Chapter 9: Yugi

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I was still searching for the Science Room. Looking through every single doors and going up and down the stairs that have given me strain as my breathing starts to sound shallow. Kuriboh is still trying to convince me to go back. During the search, I also try to call out the Spirits if there are any  around.


Not a single Spirit in sight.

"Kuriboh.....where are....the spirits?"

"Kuri Kuri!" *They should be around here. I don't understand.*

My head felt dizzy, but I continue on. Luckily, the dizziness wasn't that strong because I was able to spot the very room that I was looking for.

"There! The Science Room!"

I never knew that a camera was watching me as I enter inside.

"Oh~! Yugi-sensei has finally found the Science Room! The groups better hurry because if they don't get his kiss by the time he exit the building. It'll be GAME OVER!"

Just then, the camera that was supposed to keep an eye on me has shut down. Making it impossible to know what is going on inside the Science Room that I am in.

"What happen!?"

"Hmmm.....seem to me that someone have cut the wire."

"Nani!" *What!* Joey started to curse at the person, while trying to deduce who is the suspect.

"Or maybe the camera was just old."

Joey froze. Before he slowly, yet creepily turn to Seto. Who is only typing away, on his laptop, without a care in the world.

"Seto...." Joey tower over Seto with a scary aura surrounding them, which cause Seto to sweat drop. When he turn around, Joey already have an obvious expression that says, "Im-going-to-kill-you".


When I first enter inside the room my first thought is 'It's so dark in here.' I couldn't see anything, which is quite.....scary.

"Kuri Kuri!" *Come on, Yugi! Let's hurry and go find the Spirits!*

"Oh? I thought you want me to go back?"

"I already knew that convincing you to go back is pointless. The sooner we get out of here the sooner you get to bed!"

Kuriboh flew deeper inside the room, while grumbling something on the line "Stubborn kid...", and "He's going to get himself kill one day..".

I smile a little for his understanding. I let the flashlight find the one that I was looking for. When it finally landed on the skeleton.

I scream.


Without thinking, I threw the flashlight at it, while closing my eyes. Instead of hitting it's mark.

It got Kuriboh instead.

Kuriboh turned, just in time to receive the hit.


Kuriboh wobble a little before starting to fall down. A big lump appear on his forehead as his eyes swirled. Having no condition to getting up from the sudden attack.

"Kuriboh?" I open my eyes and call him, but he didn't respond back. Because I accidentally hit him.

"Kuriboh? Kuriboh! Where are you?!"

Again, too dark to see. Then I remember a spell that can make light. I face-palm for being stupid. 

"Kagayaku hikari no ōbu. Watashi no shiryoku o gaido suru no ni yakudachimasu. Yoru no kurayaminonakade." *Orb of glowing light. Help guide my sight. Within the dark night.*

A blue orb of light appear within the palm of my hands as I sigh in relief. I turn in front of me from where Kuriboh was last seen. Right next to the skeleton was a human model. An eye that stares endlessly as every parts of the organism's body has been skin off. Seeing every systems and bones that looks like it's about to come back....alive!


I couldn't take it anymore. My fever have already raised higher than before, and the surprises that I have gain from my journey to here has put both pressure in me and my heart.

I fainted. Exhausted as my body felt heavy. My breathing turn into gasps as my condition began to worsen.

'I have to go back....n-need to.....sleep.'

The orb of light start to lose its form because my focus is unsteady. The small magic that I released began to surround me. The particles of light starts to form silhouettes. Turning into five Yugis.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"You have summon us to complete a task."

"What is it that you wish?"

"We will do it without fail."

"Please, tell us"

The five of me continue to speak. Telling me to give them an order.

"Tell us....tell us.....tell us....."


But I was already asleep. Leaving the others with a task that has not been made.

"We will find one."

"Yes. Let's go and find someone to give us an order."

"Yes. Lets."

So, the five Yugis flew out of the window together. In search for someone that is in need of assistance. While I was left with a cold.

'Darekaga watashi o tasukete...." *Someone, help me.....*


Those that have heard about the "Cover Judging Contest", thank you so much for helping me! Out of 20 people that have either voted for Cover#1 or Cover #2. The winning Cover that has the most votes is....drum roll please!

*Everyone started to bang their desks as a drum*

Cover Number 2!

With a total of 16 votes, while Cover #1 have 4 votes.

Hope you enjoy this Cover contest and I will see you next time in my new and addition story!

Halloween Snow

Happy Halloween Everybody! 🎃👻💀

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