Voids and Anti-Voids

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No one's P.O.V
A large rift came open, as you looked at (D/n). Both of you were scared about what was going to happen. Panic rose in your lungs as you saw something. Crawling across the roof of the building, you look down to see white specks. Getting a closer a look, you saw they were skeletons. Suddenly a portal came through, as you were sucked up by it.

The skeletons screamed at you as the world became black. Clutching onto (D/n), you were slowly passing out. "HUMAN DON'T WORRY WE WILL GET YOU!" A voice called out. Replying was going to be difficult. By now you knew that your words would be too slurred to respond. So you just disappeared to where you were headed.

Twist's P.O.V
After we had watch the girl most likely get sucked into Error's anti-void. Ink started splashing paint with his brush. It took him a moment, but he managed to create a portal to Error's anti-void. We all jumped in. Then we saw (Y/n) and Error doing-.

Cliffhanger. Ha! I got you guys! Anyway I will try to make some more, but I'm at school so. Gtg!

|Word count 203 words|

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