Chapter 27

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Harry's P.O.V

"Do you remember when I walked in on them having sex last year?" I heard a whisper say. I groaned and buried my face deeper into Draco.

"Yeah I do." The other voice said.

"Go away." I heard Draco mutter.

"But dads it's Christmas!" Ted yelled so Draco shifted and turned on his side.

"Yes I realize that," He chuckled. "Give us some time; we'll be down in a few minutes." 

"Alright fine." Scorpius said. I opened my eyes and watch them leave. I looked at Draco who smiled at me.

"Merry Christmas." He kissed my head.

"Merry Christmas love." I smiled back at him. I sat up and stretched before we both got up and got dressed. "Are you ready for today?" I asked.

"No," He frowned. "I'm nervous."

"Don't be, you're a great father." I kissed his lips gently.

"Thank you," He smiled. "It's just Scorpius doesn't really know my parents, sure mother was at the wedding but she doesn't really know him."

"Well she'll get to know him now," I assured. "They want to be part of your life so it'll work out."

"I sure hope so. Scorpius is aware that they're coming over, I told him to be his self."

"Good." I pecked his lip and we left our room to go downstairs.

"There you two are!" Ted yelled. "Can we open our gifts now?" He asked.

"Yeah yeah go ahead," Draco answered. We sat on the couch as the boys opened their gifts. We got them each a new broomstick, some things from triple W's and other things. They said thank you and gave us our gifts. Ted gave us parenting books to be amusing and Scorpius bought us stuff for the babies, like blankets and bibs.

"Thank you guys," We smiled and they nodded their heads in welcome. Draco turned to me and smiled.

"Would you like your gift?" He asked.

"Draco, I told you, you didn't need to get me anything." I huffed. He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"You got me a gift yeah?"


"Then of course I'd get you one." He said. He walked passed the boys and retrieved a box. It was small and rectangular. "Here you go my love." He handed it to me so I opened it and smiled. It was a necklace; a little dragon wrapped around a green tooth looking thing. I smiled and blushed a little. "It's kind of cheesy but I figured since I'm your dragon, I figured you should wear my sign." He blushed.

"I think it's great actually." I kissed him gently. "You're really going to like my gift then." I pulled out the box from my pocket and he opened it eyeing me cautiously. He finished opening it and smiled. It was a simple black raven necklace. "I figured since I'm your raven you could wear it."

"That's adorable." He said putting it on. "Great minds think alike I guess." He smiled. I smiled and planted a kiss on his lips. 

We stood up and decided to get the house ready for the day. However as we were, Scorpius was having a meltdown about our visitors.

"What if he's mean to me?!" Scorpius whined. "I've never met the man!"

"Scorpius you'll be yourself and if he is mean to you, then you will ask him not to be." Draco said. "As for mother, she'll be very sweet towards you and you must treat her with respect." He demanded so he took a calming breath before nodding

"Yes dad." He answered. He helped clean up the dishes from breakfast and then got dressed. He and Draco matched a little in fancy attire. Ted and I wore regular nice clothing for our day. Draco was finishing getting ready when he spotted me.

"Are you wearing that?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked furrowing my brow.

"You look lovely." He smiled and planted a kiss on my nose. We walked down stairs and there was a knock at the door.

"They're here."

Draco's P.O.V

"They're here." Harry said. He gripped my hand and walked to the door. We opened it and my parents stood in front of us. My mother was smiling ear to ear and my father's expression was unreadable.

"Draco! Harry!" My mother smiled. "It's so nice to see you."

"Nice to see you again," Harry smiled. She gave us a hug and walked in.

"Father." I nodded toward him. A small smile plastered on his face.

"Nice to see you Draco." He walked in and looked around.

"Scorpius! Lucius and Narcissa are here!" Harry called.

"Where is Ted, Harry?" Mother asked.

"At Dora's," He informed her. "He'll be back later." He explained and she smiled. Scorpius walked down and his eyes widened when they stopped on my father. I took a deep breath and smiled.

"Father, this is Scorpius." I introduced. Scorpius walked over to us and I put my hand gently on his back.

"It's nice to meet you sir." Scorpius shook his hand. My father smiled widely and my eyes grew wide.

"You can call me grandpop." He told him. I looked over to Harry who seemed to be enjoying the moment.

"Um okay." Scorpius said slowly.

"How about we go to the kitchen, we've made something for lunch." I suggested. Everyone nodded and we walked into the kitchen. Harry had set the table and took the ham out for lunch. We all took a seat, Scorpius uncomfortably in between my parents. I sat down and Harry came over next to me and sat down. We served everyone.

"So Draco, Harry told me you two are having children." My father said.

"Yes dear, how is young Megan?" Mother questioned. "Last I heard you two are having triplets." 

"Yes we are Narcissa. Two boys and a little girl." Harry smiled.

"That's great! What are the names? I'm sure you have thought of some."

"We've been discussing and Harry likes Draco James and I like Albus Severus." I told her. "But if anything else comes up, we'll let you know."

"Those are nice and the little girl?" She asked.

"Lily Narcissa." Harry replied. My mother's face went blank before she smiled. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"You'd name your daughter after me?" She asked.

"Certainly ma'am." Harry answered. She jumped up and smiled before wrapping us both in a hug. Once she sat back down we looked at my father.

"I am very proud of you." He told us. I gripped Harry's hand under the table so hard he yelped.

"Th-thank you." I said so he smiled and nodded. He turned to Scorpius and I let out a deep breath.

"So son, what house are you in?"

"I'm in Gryffindor." He said. I winced but my father nodded.

"Very good house. Your step father thrived in that house," He told him. "It's almost as good as Slytherin."

"So I've been told." Scorpius laughed.

"Are you into Quidditch?"

"I was on the team as a keeper but I had to withdraw because I missed too much."

"Oh well maybe next year you can be reinstated."

"Hopefully," Scorpius smiled. We talked for a few more hours. My parents got to know my son and Scorpius got to know them. Eventually Ted came home and greeted us.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy, I'm Harry's son Ted." Ted shook my father's hand.

"Hello Ted, it's nice to meet you."

"You too sir."

"Dads' can we out flying?" Scorpius asked.

"Yes but we careful and stay low." I warned. "No rough housing!"

"No promises." They laughed as they ran out. It was just me, my husband and my parents. We moved to the living room and sat around. Harry and my mother talked as I caught up with my father.

"Son, I would like to apologize for my absence," He said. "I should have never disowned you. You are a great father, 100 times better than me. Scorpius has a great life." .

"Thank you father." I nodded my head

"You don't need to fear me son," He enlightened me. "I want to be a father figure. Losing my powers made me realize there are more important things than magic. I was never there for you but I would like to start fresh."

"I would like to be treated like your son, thank you." I nodded and he smiled before gently hugging me. I froze, it was like when Voldemort hugged me, but I eventually hugged him back gently.

"I never got to congratulate you on marrying Potter," He told me. "Your mother has told me you've liked him since you were in school."

"Yes I did."

"Malfoy's always get what they want." He smirked and I nodded in agreement.

"So do Potters." Harry smiled. He was with my mother and they were smiling.

"So boys can we see the nursery?" She asked so we nodded and stood up. We walked upstairs and showed them. They both smiled when they saw the room.

"Lucius, our gift would fit perfectly in here."

"You didn't need to get us anything," Harry defended. "We didn't really get you anything." He blushed.

"Well technically it's for the babies, not you. But you'll love it." She smiled. She stepped in, and took something out of her pocket. She made the object larger and it was a bookshelf, filled with baby books.

"Thank you." We smiled.

"Draco, these are all the books you had when you were a baby."

"Really?" I said. I looked at the books and the Story of Harry Potter was in it.

"Baby raven! Heres your book!" I exclaimed. He walked over to me confused and looked at it. "It's a children's book sweetheart." I laughed.

"About me?"

"Yeah there weren't many copies but it's about your journey."

"That's so cool!" He smiled and so did I. I planted a kiss on his lips then we turned to my parents.

"Thank you."


Harry and I were cuddled in bed after my parents left. The boys were in bed and I was telling Harry all about what my father said.

"He apologized Harry!" I smiled. "He's never done that to me before."

"I'm so happy for you dragon." He laughed and yawned. "I love you so much Draco, I'm so happy you patched things up with your father."

"I owe it all to you Harry, I love you." I kissed his neck softly. "Thank you."

"Anytime my love." He yawned again and cuddled into my side. "Goodnight dragon."

"Goodnight raven."

A/N I hope you all enjoyed this! Draco and his dad are on good terms and Ginny wasn't mentioned once! The next chapter will be a time skip so set around March/April. Thank you to all that are reading and commenting! It means so much, love you lots xox

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