Chapter 8: Yugi

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'It's so dark here.'

I squint my eyes to try to see better through the dark, but couldn't. Using the flashlight that Yami had given me; I made it penetrate through the darkness and continue to walk forward. While walking, I noticed that all of the walls are nice and clean. No dust, spider webs, or a scratch.

'It's like someone has been here and decided to fix the place. But who?'

I didn't now that someone was following me.........No.

I didn't know that something was following me, until.....



I scream when it jumped on me out of no where until it started talking to me.

"Kuri! Kuri! *Yugi! It's me!*"

I stop screaming when I recognized it's voice.

"Kuriboh! What are you doing here?"

"Kuri Kuri~" *I should be asking you the same thing.*

"You first."

Kuriboh sigh, before starting to explain.

"Remember the spirits that I talk to you about a month ago."

I nodded.

"Well.....this is the place where they want to stay."

"Nani!" *What!*

Kuriboh nodded, and look at me sadly.

"They also said that they will stay here no matter what until the Spirit World is safe again."

'Is that why the dorm was shut down? Is all of the 'spooky voices' came from the Spirits itself too?'

"I see."

I look down; trying to imagine what it's like to fear your very own home and is force to run away because of it. I got teary all of the sudden.....because I was also force to run away from my only home as well. Kuriboh understand my feelings as he cooed for me to stop my tears; reassuring me that everything will be okay.

I stop my tears and thank Kuriboh for comforting me.

"Tokorode, nani ga saisho palce koko de anata o motarashimasu ka?" *By the way, what brings you here in the first place?*

"Oh! Well, I'm here because me and my students are currently in the process of our school's Evening Festival. We decided that our event will be the 'Test Of Courage'."

"I the event is being held here?"

I sigh; feeling exhausted for some reason.


Kuriboh looked concern. When he felt my forehead; he gasped.

"You have a fever! Yugi, you shouldn't be here. You should be in bed."

'Shoot! I was trying to cover my fever from being too noticeable. Guess I can't hold back anymore.'

"N-no....I don't....want to....let the students....down."

That's right. I can't just ditch this event that my students have work hard on. Even this stupid cold won't stop me.

Kuriboh seem to know something, before he asked, "Yugi, have you been working hard again?"


That obviously answered his question because he sigh.

"Yugi, you can't push yourself inside your work all the time. You know that. It always cause a lot of stress and could lead you into a ill-like-state. I think you should head back-"

"Yada!" *No!*

Kuriboh stop talking; knowing that anything that he will say will not effect me.

"Kuriboh, I can't leave this place. Especially for both my students and the Spirits. I just need to go to the Science Room and tie the red ribbon on a skeleton. Then, I will search for the Spirits and start casting the spell for them to stay here longer. After that, I'll go back."


"My words are final. Kuriboh."

Kuriboh shivered; never heard the tone of my voice like that before. Kuriboh look closer at me. My slight lightning bling hair shadowing my eyes. What he saw within my eyes reflect both fear and shock.

Yes. Over time; things change. People change. For the good or for the worst.

"Let's go." I began walking again. Not looking back to see if Kuriboh was following. But knew that he was.




Location: The Judges's HQ Center

Time: 8:10 pm (Night)

Seto Kaiba continue to observe the cameras, while Triston and Joey start to interview their audiences through the TV Interview Camera.

"It has finally begun. The Evening Festival's "Mission: Take Yugi-sensei's First Kiss"! Brought to you live, the one and only, Joey Wheeler!"

Joey winked at the cameras.

"Triston Honda, is ready for accounted for!" Both of them have their head-sets on as they smile for the cameras.

"Alright! It looks like the friendly and the big sister duos will soon cross paths!" Triston reported as he began writing down who will win the pillow fight.

"Oh?! Will there be a disaster happening? Hopefully there will be an epic fight!"

"Is fighting always your objective inside that brain of yours, mutt."

"Shut up!" Joey blushed.

"Well, I'm sure it's going to be an interesting battle." Triston sweat-dropped as he continue to stare at his best friend glaring deadly at Seto.


Location: Abandon Renka Dorm

Both Ryou and Malik are still walking through the different part of the dorms' hallways until Ryou said, "S-sure is scary isn't it. The school, I mean." In a nervous way.

"I guess."

"Uh? Aren't you scared at all?"

"I'm alright....but more importantly, how are we going to find Yugi-sensei?"

" about the "Yugi-sensei Luring" plan I made?"

"Eh? For real?"

Ryou happilly smile before he present his trap.

"Yugi-sensei, come over here~ I'll give you a lollipop if you can hear me~"

Ryou crouch down and started waving around a lollipop, while calling for Yugi-sensei.

Malik, who couldn't believe what he is seeing, anime fell.

"How can that help us find Yugi-sensei!?" Malik yell at Ryou as Ryou's eyes started glistening in anime tears.

"Ehh!?~ But it's good, and Yugi love sweets~ Look, the lollipop is strawberry flavor too~"

Going to the Big Sister Duos

"Yugi-sensei~! Where are you?!" Mai clutch her pillow tightly, while calling for her sensei.

"Mai.....please calm down." Kisara follow behind, while trying to cool down the Class President.

"What are you saying Kisara!? If we're beat by another team, Yugi-sensei's lips will be...! Ahh! Yugi-sensei, where are you~!" Mai flinch at the possible thought and started shouting louder for him.

"Oh brother....." Kisara sweat-dropped.

Just then, when they were at the end of the corner; they are meet face-to-face with the "Friendly Duos"!

"Ah! Class President!"

"Ryou-kun! I challenge you!"

They both hold out their pillows and strike each other; at the same time.

"Oh yeah! Both Ryou and Mai have been hit at the same time!" Joey exclaim in excitement.

8:15pm: Group 1 vs. Group 5: Battle Start!

"Good work, Ryou! Here's our chance!" Malik was about to strike Mai again, but Mai quickly recover and dodged it. She swung her pillow at Malik in the back as Malik stubbled and fell.

"I wont lose!"

"Oh noooo~!"


Everyone continue to watch the battle in excitement as Jeoy continue to watch as well.

"Oh man! Class President's back-stabbing attack as been connected! Group #1 is in a pinch! As expected of our class president."

"Group #3, the rival duos, are quickly approaching!" Triston reported.

Rebecca swiftly ran towards the two groups, with two pillows in her hands and another in her mouth.

The two group's attention are quickly on her as Rebecca jump high and started to attack them furiously.

"Rebecca's Burning Attack!"


Group 3 Enters Fight


"Oh! As expected of the athletic fighter, Rebecca Hawkin's great performance! This fight is definitely the best! I'm so proud~!" Joey made happy tears as sparkling stars surround his face.

"S-so strong~" Both Ryou and Malik are knocked out.

"Mai! Keep it together! Oi!" Kisara started shaking Mai to wake up. Making Mai dizzy.

"Y-you'll pay f-for this..."

"Hehe! See Vivian, how strong do you think I am now." Rebecca smirk as Vivian has a angry mark on her forehead.

"W-well, I guess you're not that bad. But next time will be my turn!"

"HA! We'll see." And with that, Group 3 jump over the unconscious groups in order to find the others.

8:30pm: Group 1 vs. Group 5: Battle Ended: Winners - Group 3

When they are gone, Group 2 (The Twin Duos), saw the whole thing. Outside the window; techniqually climbing up the ladder.

"Aaaaah......onii-chan! Group 3 is too strong!" Luna said nervously.

"It'll be alright, we've been taught by 'aniki' so we can fight back."

"But 'aniki' is one of the opposing team too!"

"Let's just go."

So, the twin duos continue climbing up the ladder and enter the building's roof top. That way, no one will never expect them where they are because they are hiding above them.


Meanwhile..........on to Group #4!


Yami is still following Anzu, while Anzu is leading them. Yami is still mad at Anzu and shouted, "Why are you forcing me into this!? If you knew that we both like Yugi-sensei, then why are you partner up with me?"

Anzu stop to face Yami. Yami stare at her. Waiting for her answer.

"It's because you're strong. And I need someone strong, so that I can get Yugi's first kiss."

"That's it....?"


Yami couldn't believe this; feeling frustrated because she is proven difficult to cooperate. What he don't know is that Anzu is feeling guilty for forcing him to help her get what she wants.

'I'm sorry. Yami. But after we succeed; I'll make a proper apology for everything that you have done.'

As the two continue on to find their loving teacher.

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