Error's Ending

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Error's P.O.V
Those pathetic skeletons have the nerve to scare away my (Y/n). I clutch my hands together in fists, as I stared at all of them. "Y-yOu! AlL.... aLl Of YoU! WhY tH-tHe fUcK d-DiD (Y/n) RuN aWay?!" I called out, angry. Weakly they all just stare at me, before I stood up and teleported with a snap of my fingers. Now I just had to calm down somewhere.

But in the midst of my traveling, for the perfect quiet spot, I heard a rustle. Snapping my head in that direction, I stared. "Who?" I ask, not being able to figure out what it was. Nobody had even let out the tiniest squeak, so I continued going.

It was strangely quiet for the moment to come, as I glitched over to a bench. This part of the forest seemed to deal less drama, which is what I was in the mood for. Pulling the hood over my head, I sighed and closed my eyes. Maybe no distractions would come by.

~Time skip~

Author's P.O.V
The creeping of footsteps that broke branches and crunched leaves, stomped to find the skeleton whom just passed by. Their fingers pushed passed vines as they walked forward. "Error!" They called, sounding alone and afraid. Dear, (Y/n) was indeed alone and afraid. A glitchy, black skeleton jolted up from his sleep as he peered from behind him. "I'm going to ask again, who is it?" He questioned.

"Hi t-there. It-it's just me. May I take a se-seat?" The teenager asked, scratching at their head.

"Oh fine, go ahead,"

They sat down, gripping onto Sans, as he growled. "What are you doing?"

"O-oh," They murmured, letting go of him, not seeing their mistake.

He gently pat their head, and sighed once more. "Look I'm sorry I haven't been the nicest to you. As an apology, I'd like to ask you something. Would you like to go out with me?"

A surge of excitement filled (Y/n)'s rather dull eyes, as they squealed. "I would love to!" They replied, smiling awkwardly. Though Error wasn't going to let them hug him yet.

(End) ||Word count 372 words||
Heyo guys, it's me (hopefully your favorite) admin here! If you haven't seen the recent post for Q and A, then go ahead and check it out. But anyway, enough of the rambling I hope you guys enjoyed this ending. I'll make another one soon. Bye, bye!Emo

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