Chapter 20: Bracelet

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Chapter 20: Bracelet

Just seconds after Taehyung left, Gia heard someone come inside the house. She looked behind her and saw it was the young master.

“Good Morning, Young Master, it seemed that you came back early today.” Gia said while bowing his head.

“I forgot something” He simply responded.

“Ah, Young Master, was it really okay not to tell your identity to him? Is something matter?” Gia asked her boss.

“It's nothing, I just don't want him to know me.” He replied after getting something on the couch.

“Oh, that's his bracelet, I think he forgot that. Should I give it to him, Young Master?” Gia said, noticing what her boss took.

“No need, it's mine.” He told her and wore the bracelet.

“Huh? But I'm sure he was wearing the same bracelet when you brought him here.” Gia looked so confused.

She couldn't be wrong, while her boss was carrying Taehyung last night, she was sure she saw that bracelet on Taehyung's wrist.

“You must be mistaken, I bought this. I'm going now, I'll eat dinner here, so please make sure to prepare food for me.” He said and walked away.

“I understand, Young Master.” She bowed her head and watched him leave the house.

Gia just sighed and decided to continue her chores and stop thinking about her boss's odd actions.

“Oh, where did you get that business card?” Hoseok suddenly asked after appearing beside Taehyung.

They were in Taehyung's office, preparing for the board meeting later. He just visited him to bring lunch for Taehyung since he knew that Taehyung won't eat anything.

“Huh? Ah, just someone who took care of me while I was wasted last night. Why did you ask?” Taehyung responded and looked up at Hoseok.

“Really? Does that mean you finally see that popular faceless CEO? What does that person look like?” Hoseok sounded excited with his question.

His eyes are even beaming in excitement while looking at Taehyung.

“What are you talking about, Hyung?” Taehyung inquired, confusedly.

“I can't be wrong, the owner of that business card is that faceless CEO. Have you heard of him?” Hoseok responded.

“No, I really don't understand what you are saying right now, Hyung.” Taehyung sighed.

“As expected, you must be drowning in alcohol, that's why you're not updated these days. There is a CEO who is faceless yet has embodiment success in just a short time. They said that the CEO's name was so popular but no one knows about his or her identity. That CEO is so mysterious, but once you are successfully able to manage to collab with that person, it's no doubt that your company will bloom in no time. But unfortunately, it seemed like that CEO was using an alias.” Hoseok explained to him.

“I don't know his face, but I know he is a male.” Taehyung uttered.

“What? How did you know that? How come you know he is a male but doesn't know his face?” Hoseok inquired.

“I accidentally met him last night, but since I'm so drunk, I can't remember his face. I don't even know his name.” Taehyung replied with a sigh.

“Then how did you get his business card?” Hoseok asked.

“His maid gave them to me because I wanted to thank him for helping me and I thought I would be able to know his name with his card, but it was just his company's name on it. I don't understand why he doesn't want his identity to be known.” Taehyung retorted.

“There's a rumor that it might be connected to his past, and it might ruin his reputation. That's what I heard.” Hoseok said.

“I see…” Taehyung sighed, looking at the business card.

“Why don't you go to his company? If you are lucky enough, you might see him there. But, it will be difficult to do so.” Hoseok uttered.

“Why?” Taehyung asked.

“They said it's often his representative would be there instead of him, and no one knows what he looks like.” Hoseok told him.

“Mr. Kim, the meeting is about to start.” Ms. Jang, the secretary, suddenly knocked on his office.

“Alright, I'm going!” Taehyung stood up and wore his blazer.

While checking if he left something, he looked at his wrist and noticed that his bracelet was gone. He rummages through his desk to check if it was there but to no attempt.

“What's wrong?” Hoseok asked, noticing how bothered Taehyung was.

“I'm looking for my bracelet, can you please help me find it?” Taehyung replied with a high of anxiousness in his tone.

“Are you sure you left your bracelet here?” Hoseok said, helping him.

“Hyung, can you please tell my secretary I'll be late for a moment? I'm just going somewhere else, I think the bracelet is in that place.” Taehyung told him and immediately went out.

“Wait, but you have a meeting now…” Hoseok sighed in defeat.

He wonders why Taehyung was acting like that for a mere bracelet.

“I see, I just remembered that it was the bracelet that Jungkook made for him while he was in prison. He still can't move on after all these years had passed.” Hoseok mumbled.

When will you move on?

Will you even move on?

Taehyung was in a rush, so he decided that he will take a cab instead because his car was in the parking lot, and it will consume his time. He was running so fast that he didn't notice the red light went green and the car almost crashed into him, causing him to fall to the road.

“Argh” He groaned in pain when his butt fell first.

“Are you okay?” The driver of the car went out and checked him.

“Uh, yeah, I'm fine.” Taehyung muttered under his breath, trying not to whimper.

“Mr. Seong, what are you taking so long? Let's go now, I can't be late for my meeting.”

The person in the passenger seat came out of the car. And Taehyung noticed the bracelet that person was wearing. He couldn't be wrong, it was the bracelet he was looking for, after all, it was the only bracelet that Jungkook made for him.

When he looks at the person, tears immediately build up in his eyes. Finally, after so many years, he saw him, again.

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