Chapter 19

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Third Person P.O.V

The two men were mostly ready for their big day and they didn't argue since that day. Sure they bickered back and forth but nothing too serious. They settled on the venue Draco picked out, their wedding would take place at 6 pm and the reception would follow right after. They sent out their save the dates and the invitations shortly after. They sat at the kitchen table, writing last minute details.

"So who's walking down the aisle?" Draco asked biting his lip.

"I think you should considering I proposed." Harry grinned.

"I- I don't really like attention drawn to me anymore." Draco blushed.

"Well then I will," Harry laughed. "I don't like the attention either."

"The Golden Boy not liking attention?" Draco teased. Harry glared playfully and then pouted. Draco smiled and kissed Harry. "Okay so you'll walk down and I take it Ted will want to walk down with you?"

"Yeah that's a good idea and Scorpius could be by your side."

"I think we should do a joining ceremony, like for the kids, family becoming one." Draco smiled widely.

"How do you know all about muggle weddings?" Harry asked.

"From the television."

"Oh well I like that idea a lot actually," Harry agreed. "What do we do?"

"Well we write vows for the children, sort of, like make promises to them."

"So I would write for Scorpius and you would for Ted- Oh my god! We forgot to invite Dora!" Harry yelled and Draco chuckled.

"I knew you had forgotten so I already sent her an invitation." Draco laughed and Harry sighed in relief.

"Okay good, as I was saying. You would were write for Ted?"

"Yeah and then we can combine like sand to make it official."


"Like the colorful kind." Draco beamed and Harry nodded in agreement.

"Well are you finished writing your vows for me?" Harry asked. Draco's jaw dropped a little but he nodded.

"Yeah sure."

"Alright whatever you say dear." Harry leaned in and pecked his lips. "The big day is in two months, the kids are coming back in two weeks." Draco stood up and sat on Harry's lap.

"I'm excited." He expressed.

"Are you now?" Harry teased. "I would have never guessed."

"Well Potter-"


"I thought it was Malfoy-Potter." Harry tilted his head and looked into his fiancé's shimmering blue eyes.

"Harry James Malfoy-Potter." Harry repeated. "Has a nice ring to it."

"Draco Lucius Malfoy-Potter." Draco said and scrunched up with nose. "Draco Lucius Potter-Malfoy."

"Up to you babe." Harry laughed. "I like the first one."

"Alright fine." Draco said and he kissed Harry again.

"Okay so I think we're done with the details?" Harry said. "The venue, the time, the people, the food, the lights, the ceremony, the officiate..."

"We have to thank Neville considering you forgot to invite him."

"I saved my ass by telling him he's the officiate." Harry smirked. Harry's phone rang and it was Ron. He answered the phone and Ron sounded incredibly happy over the phone. Draco waited patiently for Harry to get off the phone. When he did, Harry was smiling slightly.

"What's going on?" Draco asked.

"Ginny had her baby girl." He gave a small smile. "Guess what her name is?"

"Harriet?" Draco teased.

"No." Harry hit his arm gently. "Molly, Molly Thomas."

"Oh to get on her mom's good side?" Draco laughed and Harry glowered. "Anyway, do you wanna go see her?"

"See the baby the was created when she cheated on me? No." Harry hissed.

"Sorry babe." Draco cuddled him closer. "But just think, if she didn't make that mistake, you wouldn't be in my arms like you are now."

"Hmm maybe we should thank her." Harry laughed.

"I'll show my gratitude through you." Draco winked and pulled Harry in for a kiss. Harry immediately kissed him back and Draco didn't waste any time to swipe his tongue on Harry's bottom lip. Harry opened his mouth and the two fought for dominance, Harry coming out victorious. He explored Draco's mouth getting many moans from the older man. He gripped Harry's hair tightly and tried to deepen the kiss. Harry pulled away.

"Can we bring this gratitude showing into our room?" Harry asked panting.

"Absolutely." Draco got off of Harry and picked him up bridal style. He trotted up the stairs and dropped Harry on the bed, crawling on top of him. He put his lips back to Harry's and took the initiative to stick his tongue in his mouth. He got a moan out of Harry so he smirked and moved his hand to younger man's pants. When their hour long love fest ended, Harry cuddled up to Draco's side and sighed.

"What's on your mind?" Draco asked stroking Harry's messy locks.

"How did I go from being engaged to a woman to fucking Draco Malfoy?" He laughed.

"Hey you're also engaged to me!" Draco defended.

"Right you are." Harry said seizing Draco's left hand. Harry kissed the ring on his fiancé's finger. "And I couldn't be happier."

"Good." Draco smirked. Their hands were still intertwined when Harry was slowly drifting off. 



"Where you sleeping?" Draco asked softly.

"Almost, what's up?" Harry snuggled closer to Draco.

"Do you want to go on a date tonight?" Draco asked and a smil crept on Harry's face.

"I would love to."


Draco's P.O.V

After Harry and I took a well deserved nap, I took him on a date. Although we were engaged, I figured we should still go on dates to make time for ourselves and focus on our relationship. I walked with him outside to where I set up a blanket on the ground behind our house.

"We're having a picnic?" He asked shocked but with a grin plastered in his face.

"Yes we are my love." I pulled his hand and walked over to the blanket. We sat down with our legs stretched out. He lied his head on my shoulder as I pulled out the food from the picnic basket. "Here you go." I handed him a roast beef sandwich and he smiled.

"Thank you." I took out mine and we started eating. We were taking in the sunset when he spoke up. "I have a question."

"And that would be?"

"When we were younger and you always bullied me, was that just a way to talk to me?"

"Of course." I smirked. "And you were an easy target, easily defensive."

"Was not!" He yelled and I smiled as he huffed. "Point taken." He laughed.

"So we've been together for about 9 months." I pointed out and he nodded, chuckling.

"That's enough time to have a baby." He laughed.

"It is," I smiled. "Too bad we can't produce our own children, we'd make nice looking children." I noted. "Our daughter would have your eyes and messy hair but my intelligence." I smirked.

"And wise ass demeanor." He laughed. "She'll have your adorable smile and cute little nose." 

"Your kind heart." I smiled.

"Your eyesight," I laughed. "Mine's pretty bad," He laughed. "Our son would be different though, he'd look more like you but act more like me."

"I'm sure Scorpius and Ted would love to have another brother." I laughed.

"Yes they would but I think they'd love having a sister as well. I'd like to name her Lily after my mum."

"And if we had a boy?"

"Draco Harry." He smiled and he kissed my cheek. "Or Albus Severus."

"Sirius Severus." I laughed and Harry giggled.

"Not even WE could do that to our son."

"But we could do Draco Harry?"  He asked and I laughed.

"Fine, Alright, alright." I sighed. "What would our daughter's middle name be?"

"Narcissa." He said. I froze and was caught off guard.

"Y-you'd name your child after my mother?"

"No." He said. "I'd name our child after her."


"Because your mother lied for me." He informed me. "And you were close to her."

"Wait, when did she lie for you?"

"In the forest. When Voldemort tried killing me. She was the one to check if I was dead or alive. She asked if you were still alive and I nodded. So she told Voldemort I was dead." Tears sprang in my eyes and I buried my face into his hair. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked pulling me up.

"I- I never knew that." I sniffled. He gave a small smile and wiped at my eyes with his sleeve.

"Yeah I guess two out of three Malfoy's weren't evil after all." He nodded. I smiled and pressed my lips to his.

"Lily Narcissa Malfoy-Potter." I said. "It's cute." I smiled and pulled out something for dessert. I handed it to him and his eyes lit up.

"Treacle tart!"I laughed and nodded. "Thank you dragon." He kissed my lips.

"Anything for my baby raven." We ate in a peaceful silence just taking in each other's company. When we both finished , he lied down. His head was in my lap and I was playing with his locks. "So tell me more about when you were gone." I pursued.

"Well we dropped out of school in search of Horcruxes , when we left Ron got hurt and then he left us. Hermione was very upset you see so then Ron came back after awhile and she was not happy. Until he told her that the diluminator was calling her name ."


"Yeah I thought so too." He laughed.

"So what happened after you left my manor?"

"We buried Dobby," He frowned. "Then we got the information we needed to go back to Hogwarts." He said. "Um then all hell broke loose."

"Yeah I remember that part," I chuckled. "I thought you were really dead."

"Well I wasn't." He said. "I sort of passed out when I was hit with the killing curse which is why I appeared dead. When I was pass out, I had a dream sort of speak, and the part of Voldemort that was in me, it was all shriveled up and dying under the bench at Kings Cross." He explained. "Dumbledore was there."

"That's... strange."

"Well when I came to , your mother was checking on me. Once she said I was dead I was put in Hagrid's arms and he marched to the school."

"And that's where He announced you were dead and where He hugged me." I shivered at the memory. Harry chuckled and sat up. He kissed me on the lips.

"And now he's just a terrible memory." He said and I nodded. "But you know what a great memory is?"

"What?" I asked.

"Our first kiss." He said. "Because from then on I realized how much I loved you." 

"I love you too."

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