Part 7

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After Anika fainted Shivaay got really panicked and picked up Anika and ask Arjun to call the doctor

After 15 minutes the doctor came and Shivaay was a miss right now that confused Diama and Arjun ( Other members of Anika's family just arrived as the doctor did)

Ananya-Anika's mother   Harsh-Anika's father Aarav-Anika's eldest brother

An-Why is the doctor here Ma, did something happen?

Da-Yes beta Princess fainted

Aa-Oh no doctor please come this way to check my princess

Shivaay was inside the room rubbing Anika's hands when the doctor came and got shocked seeing the great SSO in this state

D-Beta can you go out while I check her please

S-Okay(still dazed about what happened)

Shivaay went outside where everyone was tense

Aa-Will anyone tell me what happened to my sister!(angrily)

S-We came to meet her as we heard she returned

Ar-But when she turned around to see them she fainted

Just then the doctor comes out and everyone asks questions

Aa-what happened to anu?

T-Is princess all right

Da-I bet she fainted because of working so hard

S-Doctor please tell us what happened


Everyone became quite

Do-Congrats Mr.Goneka your sister is pregnant!

All of the Oberoi's became happy and Shivaay just froze

Aa-Does anu know?

Do-Yes I told her and she is still in shock

Aarav goes in first as he is hell of protective about her and she didn't tell him what happened while she was undercover

Aa-Anu Baby (low voice)


Aa-Are you going to tell me what happened while you went undercover
(Just then the whole goneka family walked in and the Oberoi's were still out, let's see what is happening outside)

Shivaay was still in shock on what just happened

R-Dadi I can't believe I am going to become a Chachu

Om shakes Shivaay

O-Shivaay are you in this world
Shivaay you are going to become a father

S-I...I I.... a..aa.....ffaaatthheeerr(I am going to be a father)

O-Yes Shivaay and you better fix things before you go to far away form Bhabhi that she will never come back

S-Do you really think that she will forgive me

O-To be truthful I really don't think she should but I know she has a big heart she will forgive you but you need to put your ego aside for that

S-I will try my best

O-No! Shivaay you will not try you will do

S-Yes Om I will do

O-Rudy aren't you going to say anything to Shivaay

R-Until Bhabhi doesn't forgive him I will not talk to him

Ok here is the end for this part

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