Chapter 21

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Draco's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning wrapped in Harry's arms. Everything from the night prior came rushing back and a smile plastered across my face. I looked at Harry's sleeping face. I moved forward and pressed my lips to his.

"That's a great way to wake up." He whispered groggily.

"Raven we got married yesterday." I whispered excitedly. He opened his eyes revealing those big green eyes.

"Really? I wasn't aware." He chuckled and I stuck my tongue at him. He repositioned himself and took my left hand in mine. During the wedding, we didn't exchange rings because he had already gotten me one, so for a wedding gift, I gave him his own ring to match mine. "I love you so much Draco and to think I could call you my husband is the best feeling in the world."

"I love you Harry." I smiled and he cuddled up closer to me.

"Let's just stay in bed all day yeah?" He asked.

"We can do that but we need to eat at some times and we don't have house elves." I pointed out.

"Yeah but we have children." He pointed out this time.

"You have a point there." I said. "Scorpius!" I yelled. A few moments later he walked into the room but stopped.

"Are you naked?" He asked wide eyed.

"Do you really think I'd ask you to come in if we were naked?"

"Well I mean that one time I walked in, you had just finished doing you know and then that other time Ted walked in on you-"

"Both of those times were your faults." I hissed. "Anyway Harry and I are going to stay in bed most of the day so we wondering if you could bring us food."

"As in a servant?" He asked.

"Call it what you want."

"Fine only because you got married yesterday." Scorpius rolled his eyes. He left the room and I looked back at Harry.

"You had a house elf didn't you?"

"Yeah Kreacher but I freed him because he wasn't very nice." I chuckled and gave him a kiss. Scorpius came back and gave us coffee and eggs. Ted walked in behind him and brought us bacon. They put it on trays in front of us. "Thank you." Harry sat up and leaned against the headboard. I did the same and placed my head on his shoulder. Ted and Scorpius cleared their throat.

"Yes?" I asked.

"As payment we would like a brother." Ted smirked.

"Oh well good because Harry's pregnant."

"Dragon we were going to tell them later." Harry played along and both the boys paled.

"What?!" Scorpius asked.

"Relax we're kidding."

"Don't joke about that!" Ted yelled.

"Don't demand things." Harry shrugged taking a bite of the bacon.

"Fine we'll be down stairs if you need us." They left in a huff and I chuckled.

"Hmm imagine another son?" Harry laughed.

"I think we should have a daughter just to annoy them." I giggled and took a bite of my food.

"We should adopt twin girls." He said. "That'll annoy them." He laughed. We continued eating our food in a peaceful silence. When we were done, we put the dishes on the bedside table and cuddled up again. "So my love, what was your favorite part of our wedding?" He asked. Our hands were intertwined.

"I think the vows because they told the story of our love journey." I answered. "How about you?"

"I liked the vows but my favorite part was the kiss because that solidified our relationship as husbands." He grinned and I smiled kissing his lips gently.

"Let's reminisce shall we?" I asked.

"Alright my dear, what about?"

"Do you remember our third year in school when you fainted with the dementor?"

"Of course, I was scared to death," He laughed. "You were such an ass."

"Hey, how else was I supposed to talk to you?"

"Hmm I don't know maybe 'hey harry, how ya doing?'" He laughed and I kissed his cheek.

"Yeah because me offering my hand first year and you rejecting it was foundation for a great friendship." He crawled on top of me and straddled my waist.

"Well I can't help it if you were mean to my friends." He smirked and I brushed a hair out o his face.

"You should wear contacts more often," I smiled. "Your eyes are really vibrant." He leaned in and gave me an Eskimo kiss.

"I think I will, watching your eyes light up when you saw me walk down the aisle yesterday, made me smile."

"I was so caught off guard; your eyes were the only things I could see." I laughed and kissed him. There was a knock at the door. "Come in!" Scorpius and Ted walked in and stopped when they saw Harry on my lap. "Relax guys, nothing is happening."

"Okay good." Scorpius said.

"What do you guys need?" Harry asked laying his head on my chest.

"We were wondering if we could go to triple W's." Ted said.

"That would involve us getting out of bed." Harry stated.

"That it would." Scorpius said so Harry let out a deep breath.

"Fine, give us 10 minutes." He said. They nodded and left the room. He lifted his head and put his lips to mine, I kissed him back and slipped my tongue between his lips. We battled for dominance until he won. He traced my whole mouth with his tongue and I gripped his hair. He pulled away and put his forehead to me. "Let's get dress, shall we?"


Harry's P.O.V

Draco and I were hand in hand walking with the kids into George's shop. George greeted us right away.

"Hey guys, quite the wedding last night." He smiled.

"Thanks George, did you enjoy yourself?" I asked.

"Very much so," He nodded. "How can I help you today?" He asked.

"Oh the boys are just looking around."Draco told him. "Guys no fireworks!" He yelled towards them.

"So are you planning on returning to work tomorrow?" George asked us.

"Yes we are." I pouted and Draco chuckled.

"How are you doing George?" Draco asked.

"I am doing just fine." George smiled. "Thank you for asking."

"How is Ginny?" I asked and Draco's grip on my hand tightened.

"Doing aright that baby keeps her up more times than none." He laughed. "Look Harry, I felt really bad about the whole situation between you two. I don't know what possessed her to do anything like that to you." George explained. "I'm sorry." I shrugged.

"I'm not. If it weren't for her cheating, I wouldn't be with Draco." I smiled and turned to him. He grinned down at me.

"I think we ought to thank Ginny actually." Draco said.

"Nah don't let it go to her head." George laughed and Draco chuckled.

"Dad and Harry! Come here!" Scorpius yelled.

"We'll see you later George."We said and walked to where the two boys were.

"Yes?" Draco asked.

"Can we get these?" Ted asked. They were some sort of explosive but not fireworks.

"What are you going to do with those?" I asked.

"Well you throw them in the air and they explode, similar to fireworks but they shoot confetti."

"Yeah sure." Draco waved his hand and  pulled me to look around. We went over to the love potions.

"I think I'm going to slip you one of these." Draco said.

"Why didn't you think of that 13 years ago?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows.

"It may have crossed my mind." He blushed and bit his lip. I laughed and kissed him gently.

"Well do you remember making Amortentia?"I asked. "And you said your favorite smells were old books, vanilla and treacle tart?" I smirked.

"You remembered what I said?"

"Well two out of those three things, are what I smell like. I thought it was a cute coincidence." He smiled and closed the space between us kissing my lips. Someone clearing their throat made us jump.

"We um... we were just-" I stuttered and Draco laughed.

"Hey, you're married now. Do whatever you want." George said. "I was wondering if you'd seen the daily prophet."

"No we don't read that shit." Draco sneered.

"I can understand why." He handed us the paper and we read it.

Former Death Eater Marries the Golden Boy for Money

Recent sources have divulged to us that Harry Malfoy-Potter (nee Potter) was hitched yesterday to former death eater Draco Malfoy-Potter (nee Malfoy). Sources have told us that Mr. Malfoy-Potter only agreed to marry Harry Malfoy-Potter because of his fame and fortune.

"If anything I had more money than you!" Draco teased.

"I guess they were right about being gold diggers but they got the wrong person." I laughed awkwardly and turned to George. "I think your sister was up to this." I told him honestly.

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"Well she has talked to the press in the past when we were first outed to the world," Draco explained. "She was the only person we told other than the boys."

"Oh I'll go talk to her if you want."

"Nah we will but can you keep an eye on the boys?" I asked. "You can put them to work."

"Certainly, anything for my honorary brother." He smiled. I grinned and gave him a hug. Draco and I apparated to Ginny's house.

"I am going to kill her." I seethed.

"Whoa, you seemed okay about it before." Draco said.

"That is because it was in front of George and I didn't want to upset him," I hissed. "She has gone too far!"

"Hey baby, relax." He said. I ignored him and pulled him to the door. I banged on the door.

"Ginerva Molly Weasley!" I yelled. I heard rustling around and a baby crying. Dean opened the door.

"Hey Harry, what brings you here?" He asked.

"Where is Ginny?"

"Taking care of the baby." He informed me.

"I need to speak to her."

"Harry calm down." Draco assured and I realized my grip on his hand was too tight.

"You can't speak to her." Dean shook his head. "You seem upset."

"I am beyond upset Thomas!" I yelled. "I am pissed!"

"Harry!" Draco shouted.

"Stop, Draco!" I snarled. His eyes grew wide and he dropped my hand. "I need to speak to Ginny."

"Is this about the newspaper?" Dean asked.

"Of course it is!" Dean bit his lip.

"I'll let you see her if you relax." He told me so I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Alright I'm relaxed." I said. He nodded and closed the door to get Ginny.

"What the hell is your issue?" Draco snarled.

"She had gone too far Draco! Still calling you a death eater and then having the audacity to say the only way for you to marry me is because of my money and fame!" I yelled. He just stared at me and we were silent until Ginny came out.

"What is so important Harry?!" She yelled.

"Why can't you let me be happy just once?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She sneered.

"You are constantly making up stories to bring me down for no reason!"

"You left me!"

"Because you fucking cheated on me!"

"Well you weren't pleasing me enough!"

"God dammnit Ginny, why are you so self centered?!" I yelled. She glared at me and leaned to whisper in my ear. Draco watched her very carefully.

"Harry I suggest you leave now before I make more stories." She threatened.

"Go ahead Ginny! Make up more fucking stories about me but if you ever." I started and got closer to her face. "Make up a story about my family, that includes, Ted, Scorpius and Draco I promise you will fucking regret it." I hissed. She just glared and slammed the door in my face. I looked over to Draco who seemed very indifferent of how to react.

"Go ahead." I said. "Yell at me for freaking out." He pulled me into a kiss and hugged me.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"For what?" I asked.

"Standing up for me." He said.

"Well you're my husband dragon."

"I know. I'm just not used to people doing that for me." He disclosed. I smiled slightly and kissed him.

"I love and care about you so much Draco Malfoy-Potter; I will always stand up for you." I kissed his neck gently.

"You think of Scorpius as your family?" He asked as well.

"He's like a son to me." I grinned.

"Thank you."

"Of course." I pecked him again. "Let's go back to our family.

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