Chapter 13

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Third Person P.O.V

Astoria didn't bother much with going to talk to Draco; she knew she would see him at the trials. The first day of their custody battle came and each party were to plead their case.

"Sir, Scorpius was dropped off at my doorstep when he was only a few days old. His mother never even told me she was pregnant. I have raised him since I was 17 years old and he has been my whole world ever since. I've been there for countless birthdays and countless holidays. I took care of him when he was sick. He is my everything and I need him in my life." Draco said.

"I haven't been a very good mother and I realize that now. Abandoning Scorpius was the worst mistake of my life and I can't take it back. I haven't been there but I want to be there now. I don't think its right for him to be in such a household." Astoria explained. "I came to see him and I want to be there for him now. I'm ready to be a mother."

"Alright we heard both sides," The minister announced. "Ms. Greengrass, you say you abandoned your son, what make you so sure you won't so it again?"

"Well sir, I've done a lot of growing up in the last 13 years. I want to be there for him now." Astoria stated.

"You say you're not happy with their living arrangement, why is that?" The minister inquired and she shook her head sorrowfully.

"Well he and Mr. Harry Potter are an item and I don't believe that lifestyle is right for the child to be living in."

"Well you left the child with him."

"That was before I knew."

"Mr. Malfoy, you're a former death eater, is that true?" The minister asked and Draco nodded reluctantly .

"I was forced into it yes."

"So you're saying you were."

"I'm saying I was forced into doing it, I was under the Imperius charm." Draco said.

"That's what you claimed 13 years ago."

"Not claimed, it's true."

"And you raised Scorpius all by yourself?"

"Yes sir."

"Would you say he's happy?"

"I would hope so."

"Mr. Potter, you are Mr. Malfoy's companion?" The minister questioned and Harry  nodded his head.

"He's my boyfriend yes." Harry replied.

"And you've seen him interact with his son."

"Yes sir, my son and his son are good friends."

"Very nice, would you say Scorpius is well taken care of?"

"Very much so sir." Harry answered.

"Is it true that Scorpius was in the hospital over the summer?"

"Yes but it was on my property and my son's fault. They were playing roughly and not paying attention. But Scorpius was taken care of by Draco."

"Alright we'll pick this up Monday morning." The minister declared. Astoria stayed back as the two men walked away to their car.

"Harry thank you so much." Draco hugged him tightly and said.

"Draco, I will do anything to help you get Scorpius back." Harry promised him, hugging him back.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more." Harry pulled Draco into a kiss.

"See this is exactly what I'm talking about, your lifestyle is disgusting." Astoria hissed walking behind them.

"Why, because we're happy and you aren't?" Harry asked.

"I wasn't talking to you Potter." Astoria hissed.

"You're not going to get away with this Astoria; Scorpius will be back with us in no time." Harry said.

"We'll see about that, boys." She snickered and walked away.

Ted's P.O.V

It had been a few weeks since we left to go back to Hogwarts. The day we got there I noticed Scorpius wolfing down the food. When I asked him about it, he just said he was just hungry from the long train ride. I also noticed he would be very jumpy. Like if I came up from behind him, he'd freak out. He changed a lot since being with his mother and it deeply concerned me. 

We were in the common room when he approached me.

"Ted, can I um talk to you?" He asked so I looked from my book and nodded.

"Sure mate, what's up?" I asked. He was biting his lip and fiddling with his hands.

"Not here," He said. "Somewhere in private."

"Okay." I stood up and followed him. He brought me up to the dorms and shut the door. He locked and silenced it. "What's the matter?" I asked.

"This." He flicked his wand and the sight was horrifying.


"We need to tell someone." I whispered to Scorpius at dinner.

"Please no, I don't want to go back to her but they won't let me go back with dad." Scorpius pleaded.

"Scorp they might."

"Please, I've been through enough," He begged. "Don't say anything to anyone."


"Please." He begged.

"Okay I won't. Is this why you were eating a lot the first day?"

"She wouldn't feed me."

"I'm so sorry." I put my arm around him. "You'll be okay; they're working as hard as they can to get you back." He nodded. He was really freaked out and I've never seen him that way.

"I really miss my dad."

"How about you owl him, she can't stop you from doing anything at school." I suggested. A slight grin came across his face.

"That's a good idea."

"Thank you and if you need anything ever, please let me know and I'll try my best to help you."

"You're the best Ted." He hugged me.

"Don't worry Scorp, that bitch will be long gone before you know it." I said. He smiled and hugged me tighter.

Draco's P.O.V

To keep myself from crying, I just remind myself that he's at school. He's being taken of and he's safe. He's at school. I'll get to see him really soon. He's at school. A pecking at the door made me jump from my thoughts.

"Scorpius' owl." I said out loud to myself. I ran to the window and let the brown bird in. I took the letter from it and gave it a piece of bread.


Ted gave me the idea of contacting you through owl seeing as I can't see you. I really miss you dad and I'm hoping everything will be okay with the custody hearing. I know you're trying your best and I thank you for that. I know you'll win despite everything you went through as a child because you have Harry; Harry will help no matter what, tell him thanks for me. I hope you're doing alright without me but I know it hurts that I'm not there. I'm doing well at school and hope to see you soon. Please get back to me, I love you daddy.


As my eyes teared up, Harry had entered the room and saw me crying.

"Hey what's wrong dragon?" He ran over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"He misses me and he appreciates me trying to get him back." I cried showing him the note.

"Hey of course he misses you, he loves you." Harry assured and I sniffled.

"He says thank you."

"Well write him back." Harry told me. He wiped away one of my tears and kissed my lips.

"I'm going to do that now." I gave him a small smile. I pulled him on lap and cuddled him close. We were in our bedroom at the desk. "Stay with me as I write it?"

"Of course." He smiled I pulled out parchment and a quill, I started writing.


I am glad you're doing well at school. I miss you so much, more than you know. Harry says you're welcome and that we're going to get you back. So far the custody battle is rocky and we're being questioned but soon enough you're gonna have to come by and tell them what you want. It is hard without you but I'm getting through it as much as I can. I love you too Scorpius, this will be settled before you know it.

Love Dad

I gave it to his owl and let it fly away before I yawned.

"C'mon on my Slytherin prince, let's go to bed." Harry said getting off of me and pulling me. He pulled me into a kiss and wrapped his arms around my neck. Intertwining my hands in his hair, I swiped my tongue across his bottom lip and he opened his mouth more. He took the opportunity to slide passed my tongue and win over dominance. He explored my mouth and I gripped his hair tighter. I pulled away gasping for air and rested our foreheads together.

"Let's go to sleep." I smiled. He pecked me one last time and we climbed into bed. He cuddled up to me and we fell asleep.


The next morning Harry and I were eating breakfast. It was a Sunday morning and I needed to appear in court the next day. Harry had to go back to work so I had to go alone.

"I'm so sorry I can't come with you tomorrow, baby," He mentioned. "I really wish I could."

"Its okay sweetheart, really someone needs to go back to work." I chuckled. "I'll be okay." There was a knock at the door and I got up. "I'll get it." I kissed him gently. I walked over to the door and opened it to reveal the last person I wanted to see.

"What do you want, Greengrass?" I asked.

"I wanted to talk." She said. "It'll be worth your while." A smirk came across her lips.

"Alright come in." I invited reluctantly. She walked in and I saw her eyes wander. I brought her into the kitchen where Harry was. His eyes grew wide but he didn't say anything and she didn't acknowledge him either. "Sit." I ordered. She took a seat where I was sitting so I sat next to Harry.

"So how are you?" She asked.

"Just cut the shit." I snapped.

"Be nice or I won't propose the compromise I have in mind."

"Fine. I'm doing awful, I miss my son." I said.

"Well he's doing fine." She smiled.

"Good." I bit my lip.

"Now, I've been thinking."


"About having joint custody." Astoria told her. "On one condition." She smirked.

"And what is that?" I asked.

"If Harry moves out and you never see each other again." Her eyes flickered to Harry then to me and I filled with anger.

"Absolutely not." I seethed.

"Fine, then I'll make it so you never see your son again." She hissed jumping up and with that she left our house.

"That bitch!" I hissed. I looked at Harry who hadn't said anything since she came. "You're being quiet."

"I-I'll go." Harry spoke up.

"What?" My heart clenched.

"I-I'll leave." Harry choked out. He got up and walked out of the room. He was near the door when I ran after him.

"No you won't." I shook my head.

"Draco, your son is more important." He turned to look at me, tears in his eyes.

"Harry you can't leave me!" I cried. "You need to be here for me."Tears trickled in my eyes.

"Draco I love you too much. You need to focus on getting Scorpius back and if that means me leaving, then that's what we need to do." Harry cried. He kissed me goodbye and turned to leave.

"Harry Potter, if you leave now, you can never come back." I yelled as I cried.

"I'm so sorry Draco." He whispered before leaving.


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