Repost of Part 12

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Some of you guys didn't see this part so I just reposted it and I hope you guys can see this one

Guys before I start I would like to say sorry because I don't know a lot about pregnancy and if I do mistake just please excuse the Nani se Jaan(Small Child)🥺
Ok let's start Chappy

The Oberoi's and the Goneka's were sitting in the living room and they talking to each other and Anika kept acting like she doesn't know them
Suddenly Arjun said something that shocked the Oberoi's

Ar-Shivaay Bhaiyya where is Bhabhi?

Shivaay chocked on air and started to cough
The Oberoi's just froze in place and Anika, well let's see what Anika is thinking 🤔

Anika's Thinking 🤔
Hawww how can Aru ask where is Bhabhi when I am in front of him! WTW! What am I thinking me and his Bhabhi?! No, No I will always be his Babe not his Eww Bhabhi! Wait he is talking about That Cheapie Tia!😡
Aru you are dead but what is his fault it is all that Bagad Billa's fault! Ok let's see what that Idiot Singh Oberoi is going to do.

Just then Anika's train of thought was lost when she heard


Shivaay was having water to calm down
His coughing but then when he heard that he spit out the water 💦


T-Shivaay Baby you know I looked all over for you to give you news but look the Universe helped me find you

R-Lady baba what are you did here

T-I just came here to share with you guys exiting news

S-Now what hurricane is going to hit my Life! God please help me.(whispering)

Aa-Shivaay did you say something?🧐

S-No Aarav and Tia what is you prob... I mean your "Exiting news"(Sarcastically)

T-Shivaay baby I am pregnant!!!

Shivaay fell out of the couch
Anika shots the most deadliest glare at Shivaay like she is going to Make him go for a 24 hour jog that will be none stop and then cook him in his own sweat 😓 and then take him out half cooked and then eat him(Poor Shivaay he is dead)
Seeing that glare Shivaay got up and Ran and went between Om and Rudy
Om gave a pity look to Shivaay
Rudy was about to faint thinking about his brother's doings
Dadi, Shakti, and Jahnvi were in deep thought
And Tej was hell of Angry
Pinky was shocked to hell

An(Anika's mom)-Congratulations Pinky you are going to be a grandma just like me!!!

H-Congratulations Shivaay beta and we
Wish the best for your wife and child

A-Yes all the best for your wife and child(Gritting her teeth)

Da-Okay guys it is already almost night time you guys go and change your clothes and I will tell workers to put out dinner

Everyone change clothes and come expect Anika and now Shivaay was so nervous because she is pregnant and she shouldn't talk too much stress

S-That idiot Tia has to come with her fake child and ruin my last chance of getting my Anika(Angrily Whispering)

But just the Anika comes while talking on her Bluetooth Angrily and in her night wear
And she looked like

Shivaay looked at here up and down and thought

S-What the hell does she not know that her in laws are here and how come she is wearing something that short! Don't she know she is someone's wife and also is pregnant, what happens if our baby gets cold!(Thinking)


S-Oh God she is talking my anger out on Piya like I used to do with Khanna
Please god save me!

Da-Anika beta calm down you should know it is not good for the baby

A-(Deep Breath in) Yes cool dadi I know but you know na I like everything perfect

Aa-Anika if business is too stressful then I will take care of it until you deliver the baby

A-No Jaan I what my child to come in this world and see what His/her mother has accomplished without any help

H-Okay Okay as my princess says

Everyone ate dinner and Shivaay was stealing glances from Anika which should royally didn't pay attention to but instead she joked with Rudy and Arjun because now there team has become bigger so more pranks

Da-Okay people your rooms are set
Dadi and Daima one room
Tej and Jahnvi one room
Pinky and Shakti one room
Shivaay and Tia one room
And Omru one room

S-Oh no I can't sleep in same room as Tia or I swear Anika will kill me that too in my sleep! Wait Idea 💡!(Thinking)

S-Cool dadi can I sleep with my bros as I want to have some time with them

Da-How about Tia

S-Tia is fine with it Right Tia?(Shoting and deadly glares at her)

T-Yes! Yes! I can(Scared)

Everyone goes to there own room but Shivaay goes to Anika's to check what she is doing
Anika was on a call

A-(On call)Hey! I miss you too Sweetheart! Of course I miss you and how will I not huh! Oh why will I miss you? Hey you are my love so how will I not miss you! Really!!! Your coming back! When? Tomorrow!!! Yay I had important news but I will tell you when you come! Love you Sweetheart and good night!(I wonder who is Sweetheart?)🤔

Anika ends the call and Shivaay left heartbroken 😭

Ok end of this Chappy
What you guys think?
Who is Sweetheart?
Who ever get Sweetheart right will get a shout out!
You guys can guys as much as you guys what!
Guesses for


Also guys I have a small question for you guys and that is which languages do you guys know?I am just Wondering and I will also tell you guys which ones I know
Comment "Me" the ones you know







Other(If other please tell)

Ok enough for today
Bye 👋

Target 🎯
115(I know 115 again because I what to update soon and not wait forever)

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