small kitchen and a bathroom that could accommodate only one person at a time. But the tiny house had more space than the large mansions of the country officials.

It was the start of the year 2020 with only five days of January being over. Taehyung had gone to buy some bread and milk before he left for work. Yoongi was supposed to be cleaning the house today. Yoongi worked as a janitor in school and Taehyung worked as the bodyguard of the areas police officer's son. As Yoongi cleaned the house, his radio suddenly stopped playing the song he was humming to and a government announcement started to play.

"It is to inform all the citizens of the country that tomorrow, on the seventh day of the month of January in the year 2020, we shall be welcoming with warm hearts the only son of the honourable Prime Minister, Mr. Jeon Jaeseuk. The highly qualified son of the prime minister shall be returning from London after the completion of his studies at Oxford. Everyone is expected to be present for his welcome on the roads near the government buildings with greetings and flowers. Failure to do so will be punishable by law. Thank you! Have a great day ahead."

Hearing those words boiled Yoongi's blood. Not only was the devil enough that his son also had to come. Moreover the people were supposed to cheer and shout for him. He had no hopes from this foreign return Korean boy. From what he heard, the boy really loved his father. That only means that he was actually fine with his father's way of working. From what he had heard and known this boy tomorrow would be the next prime minister of the country and he would be worse if not the same like his father.

His train of thoughts were broken when he heard the old and weak wooden door make a sound. Soon a brown haired Taehyung walked in and went into the kitchen to keep the things he had brought.

"Hyung I got the milk and bread and also some ramen for tonight. You don't have to buy anything on your way back home." he said as he came out of the kitchen.

"You just missed the royal message." Yoongi said as he continued to fold some clothes.

"What message this time hyung?" Tae started with the omelette and toasts

"The devil's son is coming back." Yoongi replied.

"Jeon's son? Jeon Jungkook is coming back?" Tae was confused.


"The fuck hyung. Is his ass not comfortable in London that he is coming back." he gave the plate to Yoongi.

"Well he is coming back and most probably become the next prime minister. Oh! We are also supposed to greet him tomorrow."

"I think the fuck not."

"Failure to do so will be punishable by law." Yoongi mimicked the announcer's voice.

"Yeah. Death is better than this." Tae washed up the plates after they had the small morsel.

"We have an hour. Let's get ready."



In the Jung and Park houses, the preparations for the arrival of the Prime Minister's son, Jungkook had already started. When they went to their respective houses after their college had ended, they found their houses turned into some event venue and their rooms filled with all sorts of tuxedo's and accessories. Both knew what was happening.

Let's meet tonight
Jimin 7:45

All cool?
Taehyung 7:45

The devil's son is coming. Otherwise everything cool.
Hoseok 7:46

All rebellion groups would attack tomorrow. We have to plan something too.
Jimin 7:48

Why us?
Yoongi 7:48

We are the closest to the target. We have the advantage. Maybe this is our opportunity to change things.
Hoseok 7:49

Fine let's meet behind our spot tonight.
Taehyung 7:50

Not there. Police is on alert. Meet behind Jin's restaurant tonight.
Jimin 7:51

Yoongi 7:51

Namjoon's Jin?
Taehyung 7:51

Yup. He wants to help.
Hoseok 7:53

You all know very well that Namjoon is the head of country's intelligence and crime unit. His boyfriend wants to help. Are you crazy? For all we know, we can get arrested.
Taehyung 7:56

I have plan. Please just meet us tonight. That's all. You can back out then.
Hoseok 7:57

Tae let's give them a chance.
Yoongi 7:57

Taehyung 7:59


The same night the boys met Jin. The restaurant was in the posh locality on the city. The boys were standing in the kitchen as Jin finally closed the restaurant.

"Hey everyone! I am Jin."

"We know." Tae and Yoongi said and shook his hand.

"So as you know Jin is close to Namjoon and therefore to us, we came up with a plan." Jimin followed.

"The thing is Jungkook comes tomorrow and I am sure that he will attacked when his procession passes through the slum areas. We can use this opportunity." Hoseok explained.

"How exactly?" Yoongi was curious.

"Taehyung, I heard that you are a bodyguard?" Jin asked.

"Yes. But why are you asking?"

"Imagine this, tomorrow when Jungkook gets attacked you can protect him."

"Why the hell would I protect him?! I rather sit back and let him die." Tae scoffed.

"Tae!" Yoongi warned.

"Trust me I would kill the ministry myself but think like this. If you protect him, I will do my best to convince Joon to hire you as his bodyguard. Once in, you can gather evidences of all their crime and might as well kill the son and the father." Jin replied.

"Wait! Tae is not going to kill anyone!" Yoongi said loudly.

"Hyung let him-" Tae tried to convince Yoongi to at least consider the plan.

"No! I am not letting this happen. You are the only family I have."

"Hyung we are dying everyday. Us, the people, everyone! Have you forgotten what happened to our parents? I still remember the day when my father was beaten to death GOD DAMNIT!"

"Tae killing isn't the answer. What if you get hurt?"

"Well then just remember that I died doing something worthwhile. Hyung I will do this. I will kill him and that bastard of his."

Yoongi was quiet. He was thinking hard.

"What happens when he gets caught?" Yoongi asked.

"We kill ourselves." Hoseok

"What?" Yoongi gasped.

"If Tae gets caught, we surrender. Simple." Jimin cupped Yoongi's face and smiled.

"We are in this together." Hoseok hugged all of them.

"Jin can I ask why you are doing this?" Yoongi asked as he wiped his tears.

"For the same reason as you. My relationship costed me my family. Namjoon doesn't know this. He doesn't even know that his father was killed by Jeon because he was going to expose him. No one is safe. Namjoon is on his way to do the same thing his father did and if I don't kill Jeon he will kill my last reason to survive too. Please..Joon is all I have.. Please!" Jin started crying too.

Yoongi walked towards Jin and hugged him.

"If Namjoon gets to know about this?" he asked Jin,when the latter calmed down a bit.

"I know him well. If I die, he will die too. Maybe then we can escape all this." Jin smiled sadly.

"We don't care either. We kill together or we die together." Tae said

The plan was finally accepted with the confirmation of a group hug. The boys then went to their respective houses. Waiting to initiate their plan the next day.


Namjoon stood beside Mr.Jeon and other officials stood behind them. The airport was decorated just the same way a palace would get decorated for the arrival of its brave warrior king after winning a battle. Garlands of flowers and holding traditional Korean dishes and rosewater were held by a line of airport staff to shower the son of the nation as he shall walk through.

Everyone was on their toes. The flight had landed some minutes ago and any second now, the glass doors would open and Jeon Jungkook would walk out.

After some five passengers, Jungkook came out. The moment he saw his father, he left his luggage and ran to hug him tightly.

"APPA!" Jungkook shouted as he literally jumped on his father.

"BABY! MY BABY!" Jaeseuk picked him up a little and laughed.

"My Anpanman has gotten old I see." Jungkook laughed and hugged his father. He moved his face to look at his father smiling.

"Well my bunny has gotten stronger I see."

Jaeseuk then proceeded to give his son kisses on his forehead and cheeks.

"Ready to go home."

"Yes! God yes. I am so tired Appa. And aslo hungry. I am so done with English food. Want to have some stomach-filling Korean food now." Jungkook spoke in a pout which made his father laugh and flick his nose.

"Appa! Don't it hurts."

"Sorry baby. Let's go."

"Oh my bags-" Jungkook turned to find them.

"Don't worry they will carry it." He looked towards the airport staff.

"Appa why are so many people here?"

"To welcome you obviously."

"But still. It looks like they are welcoming some heaven returned angel or maybe some God." Jungkook giggled.

"You are already an angel my son."

"What a sap Appa!"

The duo then walked ahead and the officials followed them. On their way to the car, Jungkook was covered in flower petals and rosewater, his hands heavy with bouquets and gifts.

When he finally reached the car, he quickly turned and emptied his hands and gave everything to the driver holding the door for him.
Once inside the car he fished for a small pouch and started smelling it. Jaeseuk saw this too.

"Kook you fine?"

"Too much smell!"


"Flowers..too much."

"Oh. I knew you were sensitive that's why I ordered your favourite flowers only."

"But too much smell got to me."

"Is that coffee beans?"

"Yeah. Dad can I lay down?"

"Sure son."

Jungkook laid his head on his father's lap. Jaeseuk ran his hand through his hair and they talked about his college and friends and other things. In the house Jungkook devoured the food served to him. His father had left the dinner table a while ago and only Kook was left there finishing his dessert.

Taking his bowl he went into the kitchen.

"Oh sir why did you get that we could do it." the cook said.

"Oh chill! It is just a bowl." Jungkook replied as he kept it in the sink.

"Did you cook the food?"

"Yes sir. I hope you liked it."

"Oh it was wonderful! Reminded me of my mother even. Thank you!"

The cook was staring at him, all shocked.

"Is everything okay?"

"No one ever said thank you."

"What? You mean that no one thanked you for this delicious art."

Jungkook then walked towards the old lady and held both her hands and kissed them.

"A thousand times thank you my dear lady."

The old lady had tears in her eyes and smiled at him.

"Welcome son."


Jungkook laid on his bed playing some game when his father entered his room.

"Son, as you have come to Korea for the first time in such a long time, I knid of planned on taking you for a public procession so that you could see the citizens. But if you are tired we can cancel-"

"Oh no no Appa I am fine. We can go for the procession."

"You sure?"

"Yes. Also I am just wasting time now. Might as well do something."

"Okay then. Namjoon come in."

Namjoon entered the room followed by a maid pulling in a rack of tuxedo's into the room too.

"This is Namjoon, Jungkook."

Namjoon walked upto him and held his hand before him for a handshake.

"Kim Namjoon, Head of the Intelligence and Crime Wing of the Defence of South Korea, at your service sir." he said as he shook Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook said nothing in return except his name. He just kept checking the latter out with a big smile on his face.

"Well Jungkook, Namjoon here can help you choose a tuxedo and also brief you about today's events. I am leave you two then."

"Okay Appa."

Once the elder was out, the boys began to look for the perfect tux. Jungkook guessed that Namjoon was young, maybe a bit older than him but definitely young enough to date. Hopefully he is single too cause damn! Namjoon with platinum blonde hair and those sexy black glasses looked better than any meal in the world. It would be a shame if Jungkook wouldn't try his luck.

" are the head and all."

"Oh yes."

"But you don't look too old like the other officials."

"I am twenty five sir."

"Oh please drop the sir. I am younger anyway."

"Well okay. Did you like anything?"

"Hmm...what about this one. Jungkook stood with a dark navy blue tuxedo paired with a very light sky-blue shirt."

"I think it is fine but what about the black one."

"You like it?"

"To be honest, black is safe and it looks good with anything. We can pair it with the same shirt too."

"Safe and common. No risks?" Jungkook flirted.

But Namjoon was no fool. He understood the tone and the change in the latter's body language.

"I guess you are right. A family man has to be safe."

"Who all are there in your family anyway?" Jungkook asked as he checked out the coat that Namjoon was still holding.

"Only my mom..." he halted and Kook looked at him hopefully "and my boyfriend for four years." he completed his sentence and smiled.

"Oh umm I.. I am sorry."

Namjoon laughed as the other stood their feeling all guilty.

"It's okay. Get dressed now. I will brief you after this."

"Well you can't be angry right? I had to try."

" I agree. But just a heads up, don't do this with my boyfriend. He will react a bit differently."

"He is more handsome than you?"

"Yes." Namjoon took out his phone. "Wanna see?"

Namjoon showed him Jin's recent picture.

"I guess I should try hitting on him too." Jungkook as he looked at the picture.

Both laughed at this. After everything was ready and Namjoon had briefed Jungkook, the procession started from the Jeon Mansion and slowly moved across the city. After an hour they finally arrived at downtowns. Jin and the other boys were already ready. Taehyung stood separately with the family of his boss and Hoseok and Jimin decided to follow Jungkook's vehicle. This left Jin and Yoongi in the crowd, who kept an eye on the attackers. All the boys had bluetooth sets which Jimin had arranged for. Yoongi knew which group was upto what and stood with Jin.

The plan was to throw the bomb at Jeon's car. Taehyung would catch the attacker and voila! everything would be sorted. But the plan shattered when Jungkook asked Namjoon to stop the car. The boy then got out of the car and went to the people to meet and greet them.

What the fuck?-Tae

I don't know. This wasn't the plan Joon told me.-Jin

Now what?-Jimin

Shut up! Tae follow the plan.-Yoongi

What if someone actually attacks him or us in that matter?-Tae

Exactly! What if Tae gets hurt?-Hoseok.

Tae this your chance to get through. Their bombs aren't too strong anyway.-Yoongi

Okay. In position everyone.-Tae

As Jungkook proceeded, the attackers got even more eager to attack. Tae kept praying that whatever would happen, he could save Jeon on time. And the gods seemed to be on their side.

As if on queue, a bomb was thrown but it hit the car fortunately. Jungkook and others were shocked but Taehyung acted quickly and ran towards him and shielded him. The second bomb fell close to them but Tae rolled them over before it blasted. The procession changed into a chaos- people shouting and running everywhere. Jimin and Hoseok were in their car but the driver locked it and started moving away. Namjoon called in the forces and ran to find Jungkook.

"Hey! You okay?" Taehyung asked Jungkook.

Slowly the boy beneath him opened his eyes. His eyes were so big and bright. It shown like the night sky and if it had been any other day, Taehyung would surely fallen in love with chubby-cheeked baby below him but not in this moment. Not in this life threatening chaos.

"Hey man! You okay? Get up. Get up c'mon."

Taehyung pulled the still confused and scared boy up. He then pulled him towards the car in which he had come. On his way, Namjoon spotted them.

"Hey you! You saved him thanks! I will take him-" Namjoon started but..

"Listen! I will take him. You go after the bombers. GO!" Taehyung said.

Namjoon was conflicted and looked towards Jungkook, who was shaking but held on to the man tightly. His eyes had tears and his head in the crook of the man. He wanted some assurance and when Jungkook looked at him and nodded slightly, Namjoon knew it all. He then escorted them to Jungkook's car and once they were seated Namjoon went after the attackers.


The car was headed towards the Jeon Mansion and Jungkook was still holding onto Taehyung. Tae was disgusted and to push him away but Jimin and Hoseok instructed to use this opportunity to get closer to the boy. So he gently rubbed circles on his back while with his other hand he rubbed his arm and wiped his tears away.

"It is fine now. Look! You are okay."

No answer.

"Hey it was an accident. They were jealous of your car maybe."

Little movement but no words.

"Well take it as a blessing. You got a chance to meet me after all." Tae tried to lighten the mood.

Jungkook giggled at that and Taehyung lost all his confidence at that adorable giggle. Jungkook then moved away to look at him. Taehyung had to hold his breath at the sight before him. The boy was really beautiful. Is it possible for a devil to have an angel as his son?

"Thank you." Jungkook finally said

"You okay now?"

"Yeah. But why?"


"Why do they hate him?"


"My father. I heard them shouting. They said that the monster's son should die. Why?"

"They hate your father. I think..."

"Exactly. Why do they hate him when he has done so much for them?"

Taehyung wanted to laugh at that. What has Jeon Jaeseuk done? Well the list is endless but Tae stayed quiet.

"My father does so much for them but still. Now that I have seen everything, I will ask Appa to nothing for them. Jungkook said as he looked out of the window."

Taehyung looked down and tried to calm himself from killing the other then and there.

"You expect people to like you for giving them punishment for which only handful are responsible? Way to gain love."

Jungkook heard him clearly. When he looked at him he found Tae staring right into his eyes. Jungkook had no answer to that.

"I am sorry. I was just scared."

"For a future politician you sure do let situation take the best of you, which is not good."

"Thanks for the tip. I am Jeon Jungkook by the way."

"I am Kim Taehyung."

"What do you do Mr.Kim?"

"Work as a bodyguard."

"Oh. You surely do guard bodies well."

"Yes, especially the beautiful ones." Tae smirked at him.

Jungkook couldn't help but blush and smile back.


When Jungkook entered the mansion, he father rushed towards him and hugged tightly.

"I got so scared baby. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

"Appa calm down. I am fine."

"I will hang those bastards."

"Appa! I am fine. See. Not a single scratch on me."

"I am glad love. Thank God!"

"Don't thank god Appa but thank this man here. He is the one who saved me."

Jungkook pointed towards Taehyung, who was standing in corner with his head down. Jaeseuk walked towards him.

"Good afternoon sir."

"So you saved my son."

"I tried sir. Glad I could protect him and bring him back safely."

"Well done. What do you want in return then? How much? C'mon tell me."

"Appa what are you-" Jungkook was interrupted.

"Tell me boy what do you want?"

"I don't want anything sir. I am orphan and I know what it feels to have no family. Rich or poor, powerful or not, no one should go through such a pain. I did my job as Korean citizen."

"Will you do it always?" Jaeseuk placed his hand on his shoulder.

"What sir?"

"Your job?''

"My job?" Taehyung was confused.

"Your job of protecting my son in the future."

"Sir if I am given the chance.." Tae looked at Jungkook "I would die for him too."

"I am hiring you as my son's personal bodyguard then. Twenty four hours you will be with him. You will stay here in the servant quarters. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Don't wanna know the salary?"

"Well sir...whatever it will will definitely be more than previous job." Tae dared looking at him.

Jaeseuk laughed at his reply.

"You are funny. I like you. Start your work from tomorrow then." he said finally.

"Yes sir." and the plan begins.

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