Chapter 2: You're ugly

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Chapter 2: You're ugly

Taehyung woke up groaning due to annoyance. He was annoyed by the multiple knocks on his door. He curses under his breath and stood up from his bed. He still has a hangover and the beers can smell through his room. He opened the door of his room and saw their maid, Hannah.

"What is it this time, noona?" Taehyung asked with a hint of annoyance in his tone while leaning on the doorframe and crossing his arms.

"Sir, your parents, and the guest were waiting for you to go down. Your father is mad right now." Hannah told him.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, remembering that his father told him that he will be having a date with his friend's daughter.

So annoying

Taehyung mumbled under his breath and went inside his room closing the door. When he opened the door, he was holding his own standee. He wasn't popular or something, he just has a standee because he loves himself so much that he even asks his friend to make him a standee.

"What was that for, sir?" Hannah asked confusedly.

Taehyung smiled sheepishly and gave the standee to her.

"Noona, I don't have time to go to that so-called date so can you please send this standee instead?" Taehyung grinned innocently.

"But sir, I will get fired if I do that besides they want you, not your cardboard portrait." Hannah retorted.

"Come on, noona, I will thank you so much if you do this. Don't worry, if you ever get fired, I'll make sure to pay you twice." Taehyung smirked.


"Thank you so much, noona." Taehyung giggled going back into his room.

Before Hannah can even complete her sentence, Taehyung slammed the door in her face. She sighed in defeat knowing she won't able to convince Taehyung.


"What's this, Hannah?" Taeui inquired seeing his son standee, behind the chair where Taehyung used to sit while the guest was looking confusedly.

"I-I'm sorry, sir, I-I told him you're mad but he still give me this." Hannah apologized bowing her head multiple times apologetically.

"Where is he?" Taeui asked gritting his teeth.

"In his room, sir." Hannah replied nervously.

Taeui excused himself to his guest and went upstairs. He didn't bother to knock, he just open the door of his son's room with his spare key but he didn't see Taehyung inside. He wasn't surprised to see the blanket in the window. He was sure Taehyung escaped as always.


Taehyung chuckled thinking of what he did. He was sure he pissed off his dad yet he also know his father won't get mad at him because he was the only child.

Suddenly, he saw a stray cat in the alley. He found the cat cute, sleeping on the box.

"Hello, mingming." He squatted down to call the cat and pet it.

He was fond of beautiful and cute things. His soft heart always melted when he found one.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

He almost flinched when he heard the stern voice behind him. He looked at the person behind him and saw a guy. The guy was wearing a black mask with a cap and all of his outfits were black. Based on the guy's physique, he is fit. He glanced at what the guy was holding and saw a can of food for a cat.

"Uh, nothing, are you the owner?" Taehyung replied standing up and clearing his throat.

Yet, the guy ignored him and squat down opening the canned food. 7 cats with kitties came to eat. Taehyung was amazed, not with the kitties but because of the guy's back. He bit his bottom lip thinking how good the guy's body was. He was sure this person was also good-looking.

For some reason, he likes the veins almost popping out of the guy's hands.

He immediately shook his head and slapped himself realizing what he was fantasizing about and came back to his senses.

He's not gay, he's straight, right?

But maybe..... he could be gay just for this guy. Okay, enough is enough. He's straight.

"Hey, I'm still here, you know?" Taehyung attempted to get the guy's attention.

"Then why don't you leave?"

The guy glanced at him, mocking him.

"Well, I like those cats, can I adopt them?" Taehyung asked.

"No" The person immediately replied with a hint of hesitation in his voice.

"They are stray cats, they're not even yours." Taehyung retorted.

"I feed them so they're mine." The guy taunted.

"So, if you feed me then that means I'm yours as well?" Taehyung mocked.

"Don't worry, there's no way I will feed you because I don't like you."

Even though Taehyung can't see the guy's lips, he was sure that he was smirking.

"Hah, as if I will like you, over my dead body. Besides, I'm straight." Taehyung grumbled under his breath and rolled his eyes.

"Me too, so please, fuck off before I changed my mind and beat your ugly face." The person told him and glanced back at the cats.

For the first time, someone called him ugly. This guy's attitude was insane. Taehyung curses under his breath and glared at the guy.

"Asshole!" Taehyung snarled kicking the guy's back and running away quickly.

He didn't regret kicking him, he's such a jerk fly calling him ugly.

Jungkook stumbled a bit and gritted his teeth. He look where Taehyung went. He will make sure if he ever sees that person's face, he will put a bullet in the middle of his forehead.

He simply shook his head and petted the cat instead to release some stress. But, he won't be lying, that guy looks too good to be true.

He was just teasing him for calling him ugly but he didn't expect that he will get a kick from that guy.

"What a naughty boy" Jungkook let out a tiny giggle.

He didn't notice that there was a smile plastered on his face.

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