Chapter 15: I'm fine

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Chapter 15: I'm fine

Taehyung was in his room, he didn't sleep but keep in crying. He felt weak and tired. He hugged his knees, feeling alone. Tears kept falling from his eyes. He heard the door open, he saw his mother with a tray of food coming inside his room.

"I bring your breakfast, you didn't go down to eat with us and I'm worried about you." Rynah said standing far from Taehyung's place.

"I'm fine" Taehyung simply replied with his shaky tone.

Rynah sighed and set down the tray of food on top of the cabinet. She sat down on the bed and looked at her son.

"I've never seen you like this, Taehyung. It hurts me to see you in this kind of situation. I'm your mother, Taehyung, and I know if you're in pain or not." Rynah stated.

"You're my mother but why you didn't do anything to stop dad?" Taehyung said looking at her with his teary eyes.

"I don't understand why you hate him, Taehyung. He did the right thing, he saved you from your captivator, don't you appreciate it?" Rynah uttered.

"Jungkook didn't kidnap me, Mom! He didn't do that! I'm the one who runs away!" Taehyung retorted.

"Yes, you ran away from us but we saw the CCTV footage that he kidnapped you. How will you explain that?" Rynah inquired.

"It was a mistake, I'm not his target. He has mistaken me for someone." Taehyung clarified.

"Fine, let's say it was a mistake, but Taehyung, you can't change the fact that he is a bad person. In a matter of time, he can do something to you. He killed people, Taehyung, just for money. He won't hesitate to do that." Rynah added.

"I know, I know that, mom. But he won't do that kind of stuff if he wasn't paid. Jungkook. He is not a bad person. He is kind, mom." Taehyung cried.

"Kind? How is he a kind person? Did you see him regret killing them? Did you fully know him?

Jungkook is the son of a murderer, his father attempted to kill them but Jungkook save himself from his father by killing his own father. He should've to have stopped and surrendered himself that time but he runs away.

He hide from the authority and continued killing people for money. Is that a kind person for you, Taehyung?" Rynah explained.

"Y-you don't know him! Stop lying! Dad is a liar! He makes up everything to set him up! What happened to me was my choice! I'm the one who forced myself to run away with him. If dad can lie about me being missing, he can lie about that too! Stop saying nonsense about him! Stop blaming him because it's all my fault!" Taehyung growled.

"We both know that your dad can easily find his profile. It's not difficult for him to find the truth about Jungkook's background. Okay, let's say we won't file a case against him, but do you think those families of the people he killed won't file a case against him?

They want justice, Taehyung. Jungkook is not innocent, I will believe you were saying the truth but he had to pay for what he did. And you have to accept the truth that he is a criminal. He might be a victim of this crucial world because of his past but that doesn't mean he allows to take someone's life into his own hands." Rynah told him.

"Please just leave me alone, mom, I don't want to listen to you right now. Please." Taehyung replied, looking down at his bed.

"I just want to ask you, why are you reacting like this to him? Do you perhaps love him?" Rynah asked.

Taehyung looked up at her and slowly nodded his head.

"How? Is that because of Stockholm syndrome?" Rynah inquired.

"I don't want to tell you, mom. Please, leave me alone." Taehyung sobbed.

"Fine, I will leave but make sure to eat. I love you, bear." Rynah said and stood up from the bed.

She left the room and Taehyung can only do is to cry non-stop again.

"Are you sure about this?" Rynah asked her wife, Taeui who was sitting on the couch.

"What's with that question?" Taeui asked looking at her.

"You know what I'm talking about, Taeui. Do you think forcing him to do something he obviously doesn't want will make everything fine? You are mentally and psychologically torturing him." Rynah stated.

"I know what I'm doing, you don't have to tell me." Taeui retorted.

"He's your son, Taeui, don't act as if you can always control him. He's old enough to know what he needs to do." Rynah snapped.

"You're right, he's old enough but does it even make sense? He is ruining his life. Did you see what he did? He's willing to run away with that criminal! Is that what you want?!" Taeui shot back.

"That boy didn't kidnap him, it was a mistake. Taehyung told me everything. Don't you pity him? He's suffering because of you!" Rynah told him.

"I'm doing what's good for him, I—"

"No, you're doing what's good for your company. You want him to marry someone to make your company gain more money. But did you ever ask if he was happy with your choices? Does it also benefit him? No,  it's all for you!" Rynah yelled.

"Why are you going against me? I'm just being a worried and concerned father here. Is that wrong if I get worried about him? Why don't you understand me? I don't want him to ruin and regret his life and decision." Taeui explained.

"I understand you, but the thing I don't understand is why are you willing to ruin and control your son's happiness just for you to benefit from him. Don't you see yourself? You are a monster right now and you're getting worst. I'm afraid we're the ones who will regret everything here. I can't believe you are being manipulative like this."

Rynah left him due to frustration while Taeui shook his head disappointed in his wife.

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