Chapter 4: You! Mr. Selfish

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Chapter 4: You! Mr. Selfish

It was already 12 pm, finally, the time that Taehyung had been waiting. He stood up from his bed, grabbing his bag under the bed. He wore a black hoodie, putting up the hood over his head. He wore the strap of his bag on his shoulder and went to the door.

He doesn't want to go back to his parent's house but he got caught by his father's guards. And heck, he ended up locking himself in his room.

He carefully twisted the doorknob and opened the door. He roamed his eyes making sure no guards were watching him and the lights were off lucky enough for him since he wore all black so it helps him to camouflage in the darkness. He bit his bottom lip and tiptoed while walking out of his room. He gently closed the door and run silently down the stairs.

He hid behind the large vase of his mother when he saw a guard walking inside the house. His heart was beating so fast when he can hear the guard's footsteps coming beside him.

He cover his mouth to make sure that the guard won't hear his breathing because the house was quiet enough to hear anything. He sighed in relief when the guard went passed by him. He glanced at the door and he almost squeal in happiness because it was open.

He runs as fast as he can but is silent as well. He squat down, hiding in the plants of his mother when he saw a lot of guards surrounding the gate. He curses under his breath not knowing what to do to distract them. He roamed his eyes around looking for something to make them away from the gate.

A bulb lit up above his head when he remembered his father just create a sensor around their barricade to alarm the guards if someone dare to get inside the house forcefully. He grabbed the stone that was designed for the plants and threw it on the opposite side of his barricade.

The alarm worked and the guards immediately run away to the opposite barricade to check what it was. Taehyung took it as his chance to run away and got out from the gate.

He was giggling thinking that he was smart. He run until he reached the alley where he saw the kitties yesterday. He was just standing there waiting for Hoseok to update him about his plans.


Jungkook was already in a white van while waiting for Namjoon to send the picture of his victim. He already got what he needed to make sure he won't fail in his plan. He was in the area where Namjoon told him that he will see his victim and Namjoon was right because there was a person that currently standing near the alley while using a phone.

Yet, he can't see the person's face because of the hood hiding his side view. Jungkook was just staring at the person to make sure he won't lose him. Suddenly, his phone rang and he answered it.

"Hyung, where's the picture I needed?" He asked still not leaving his eyes on that person.

"They fucking send me a picture but I can't even see their victim's face." Namjoon grumbled.

"What?!" Jungkook groaned frustratedly.

"I know it's crazy, they just told me that you can see him once you arrived at the alley. Did you see a person there?" Namjoon sighed inquiring.

"Yes, but I won't kidnap someone that I don't even know if it was the victim." Jungkook retorted.

"Just get that person, it might be him." Namjoon uttered.

"What if it's not him?" Jungkook mocked.

"Then, we don't have money. If I were you, get that person. If you're lucky enough, we might get the right person. If not, then that means you're unlucky." Namjoon chuckled.

"Fucking hell" Jungkook grunts ending the call.

He has a choice and he chooses to take the risk for money. He grabbed the black beanie that can cover his whole face. He wore it leaving the van and walked behind the person. He put a sack over the person's face and tightened it around his neck to knock him out.

The person attempted to escape from him by punching him but he was getting weak when he got out of breath. Jungkook carried the person over his shoulder and to his surprise, he was light.

He brought the person in the passenger seat, tying his wrist to make sure he won't escape and leave him in a laying position. He got inside the driver's seat and started to drive. He didn't notice that Namjoon sent him a clear version of the victim's face.


"Oh, you really got that person." Namjoon muttered seeing Jungkook carrying someone on his shoulder.

"That's what you said" Jungkook rolled his eyes and threw the person on the couch

"Let's check him out first before I give you a thrill." Namjoon smirked.

Jungkook pulled the sack out of the person's face and to his surprise, it was the gorgeous boy yesterday. So, the gorgeous guy's name was Kim Wangsu?

"Are you sure it was him? Kim Wangsu?" Jungkook asked for some reason, he felt guilty.

"No" Namjoon retorted.

"What?!" Jungkook growled glaring at him.

"He wasn't Kim Wangsu, I sent you the real Wangsu." Namjoon replied showing him the picture of the real Kim Wangsu.

"Then who the fuck is this?! Why did you send it so late?!" Jungkook grumbled pointing at the person on the couch.

"I don't know, but I'm sure he wasn't Wangsu. I thought you are making a move to kidnap him but I didn't expect you will catch him fast." Namjoon sighed.

"Apparently, I'm a Kim but my name isn't Wangsu, it's Taehyung."

Suddenly, they heard the person speak, Jungkook looked at the gorgeous boy who was slowly sitting down on the couch while creaking his neck.

"You! Mr. Selfish" Taehyung smirked staring at Jungkook.

"Shut up, I don't want to talk with you."

Jungkook suddenly grabbed Taehyung's wrist dragging him somewhere.

"What are you doing to me? Let go of me!" Taehyung gritted his teeth in annoyance.

He was trying to get his wrist out of Mr. Selfish's grip but he was pushed inside the room.

"We'll talk later"

That was just what Jungkook said to him before slamming the door to his face.

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