Painting smiles don't fix anything

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Ink's P.O.V
I felt so bad for (Y/n)! None of us knew what had happened to them in their past. Until now. Wiping my eyes I ran over to them and gave them a hug. The others did too. "Are you ready to meet the others?" I peeped.

"Yes," (Y/n) replied, hugging us back. Dipping my paintbrush to the floor I scribbled a portal to my void. Letting everyone go before me, I grabbed the fingers of my crush. Pressing my teeth to their hand in an attempt for a kiss, I lead them in there. All of the Sanses we're gathered in my void. As soon as (Y/n) stepped out of the portal, everybody stared. In awe, in fear, in anger, in pain.

3rd person's P.O.V
As you glance around a goopy skeleton with a crown walked over to you. A colorful one following behind the first one. "Who is this meaningless piece of trash?" The goopy one asked.

"Nightmare this is (Y/n). (Y/n) this is Nightmare," Ink introduced the two of you.

"The one behind me is Fresh. Don't worry though he's pretty pathetic," Nightmare huffed, walking over to Dream. Assuming they were close you shrugged it off. 'Fresh' looked amused as he held out his hand.

"Yo there my radical bro-ski! What's all up happen' with you so far?" Fresh asked, finger gunning at you. His attire was far too bright and happy for you, so you backed up a little.

"Nothing much," You told him, mentally slapping yourself.

Of course, everything was going on while you pretended nothing did. One phrase your brother always told you was 'Painting smiles on yourself doesn't fix anything'. At times it did help. That was this time. So you brought Fresh to a pretty quiet area. Explaining all that has happened in your life. He told you his life too. It made you sad that he couldn't feel emotions.

Breaking him into a hug, he smiled. Clearing his throat he said, "Now why would an adorable girl like you have such a bad outcome in life?". An exhale escaped your lips as you shrugged. You didn't understand why your aunt and uncle were so horrible. Neither did you want to know why? A red version of Fresh ruffled your hair.

"Now who is this cutie~?" He purred, making you squeak.

"UnFresh my dude, I thought I gave you a radical talk about sneaking up on brosphis and how it's all not fresh," Fresh told him, pulling his own sunglasses off. "(Y/n) my homie this is Underfell Fresh! But just call him UnFresh,"

"Sure," You mumbled, playing with your fingers.

"What's up (Y/n), I'm UnFresh!"

"Nice to meet you UnFresh, I'm (Y/n)" You told him releasing your hand into a handshake. Tilting his head, it took him a moment to comprehend. So, he put his hand out and shook yours. Though it may not seem like it, UnFresh was sort of a gentleman. Shooing Fresh a few feet away, you whispered in UnFresh's 'ear' about your previous home life. Giving around a quick glare, he told you about his life.

"Shall we go meet the others?" UF (UF = UnFresh. Fell = Underfell Sans). Nervously you nodded and you took your hand, guiding you to the others. Fresh stay close behind to make sure UF was not going to do anything he was not supposed to. Both of them were a blushing mess, quickly Fresh put his sunglasses back on and tried to calm down.

Fresh put his hands over your own eyes, while UnFresh carefully led you to Fell, Dust, and Error. Both of them gave each other death glares. Then UnFresh cups your checks and tells you he'll be back in a second. Nodding Fresh asked, "Do you have any powers, I want to prank everybody?" He asked, not using his normal way of talking.

"I sure do!" You chuckled a dark chuckle, which slightly confused the skeleton. Taking his boney hands off your face, you twirled a small tornado in front of you. Quickly you changed appearance. You looked like you had stepped out of Hell, itself. Then they whispered a plan. "Guys, where's (Y/n)?" Error asked. The glitched voice of his was no longer glitchy.

Error's P.O.V
Looking around for (Y/n) I didn't see her. Suddenly a portal opening noise caught my attention, only to see (D/n) jumping out of there. Well, it's good they didn't recognize all of the others left (D/n) in there. Once the dog was fully out, I saw something out of my vision. A little demon girl sitting on the floor, staring up at me. She kinda scared me. Wait what am I saying? Error does not get scared!

(This is you, but instead of looking worried you looked revengeful. Also, you had (F/c) horns and wings, along with (2f/c) hair)

"I-i-i-i-I," My voice began glitching again, as her tail swayed back and forth. Stumbling back a little I noticed she had the same scars as (Y/n). Wait, is that them? Millions of questions swam through my skull as I called Ink over. "Yeah what is it?" He replied paint covered his fingers. Pointing over to the demon girl, I saw his expression change quickly. Just as shocked as me, he mumbled something. "(Y/n)?" I asked.

"Who's (Y/n)?" She roared. "I am (D/n)!" /(D/n) = Demon name\

Suddenly she gripped my soul, pulling me off the ground. All of the others began to panic and worry. Nothing was more powerful than I. Except for her. She flew off the ground and pulled me closer to her. The flat teeth she had briskly turned into sharp teeth.

(That's what your teeth look like, along with your tongue. When you smile or talk, due to blood always [for some strange reason] in your demon mouth will drop down)

Grabbing me closer to her she told me, "Your turn now!" I shook in fear as I watched her bite down on my neck. Blushing and shaking madly I felt a bit wiry. As soon as she saw me, the girl began laughing. Placing me on the floor, she flew back down. Once she touched the bare white void floor (D/n), turned into (Y/n). I was shocked by this. Turning a bit they still laughed, while walking off. "Good one my sweet bread slice!" Fresh told them, high-fiving the human.

"Thanks," They replied back, high-fiving the annoying skeleton back. Embarrassed, I went back to my anti-void to relive my stress.

~TO BE CONTINUED~ |Word count 1117 words|

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