Chapter 12: Yami and Yugi

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'Hold on Yugi-sensei. I'm coming.'

With that in mind, I began increasing my speed in order to cover more grounds and reach where my teacher is, faster. By the time I finished running the many THOUSANDS of stairs; I started running through the hallways. While my steady breathing began to match the pace of my pounding heart, and both of my legs burning from the amount of energy used from the run.

"Your teacher should be right around that corner. Once you turn your left, find Room 5-0-0. That would be the Science Room. "


The guy, Wing Kuriboh, just cooed in respond as I continue running.

'497.....498........499.......What the!?'

I stop running. Trying to get my breathing right.

"Why did you stop!?" Wing Kuriboh yelled at me, until I said, "There is no Room 500."


Wing Kuriboh jumped out of my arms and stated to look everywhere.

"'W-Where is it?! It should be here! I saw them entered Room 500. So..... Why?"

When I finally recover my breathing. I look back at Wing Kuriboh to see his desperate face. Almost like.....

He lost something precious to him.


Wing Kuriboh turn back at me. Paying attention to what I'm about to say next.

"If this is some sort of game you were trying to pull on me. Then I'm done here."

"No! Yami wait!" Wing Kuriboh desperately called back for me. But I ignore him. And started walking back.

'I can't believed I listen to every words that he just said. I'm acting like a fool now! And to think, I thought there is such things as real magic within our world. Guess it's all a lie.'

And it's a good thing too. Because Yugi-sensei is safe. Maybe he already left and is now with the others. I should-


I flinch. Before slowly turning back. And what I saw. Horrified me.


What lays in front of me is a creature that I have never seem before. Black as a shadow. Claws that seems to be made of dark, purple smokes, while they shift from one kind of form to another.

"W-What is that thing?!"

"There's no time! Hurry and run before it *mphmmm*!"

That creature cover his mouth with one of its claws before smashing Winged Kuriboh to the ground. Hard.

"Winged Kuriboh!"

I was scared for the little guy's life. The creature, seem to feel my fear, continue to smash Wing Kuriboh to the ground. Over and over again. Wing Kuriboh cried as it tried to brace the many impact as possible.

"STOP IT! You're hurting him!"

And what of it. Human.

"What the?"

That voice. It sounds so...sad.

You didn't care for his well being just now? You just left him here, as his life drains away bits by bits in his pool of sorrow. His cry is the only thing left that he can do now. Before fading away into complete darkness.

I was angry. And scare as well.

Angry that this bastard is hurting the little guy.

Scared for the little guy's life.

What's wrong human? Seem to me that your shaking in fear.

Ironically, that's the same line that I used on Ushio Stinger when I challenged him to one of my dangerous games.


Then something inside of me clicked. I don't know why, but....somehow. That creature in front of me. Is not the one that I should be fearing. The one that it should be fearing the most.

Is me.

'W-Where......where am I? What's going on?'

I tried moving my arms, but felt some kind of hard....metal. Around both of my arms above me. I lift my head to try to see my surroundings, but instead. I felt a striking hit of dizziness. Which is overwhelming my senses. I close my eyes shut; trying to sooth the pain.

It didn't help.

My fever has gotten much worse than usual and it's driving me nuts! Sweats pouring down from my forehead, while my vision seem to swirl and shift, constantly. My breathing came out quick, as I try to calm myself. The temperature is both cold and hot; giving me the impression that I'm somewhere that I'm not supposed to be in. The only sense that I can use is my hearing.

The sound.

It is nothing, but mourning whispers. Whispers that are telling me to relax, to go back and sleep.


That sound nice.

The whispers continue to encourage me, while also wrapping themselves within my embrace. I smile a bit, before my mind shuts down.

Returning to the Darkness

Location: In Another Part of the Building

Group 5: Sister Duos

"Hehe~ This is perfect. If we stay here Yugi-sensei has to pass by. It's the perfect plan." Mai smirked as she crouch low, and wait behind a white sheet that is covering a library book holder. Kisara sigh at Mai's attempt.

"Ummm....Mai. What happen if Yugi-sensei's kiss is already taken before he gets here?"

Mai flinch.

"Aaaaahhh! Shoot! For me to have..."

Just then, Yugi walk passed them, which caused both Mai and Kisara to stop what they are doing and stare at their teacher's appearance.


'Yugi' heard someone called him and turn towards the speaker.

He smiled.
Group 1: Friendly Duos (Ryou and Malik)

"Awww I wander if someone already got Yugi-sensei's kiss."

"Don't give up. There might be a chance-"

Both of them paused. For what they are seeing in front of them.

Is Yugi.


'Yugi' turn towards them with a smile.

"Hello Ryou-kun. Malik-kun."
Group 3: Split up Rivals (Rebecca)

"Yugi-sensei! Where are you!"

Rebecca move ever doors, every room to room at a massive speed; trying to find if Yugi is within one of them. But so far, she's not succeeding. Just when she's about to let go of her anger, Yugi appear out of no where.



Rebecca blush at the sight of Yugi-sensei, while Yugi-sensei pulled out a charming smile.

"Listen, I've been thinking a lot lately. I don't know why, but......I've realized it now."
Group 3: Split up Rival (Vivian)

"Vivian-chan, ever since you caught my eyes; there's this feeling that I have been keeping inside of me for so long."

Vivian blushed at this as she started to stutters.

"Y-You really? D-Do?"


Pulling off another charming smile, before holding out his hand towards her.

Group 5: Sister Duos

Group 1: Friendly Dous

"Ryou-kun. Malik-kun."
Group 3: Slip up Rival (Rebecca)


He held out his hand towards her and said.




"Kiss me."
All Groups/Not including Group 2 (Twins Duos) and Group 4 (Yami and Tea):


Location: HQ Judging Center


The crowd awe and "Woah~" as Joey continue to rant about this sudden occurrence, while both Seto and Tristan gather data and writing down what has been happening so far.

'Tsk. This is obviously your doing Wheeler/Joey. So don't try to pretend you don't know anything!'

'This is obviously Seto's doing.......Great job!'

Joey smile happily, which cause both Seto and Trison to glare at him.

'Damn you and your stupid underdog head!'

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